The Story of TheOnes / Blocktopia / EscapeRestart


The Pig
Sep 15, 2011
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The Story of TheOnes / Blocktopia / EscapeRestart

by Mikey and davidjl123
Revision (Version) 1 (07/01/2013)
Revised by Hex_ (07/17/2022)
Revised by Friendy (08/27/2022)

July marks the 4 year anniversary of the founding of this community. With that, David and I have decided to put together a thread explaining what has happened over the years and how this community came to be what it is today, hope you enjoy. -Mikey

This thread was originally created in a Google drive document. To see it there (where the Table of Contents has relevance) here's the link.:

The Birth of Blocktopia

It is July 11th, 2009 - A thread is created on Minecraft Forums by LG_Legacy with a single picture. (link)

This picture shows lava flooding JTE’s Private Custom Server and later will be the building blocks for the idea of TheOne’s Lava Survival. This server was the first custom server in Minecraft. It was written entirely in Perl - over the course of 26 hours. JTE introduced many new aspects of reloading maps, adding commands and plugins, and using water and lava to spread or flood. She created the basic commands for generating, saving, and creating new levels. At this time, JTE and LG were dating (JTE is a female), and were spending a lot of time on her server testing new ideas. When LG and JTE first saw that lava spread - they realized the potential it can hold, which was, creating a Lava Survival server.

Two things I learned:
1) If you give ops the ability to build water and lava blocks anywhere they want, they WILL flood the map at least twice and keep it in stupid places otherwise
2) The ability to /load the last saved map, usually without losing anybody, is invaluable.
Although JTE’s server software was revolutionary at the time, Notch did not like what JTE was doing at first. She ran into some trouble because Notch only wanted his own regular server software to be the only server software for Minecraft. While this was occurring JTE and Notch got into an argument and left to JTE storming off and selling her software to TheOne for $10.

Moving on to late July 2009.- LG_Legacy and his friend TheOne made a new server, using some of JTE’s maps, and JTE’s server software. It was called “TheOne’s Lava Survival”. It was hosted from TheOnes personal computer. This server immensely popular at the time was beginning to pull many new individuals in. A developer known as mail2345 would later release a version of his own for TheOnes lava to operate on. Many individuals (most of whom were already around in the Minecraft community) joined including Iguana, Mikey, Maart3h, tortele, Snowman, Joshuam08, and Megatron. This was all around the time of July 2009 - September 2009. Soon enough, on August 16th, 2009, TheOneMcft launched their first forums.

On August 25, 2009, LG_Legacy posted a thread promoting the relatively new server. (link)
A few month’s time, TheOne’s was beginning to grow even more popular, bringing in new players such as PickYerPoison, catgirl12466, UltimateBudgie, KingSam, Roobarb_Pie, AcidMan, Deadl0ck, Horrible, F_35c1, arxx, Biblius, Nibbsy, san00b, TheOneSin, Malcovent and AngelWV (Friendy).

The Build Server

During December 2009, TheOne and LG decided to launch a build server. It used the server software MCSharp. It was just a server in which the players build and get the occasional building promotion. It was originally directed by EvilGrim. It will last and cater Minecraft builders all the way until February 20, 2011, when it was removed and replaced by Blocktopia CMP (Creative Multiplayer), on Premium. The Classic Build server included the Head Controllers of EvilGrim, Cass, PandaBear, Yuck, and Nibbsy.

Late 2009

Also during this month TheOne’s launched their TeamSpeak 3 server. This meant the meetings would no longer be done at Ventrilo. Also the Developer server group was added during this month which included Mail2345, TVC, and Fontpeg. Evilgrim and AcidMan were also promoted to Global Controllers at this time. Deadl0ck was promoted to Lava Op on December 16, 2009.

A regular day on the Build Server, with the occasional griefer ready to grief somebody’s creation in the middle of the screenshot.

Early Popularity

2010 was rapidly approaching for this growing community, at this time Minecraft was no longer a small game, it was growing too. This mainly meant many new innovations for the community and many more impactful individuals. All the way up till April 2010 TheOnes only had the Lava and Build server. The Administrators of early 2010 consisted of TheOne, LG_Legacy, Joshuam08, san00b, Deadl0ck, TheOneSin, and AcidMan. We also had many great individuals join such as gonkus, Tiddles (157359951735), Yuck, X__x, scotty12345, MindCrafty, GmK, Dragonfist7800, and TheQube.

