The Tommyleej's?? Anyway Cool stories Zues Keep up the good work!Ok. Ive deciding im turning this into something like AoD:Legend of the Dark Hunter. Here is the next part for WWE, the stepping stone to Elysium, The New Order.
The revolution was won. The tommyleej's, an Esperian platoon, marched into CTY and captured it. They found aseachao doing Gangnam Style in is palace. The great land was at first split into 3. Sancti got 1/3 of the land. Esper got 1/3 of the land. The other third went to Wisteria. But, someone was greedy. Wisteria's leader had gotten greedy. He marched onto Esper's land, and destroyed Esper. NogTrog and a few others escaped with their lives. They fled to Sancti, were they met a new person. His name was Zeus42000. He took them to Biblius, telling them their story. But, it was too late. Wisteria has marched onto Sancti's land, taking it. Biblius, NogTrog, Zeus42000, and other hid underground. Wisteria changed its name to Volgograd, and made Elysium into a Communist dictatorship with the head of Wisteria as the dictator. The people soon wonder, why did we fight Sancti? Why did we go to war? It is worse now then it was before. The now shattered governments of Esper and Sancti united to form the new government called Rossyia. It was the start of the Volgograd order in Elysium. The New Order....
(Rossyia in russian is Россия)
Thank you for your rude, immature response to someone else's work. Very sporting of you, let's see you write a story. Then I'll come and insult your hard work. Apparently you seem to enjoy doing it to others. (Don't be a dick.)Thank you for this biased, inaccurate and incomplete story. I shall develop this nuclear technology as well in the name of seakorea.
I mean seahaven. Yeah. Totally legit.
Sadly, I don't write stories. I've never fancied it, and to be frank I read mostly history anyway. But if you really want to insult me, go for it (inb4 you already did), I certainly spend too much effort writing posts on forums.Thank you for your rude, immature response to someone else's work. Very sporting of you, let's see you write a story. Then I'll come and insult your hard work. Apparently you seem to enjoy doing it to others. (Don't be a dick.)
It's an interesting story, I'd love to see some development!
EDIT: Actually, here's why your post is really ticking people off. I feel like I should explain it to you.
When someone writes a story, they are putting their thoughts, dreams and emotions out for everyone to see. It's not an easy thing to do, I can tell you that. I've been writing for over 6 years, and it's always nerve-racking to put something out. You were really being a dick because you took someone elses ideas and creativity and insulted it. It's really just bullying, and it's really not acceptable behaviour in this community.
Wow. Just... wow. I'm floored by this response. I don't know what to say, but I'm really impressed. This is really mature of you. Wow. I'm going to edit this when I can find words...Sadly, I don't write stories. I've never fancied it, and to be frank I read mostly history anyway. But if you really want to insult me, go for it (inb4 you already did), I certainly spend too much effort writing posts on forums.Thank you for your rude, immature response to someone else's work. Very sporting of you, let's see you write a story. Then I'll come and insult your hard work. Apparently you seem to enjoy doing it to others. (Don't be a dick.)
It's an interesting story, I'd love to see some development!
EDIT: Actually, here's why your post is really ticking people off. I feel like I should explain it to you.
When someone writes a story, they are putting their thoughts, dreams and emotions out for everyone to see. It's not an easy thing to do, I can tell you that. I've been writing for over 6 years, and it's always nerve-racking to put something out. You were really being a dick because you took someone elses ideas and creativity and insulted it. It's really just bullying, and it's really not acceptable behaviour in this community.
Now, as for my actual comments on the story; I'll give you a fair point that my comments are abrupt and definitely more rude than they were meant. They could have used a more positive tone and some explanation. They weren't meant to crush anyone's dreams, and judging by the continued stories I think it's safe to say that I haven't. I do apologize, to Zeus and anyone else who took offense, for the harshness of them. I'll see if I can rephrase what I meant below.
But I do think it's important to receive criticism. If people are unable to be told that improvement can be made, then their successes in life will be limited to what they're capable of without feedback, without the realization that something better can be done. If you really need a good analogy as to why that's important, then you can look at war itself (the subject of the stories in this thread). Most fights are horribly imbalanced, usually because the side that's going to win has better equipment and training. It's been the deciding factor of most of Rome's battles, most tank battles in history, most of the wars that America has engaged in, most of everything to do with war. There are notable exceptions, and we can name many of them because they are so notable, but they aren't the majority of anything. The reality of life is that everyone will learn at some point that what they've done, regardless of what amount of creativity, emotion or effort they put in, simply isn't enough or very good. Most people will hear it many times in their life, and I know I have.
