Katawa Shoujo


Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
So I was playin' th' game, which I didn't know how many people knew of. I thought it wasn't that many, but then I started looking around and found that it was more people than I thought. I was unsure of where it actually would fit, since I'm not sure if it's a game or a visual novel, but I put it here, just t' be sure.

For those that haven't played yet, here's my quick Facebook status on it:
Katawa Shoujo is one of those games that really impresses me. Despite th' fact that it was made by amateur programmers on 4Chan and doesn't really focus on gameplay at all, it has great characters, developed backstories, branching stories implemented into the stories, one of the best soundtracks I've heard, and a story that's on par with a game like Mother 3. I would highly suggest getting it, especially since it's free online. It's quickly become one of my favorite games of all time, or if you don't consider it a game, the best graphic novel I've read. I'd recommend it to just about anyone.

...Though it does get fairly 18+ at times, so if you do play/read it and have anyone too young for that stuff, make sure that they don't see those scenes. It can also be disabled, but it doesn't censor everything. Th' censors are pretty interesting, one being an avocado that comes out of nowhere.

Here's an example of th' music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuQ9xbXK598
For those that have played it already, whose story arc was your favorite? Only one I've finished so far is Emi's, but I'm in th' 3rd act of Rin's at the moment.


Ghast Hunter
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

I'll be editing this post but RIN RIN

I downloaded it around the time it was released as a completed game (January 2012). I've played through all 5 arcs and seen almost all the endings.

My favorite is Rin because of her really dreamy personality, and artistic interests that can be completely parallel to my own personality sometimes. My favorite was very close to Hanako as well.. for reasons I'm embarrassed to say. ;)

My least favorite was Shizune, however. I liked how developed the stories got in all arcs, but Shizune's personality demotivated me from replaying her arc. Ever.

As a lot of you may have heard, for example, the newly released game "The Last of Us" is an emotional rollercoaster of a game. Katawa Shoujo is it's own emotional rollercoaster of an activity, just not so much so similar of one as the example. Sometimes I still go to Youtube and listen to the music because of it's emotional brilliance.

One last note, your music example is a more calming example compared to some others in the game, so I'll post one on the other end of the spectrum, so to speak; www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPakd1q3Q8Y


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
everyone's favorite porn game
Choclate_god told me to play this and I agreed so long as he read Homestuck after I beat one of the routes. Naturally I went with the best route (#lily) because the blue haired lady was kindof a bitch and Rin was freaking me out. It's alright but I never saw the allure. Hisao's thoughts though, those are interesting to read because his analysis process was similar to mine.

oh ya I forgot to mention hanako is awesome


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Love this game. So many feels ;_;
I first played it maybe a year ago and I've played through all of the routes atleast 2-3 times (Im actually in the middle of Hanakos route right now c: ) with the exception of my favorite route being Lilly's which Ive probably done close to 5 times cause feels ;-;. Hell I even have this as my phones background

Soundtrack is amazing and I would recommend this game to a friend


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Love this game. So many feels ;_;
I first played it maybe a year ago and I've played through all of the routes atleast 2-3 times (Im actually in the middle of Hanakos route right now c: ) with the exception of my favorite route being Lilly's which Ive probably done close to 5 times cause feels ;-;. Hell I even have this as my phones background

Soundtrack is amazing and I would recommend this game to a friend
How can you even do a route more than once liek
"Yup. That's Lily alright. This is the part where I have a heart attack mmk then Lily gets worried with Hanako riiiiiight here." ??

Undefined User 7

Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I do believe this was suggested in the Free-To-Play Games. I haven't checked it out yet, because I haven't been too much in the mood for visual novels...

I'll have to check it out in the future, though! Sounds quite awesome.
Yes, actually. It was my post. ;)

I'd first heard about Katawa Shoujo before it released. For better or for worse I'm an avid lurker on 4chan's anime board, /a/, and the team was formed out of this board. Before KS, I had never actually played a visual novel, so it didn't seem like something I'd get into.

However, when it released I found myself downloading it. I'm not exactly sure what compelled me to do so, I guess I was just curious.

The first route I played (Lilly) ended up being my favorite. There's just something about her formality and class that I was drawn to. She seemed elegant, ladylike. At the same time though she felt heartfelt and sincere in her actions.

I played every other route, and managed 100% completion. (I have few achievements, but I am proud of the few I have.) Katawa Shoujo is an amazing game, and even if it doesn't look like something you'd enjoy, I'd recommend checking it out. The game made me laugh, cry, and feel. I'd recommend it.