Ironically enough, 10 months later, testing began for a new server. It was a zombie survival. JTE described the possibilities of having a zombie survival in July 2009 when she and LG were exploring different ideas. It was officially released on April 4, 2010, and was developed by Redshift and FontPeg. The server quickly gained popularity, earning players such as davidjl123, Damer_Flinn, GmK, Enceladus, Jowe, Duffie, 0x3c0, MindCrafty, The_Phantom, BrickWolf, and Forseti. Maart3h (an already oldie to the community) was appointed Head Controller of TheOne’s Zombie Survival. Other Head Controllers came along including Horrible, Megatron, IntensiK, Damer_Flinn, Vatumok, and Ethical1337. (In chronological order.) It had only two Controllers including AvantGarde and One_one_two.

The TNT Server

Just a few months after the release of Zombie Survival, a new server was being tested. It was created by destroyerx1 (who is still the PTNT dev today.)

[17:41] <destroyerx1> you know my tnt server?
[17:41] <iKJames> Yeah
[17:41] <destroyerx1> I might join TheOne's Minecraft with it
[17:41] <destroyerx1> I would have to give them the source, but they of course will keep it private
[17:41] <destroyerx1> I know that under the APL I'm allowed to do this
[17:42] <destroyerx1> but I wanted to ask you if you were OK with it first
[17:42] <iKJames> hmm
[17:42] <iKJames> Depends on the version
[17:42] <destroyerx1> its like 2.0.2 I believe
[17:43] <destroyerx1> heavily modified
[17:43] <destroyerx1> I would not include cmdblocks
[17:43] <iKJames> What'll they offer from this 'giving source' deal anyways?
[17:43] <destroyerx1> Hosting it, running it under their name, generally helping me manage and develop it
[17:44] <iKJames> hmm
[17:44] <iKJames> I'd be okay if it gives iCraft a little more attention
[17:44] <destroyerx1> OK
[17:44] <destroyerx1> I'll include in the about that it's derived from iCraft?
[17:45] <destroyerx1> and a link to
[17:45] <iKJames> Yeah.

And shortly after, on August 6, 2010, TNT arrived. It only had one Developer, destroyerx1. The original Head Controller was GmK, then arxx, then KingSam. KingSam ruled TNT from August 2010 all the way to April 2013. Making him the longest running Head Controller. At this time, TheOnes now consisted of 4 different servers. Also at this time people like IntensiK, JtTorso, Matt_Allen, Omar_Sales, dirtcake, Lee_scar, Fenna, and Ogarci joined the community.
The server did not have many Controllers either including only 0x3c0, and alkatraz. Classic TNT was removed in April 2013 (Along with Zombies/Lava) and was made as a premium server known as Premium TNT. In which SparklyMuffinz is the Director.

The First SMP Server

Right after the release of TNT Wars, another server was emerging. This server was not a Classic Minecraft server though. It was the first beta (premium) SMP server for TheOnes. It was originally hosted and funded by JabJabJab (he also funded the first few months of zombie and paid for the Undead_zombie account) of whom was the first SMP HC.

The Build Server was growing unstable. In September 2010, it shut down temporarily. During September-November 2010, the Build Server went through multiple alternative server softwares before finally settling on MCLawl. Also during the month of October, TheOneMcft shifted to a new forums. PickYerPoison was promoted to Head Admin on October 1st, 2010. BrickWolf and Kevin_28 also both become Lava Head Controllers at this time. AcidMan resigns from Head Admin. People such as Razinao, nillbugwtw, Vatumok, AvantGarde, ethical1337, WinX64, Shande, boredchicka, Swate, Myst24, ChauffeR, dannyboymed, _aperson155_, DieLorelei, Snowma, and Brave_Gold_Heart join around this time.

