Survivor Tetepare


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
Alright then Hype's plan is off. We can't do it without everyone's cooperation.
Well then, Nitasu and Hockeyfan alliance?

I am in no alliance with this person. I am currently affiliated with nobody. I was merely agreeing with his concept and ideals in voting you and Vati, due to your previously stated experience in the game. Voting me out means that you don't have someone to carry to the end :D


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
raxo2222 goes back and slaps jivvi with big fish in front of camera men.


Also I found nice costume... Some meteor or stuff impacted island, when you all slept.
I searched for meteor ;)
I think this one must be few millenniums old...

jivvi, I told you to not stand under coconut tree, when I falcon-punch it.
Parades around opposite tribe with my shiny (well with some rust here and there + few scratches) golden-silver suit.


Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
raxo2222 goes back and slaps jivvi with big fish in front of camera men.


Also I found nice costume... Some meteor or stuff impacted island, when you all slept.
I searched for meteor ;)
I think this one must be few millenniums old...

jivvi, I told you to not stand under coconut tree, when I falcon-punch it.
Parades around opposite tribe with my shiny (well with some rust here and there + few scratches) golden-silver suit.

Well. that was unexpected.

Also, I think I kno who my votes will be directed at, sadly </3


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
raxo2222 goes back and slaps jivvi with big fish in front of camera men.


Also I found nice costume... Some meteor or stuff impacted island, when you all slept.
I searched for meteor ;)
I think this one must be few millenniums old...

jivvi, I told you to not stand under coconut tree, when I falcon-punch it.
Parades around opposite tribe with my shiny (well with some rust here and there + few scratches) golden-silver suit.

Well. that was unexpected.

Also, I think I kno who my votes will be directed at, sadly </3

Who, if you'll tell? (Good thing you're on my tribe :D)


Sep 21, 2011
Reaction score
"3) Do not talk about this somewhere other than the playing thread. This means NOWHERE. Not in PM's, not on the servers, not anywhere."

This rule is honestly just silly to be completely honest. I disputed it last season and I will do it again. The whole essence of all the survivor seasons on tv have been 'to be sneaky or cunning' and the best parts are watching the reactions of the blind-sided contestants. How exactly do we blind-side players when all the information that circulates in this game is out in the open.

Its like if they had a rule on survivor that said "You are not allowed to talk in small groups and decide your plans". Those moments create the most excitement and get the audience more 'into it'. Now I know we dont have a audience but the players aren't competing for money or anything, they are playing to have fun and this rule completely blocks all opportunities to make such exciting moves.

I dont want to get too survivor nerdy but any self respecting survivor fan will remember one of the best (in my opinion the best) seasons ever, Season 16 in Micronesia with the Black Widow group of girls. They absolutely slaughtered all the boys in this season. how you may ask? they were sneaky and discussed within themselves, without the boys knowing, how they would vote out each and every one. How exactly would Natalie have been able to convince Erik to give up his immunity? How would they have blind-sided Ozzie and Jason? They couldnt have and that season would have been as boring as season 5 (oh god that one is terrible).

An example that this rule ruined was my plan. Equal amounts of votes for every member of the other tribe, sending all of them to the danger zone but alas, it wouldn't work because I had to proclaim it to everyone instead of just my tribe.

Andres, please remove this silly rule, it makes absolutely no sense in this game, a game that prides itself on sneakiness. We could always just explain ourselves after each vote so everyone knows what happened behind the scenes.
ansoro2112 , you didn't answer this question.


Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
HypeBurst That, is a very good point, if our tribe could have made those plans secretly, would have been awesome, but when both tribes are doing it, it just doesn't work out. Oh man, that would open so many doors for some sneaky stuff....
[Roleplay time]
Still depressed about Mako leavinig, I start to get really desperate to see him again. We had formed such a strong bond, I just don't understand why he would leave.. So I go up on top of a cliff that overlooks the see, I take a deep breathe, and leap into the water. Just as I assumed, there were sharks there, They start to circle around me, and I try not to panic. When it looks like it's going to be too late, and I know Mako won't save me, I scream for help. Before you know it, the sharks stop circling me, but are looking at something on the shore. I follow there gaze to see Fjm12 running in slow motion towards us. I use this to safely swim away to shore, and meet up with him. That man is just so sexy even sharks can't resist him...