The Great Name Transition

It is now December 2010. TheOnes is having some personal issues and will soon be starting school. The server we knew as TheOnes was changed to Blocktopia due to TheOne leaving. The administrators felt it was not necessary to carry onto a name in which was not even around anymore. LG disappeared around this time as well. The Administrators at this time were Deadl0ck, F_35c1, PickYerPoison, GmK, Joshuam08, and san00b.

Blocktopia’s Popularity Boom

The name switch definitely did not affect the communities great popularity, at this time The_Phantom was just getting into his Head Administrative position. IntensiK also gets Zombie Head Controller. In 2011 - Minecraft hit its climax for new users joining, this meant Blocktopia would cherish the amount of new players. Many new individuals joined and would later make a giant impact for the community. Zombies, Lava.
and TNT were almost impossible to join for the amount of people on the servers.

The picture above shows a regular round of 2011 Zombie. Popularity was bustling, all servers were popular all day, every day. During these early 2011 days many people joined and played. At the same time, premium was at an all time high for popularity as well. Also around this time Yuck was promoted to the Head Controller of the classic Build server. PandaBear is also demoted from Build for inactivity.

February 2011 came along with CMP (Creative Multiplayer) being released and Malcovent stepping into his HC position of the server. Razinao now becomes the Official Blocktopia Meeting Recapper. Shortly after the launch of the CMP server, the Zombie Survival is updated to version 3.0. LISTINGS09 is mainly the Head Developer at this time. It was updated on March 6th, 2011. With IntensiK and Megatron being the Head Controllers at the time. On the 18th of March Blocktopia Trivia on IRC is launched.

April 2011 approached with the Controller rank being revamped. Controllers back in the day were Controllers on every server. Now, Controllers only ‘controlled’ a certain server. During this time, Kevin_28 resigns from his position as Lava Head Controller, in which Jayp94 takes his place. Yuck resigns from his position at CMP. Zombie also has news with Damer_Flinn joining IntensiK and Megatron as a Head Controller, making the greatest triumvirate ever. Meanwhile, Blocktopia loses their forums because of the host shutting down - all forum information is lost. On August 5th, 2011 the forums are reopened using Xenforo and being maintained mostly by GmK and san00b. The Blocktopia Wiki is launched a day after the forums are opened again.

Legends of Primordia: The Short Lived Plugin Riddled Server

Nearing the end of 2011, the Premium Build server (CMP) is shut down to be merged into a new server. A few weeks later, Primordia is opened. Directors for Primordia include Ayatollah_Ali, EphemeralKap, and Malcovent.
Primordia was an SMP RPG server that had a 4 “family” system that players could decide on and join. Aeres, Dagon, Gaia, and Primus were the 4 families. It also had many classes that you could specialize on, such as Executioner and Pyromancer.
Unfortunately, Primordia had so many plugins that it could take weeks or even months for Primordia to update whenever Minecraft updated. Primordia later died off on February 24, 2012.

February: The Month of Server Launches

February 2012 saw a total of 3 server launches: A&T, AoD, and BuildBox.
A&T was known as Adventure and Tournaments. The server mainly had adventure maps and other maps that players could play on together, or by themselves. As you may have known, the plugin Adventour, which was crucial to this server, was very buggy, therefore A&T was shut down pretty quick.
AoD is a PvP server, where Survivors try to protect themselves from Hunters, and lastly, BuildBox is a building server.

Iguana was the Director of the first Solitude server. UltimateBudgie, Baker93, and Iguana also Directed AoD. The previous Directors of A&T include Dragosh98 and UltimateBudgie.

2012 and Classic’s Steady Decline

In December, WinX64 becomes the Lava Developer and in the meanwhile Festive FAP radio is being hosted for the holidays. 2012 rapidly approaches with another premium server being launched “Solitude.” Around this time, Death Run is being tested for Classic Lava Survival. Two new servers are launched known as Adventure and Tournaments and Army of Darkness. Iguana and UltimateBudgie is put in charge to Direct the newly founded servers. Malcovent becomes a Head Administrator on the 23rd of February. Later, BuildBox (A premium build) is launched. Ayatollah_Ali ends up running Buildbox until his demotion a month later, thereafter Yuck takes over. After the resignation of Yuck, Matt_Allen takes over. F_35c1 is demoted from Head Administrator due to inactivity. July 2012 approaches with a new Meeting Recapper (Mikey) after Razinao left the position. PickYerPoison resigns from his Head Administrator position on August 2nd, 2012.

The end of 2012 leaves Blocktopia with many new changes. Solitude is shut down due to lack of players. Adventure and Tournaments is also closed because of crashing and plugin issues. Marnixxie takes the SMP Director position around this time. At the end of September, Mojang has an issue with heartbeat and causes the three classic servers to temporarily go down. When they are all up again on the 5th of October, all of the Zombie statistics were wiped. Meanwhile, LSMP (Lava Survival Multiplayer) is launched with Ogarci and dirtcake as the Directors. Eventually LSMP is changed to the name Rituals of Fire or RoF for short. On November 23rd, 2012 Blocktopia hits its 100th Meeting since the name change of TheOnes. The final month of 2012 leaves us with a new server, Journey to Elysium, an SMP like server, which is originally directed by Marnixxie then taking over by TheQube and shortly after Superstein and Sploorky.

A picture of a lava evacuation mission in RoF.


The last day of Zombie Survival, with people ready to say their final goodbyes.

2013 comes with even more change. Inconsistencies with the Classic servers are questioning whether or not the Blocktopia classic servers will stay. Classic is also developing lower playerbases. Surprisingly enough on April 1st, 2013 it is announced Classic TNT will be closing and Premium TNT will be taking its spot. KingSam (the longest running Director announced he would also be resigning along with his brother, Alkatraz, who was a Controller.) When Premium TNT (PTNT) is launched on the 12th, SparklyMuffinz takes the job of being the Director of the server. Soon after the fall of TNT, Lava and Zombies both are announced to go down on the 30th of April. The transition into premium is in full effect, although many people from Classic Lava/Zombies are deeply upset. Lava was the longest running server for nearly four years. Zombies was second with 3 years of runtime. The Directors of Lava/Zombies are sent other places. Damer and Nillbugwtw end up Directing BuildBox, ethical1337 is a VetOp on PTNT, Sploorky becomes a Controller on RoF and BrickWolf stays at player. June hits with Deadl0ck being globally banned and demoted due to various incidents. Sploorky (whom is a JtE Director at the time) takes his position as Head Admin. 2013 now has many new players and a beginning of a new generation. The returning of an old server is also announced.

Also: Credits too JTE, Zezmi, and JohnOgozalek for reading over it and giving feedback!
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Forever Shining
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
Fantastic job guys! I'm sure you guys had to dig deep to find all this stuff!

I said it when I saw the first draft of this, and I'll say it again: that JTE & LG thing was incredible. All of this, this entire community is centered on that one small thing. That idea.

This should be sticky-ed somewhere or put into the Wiki ;)


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Awesome story.

So Blocktopia has fourth birthday somewhere in middle of July ;)

I remember, that some people after shutdown of Primordia had withdrawal or quit community or something, just like with shutdown of classic. I don't remember scale of it though.

We could use it for advertising - everyone would be like:
A 4-year-old community? They must know what they are doing!


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Legends of Primordia: The Short Lived Plugin Riddled Server

In 2017-2020 year: Myths of Tekkitia: The Short Lived Mod Riddled Server
And Myths of Tekkit (lets pretend its SMP server) starts fifth era: Vanilla --> Modded servers (they could exist earlier as minigames servers for few years already) transition ultimately leading to sixth era, that consists only of modded servers.
^ Thats half serious.

New server under development...
So yeah, you'll never knew whats next.


The Head Pyromaniac
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Not bad M_B_H! The only small problem I can see is:

M_B_H said:
The original Head Controller was GmK, then arxx, then KingSam.
Arxx and I were promoted at the same time, as the first two proper HCs. After 4 weeks, he left and then GmK was promoted for 2 before going on to ASSHATtery, leaving me by myself until classic shut.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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Aug 6, 2011
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Whee I got a mention :D now I'm officially archived, lol.

This is awesome Mike, I really appreciate all the work you guys have put into this, and also didn't know too much about the JTE part so thanks for clarifying!

Happy 4th Anniversary, Blocktopia! *party popper* *kazoo noise*