After talking for a few minutes, I head off on my one walking along the beach. I notice a bottle which seems to have some type of message in it. I pick up the bottle to read the message, and it's from Mako!

"Wait, when the hell did he learn how to write? Oh who cares.."

The message says that when he escaped, he found a women, and he even has pictures of his family in his bottle.

"HOW THE HELL DID THIS SHARK WRITE ME A MESSAGE, WITH FREAKING PICTURES!!?? Asides from that, he has a cute little family."

I take the whistle, and put it in the bottle along with the message, and send it out to sea.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Well, that went faster then expected.
We are removing/editing the rule with the following terms/rules
Terms/Rules said:
1) The only way you are allowed to talk outside the thread is in PM's.

2a) Whenever you make a PM, make a seperate PM and tell Nottykitten or Ansoro2112 that you are talking in a PM and who you are talking to.

This rule is so that we can keep track a bit of what groups are forming, who talks to who and such.

2b(optional)) If you have open spaces for 2 persons more, please add Nottykitten and Ansoro2112. If you have only 1 open space add Ansoro2112.

This is optional and does not have to be done if you don't feel like having us read what you say. However as host(s) it would be nice to know what is being said everywhere ;)

3) keep the thread alive. The rule was first made because of different reasons. One of those was that the thread could die out because all conversation would only be in PM's. I don't like to see that happening.

4) If your tribe ask for a randomizer to a host in a PM, and everyone agrees, we will announce in the thread that your tribe is doing a randomizer.

Now, I hope these rules are good enough to keep you satisfied ;).
There will also be some info about the hosts part of the PM's.

1) If we are added in PM's we will hardly every talk unless talked to.

2) If we talk we won't help with strategy's or give information about any other groups/PM's that have been formed.

3) We will not make information that has been said in the PM public unless we think everyone should know. Currently the only situation I can think of where that applies is rule 4 of the terms, where if the tribe agrees on a randomizer in a PM we will announce it in the thread. And ofcourse if we find another situation we will ask the opinions of the people in the PM first. We won't do anything without asking first so don't be afraid ;)
Please tell me if you think a term/rule is bad. I believe this is a good solution though =3


Sep 21, 2011
Reaction score
Well, that went faster then expected.
We are removing/editing the rule with the following terms/rules
Terms/Rules said:
1) The only way you are allowed to talk outside the thread is in PM's.

2a) Whenever you make a PM, make a seperate PM and tell Nottykitten or Ansoro2112 that you are talking in a PM and who you are talking to.

This rule is so that we can keep track a bit of what groups are forming, who talks to who and such.

2b(optional)) If you have open spaces for 2 persons more, please add Nottykitten and Ansoro2112. If you have only 1 open space add Ansoro2112.

This is optional and does not have to be done if you don't feel like having us read what you say. However as host(s) it would be nice to know what is being said everywhere ;)

3) keep the thread alive. The rule was first made because of different reasons. One of those was that the thread could die out because all conversation would only be in PM's. I don't like to see that happening.

4) If your tribe ask for a randomizer to a host in a PM, and everyone agrees, we will announce in the thread that your tribe is doing a randomizer.

Now, I hope these rules are good enough to keep you satisfied ;).
There will also be some info about the hosts part of the PM's.

1) If we are added in PM's we will hardly every talk unless talked to.

2) If we talk we won't help with strategy's or give information about any other groups/PM's that have been formed.

3) We will not make information that has been said in the PM public unless we think everyone should know. Currently the only situation I can think of where that applies is rule 4 of the terms, where if the tribe agrees on a randomizer in a PM we will announce it in the thread. And ofcourse if we find another situation we will ask the opinions of the people in the PM first. We won't do anything without asking first so don't be afraid ;)
Please tell me if you think a term/rule is bad. I believe this is a good solution though =3
Love it.