If there's a life lesson to be learned, it's that you are going to do things that don't work out the way you want them (my first post, for example), that won't live up to the judgement of others. It isn't inherently wrong to fail or do poorly at anything, nor does the judgement of others necessarily mean that you've done anything wrong (or right, for that matter). You will also certainly be able to do better in the future if you can identify what can be improved when it does happen. Nobody has nothing but break-away goals their entire life, but everyone else is striving to get closer to it, and you will be compared to others.
Now, if my first post was bullying, then you've accomplished the same thing. I'll grant that it was rude, but bullying is something beyond a rude comment. If I were sitting in this thread and continually harassing anyone or making threats, then you'd have a case (and fyi, I have continued reading this thread). Futher, if my post is bothering people, then they should say something. As far as I know, the only person ticked off so far is you, and I certainly can't respond to anyone's feelings if they won't say anything (and responding with something unnecessarily mean to anyone's feelings would definitely be a strong case for the bullying argument).
Finally, the rephrasing I promised you:
I'd like to make a few recommendations that I think would improve your writing. If you're going to use a particular setting, you should usually start with an accurate picture, or give some context in which the inaccuracies work. Beginning with "Sancti ruled the land" doesn't hold much meaning. It either means that Sancti rules everything, which is clearly not the case (and would be inaccurate), or that Sancti rules anything of value, which is again clearly not the case (and would be quite biased).
You should also keep that setting in context to some degree. I don't mind at all that the story will develop however the writer feels, and I don't think the plot you've laid out is bad. I do think that jumping to developing nuclear weapons in the setup of events, in a world where people are still using swords and bows, has no context and doesn't make any sense. This is why I think it's incomplete; there is definitely an opportunity to put some background into the events unfolding, so that they have a context within the setting.
As I've said in the wall of text above, this is meant to be constructive criticism. You can take it or leave it, it doesn't necessarily mean anything.
(Reading the fleshed out thoughts, I'm going to hide my first post. There's a pretty significant difference here.)
Thanks!Nice story :)
I accept your apology. Dont worry, i am open to all feedback on this story.Sadly, I don't write stories. I've never fancied it, and to be frank I read mostly history anyway. But if you really want to insult me, go for it (inb4 you already did), I certainly spend too much effort writing posts on forums.Thank you for your rude, immature response to someone else's work. Very sporting of you, let's see you write a story. Then I'll come and insult your hard work. Apparently you seem to enjoy doing it to others. (Don't be a dick.)
It's an interesting story, I'd love to see some development!
EDIT: Actually, here's why your post is really ticking people off. I feel like I should explain it to you.
When someone writes a story, they are putting their thoughts, dreams and emotions out for everyone to see. It's not an easy thing to do, I can tell you that. I've been writing for over 6 years, and it's always nerve-racking to put something out. You were really being a dick because you took someone elses ideas and creativity and insulted it. It's really just bullying, and it's really not acceptable behaviour in this community.
Now, as for my actual comments on the story; I'll give you a fair point that my comments are abrupt and definitely more rude than they were meant. They could have used a more positive tone and some explanation. They weren't meant to crush anyone's dreams, and judging by the continued stories I think it's safe to say that I haven't. I do apologize, to Zeus and anyone else who took offense, for the harshness of them. I'll see if I can rephrase what I meant below.
But I do think it's important to receive criticism. If people are unable to be told that improvement can be made, then their successes in life will be limited to what they're capable of without feedback, without the realization that something better can be done. If you really need a good analogy as to why that's important, then you can look at war itself (the subject of the stories in this thread). Most fights are horribly imbalanced, usually because the side that's going to win has better equipment and training. It's been the deciding factor of most of Rome's battles, most tank battles in history, most of the wars that America has engaged in, most of everything to do with war. There are notable exceptions, and we can name many of them because they are so notable, but they aren't the majority of anything. The reality of life is that everyone will learn at some point that what they've done, regardless of what amount of creativity, emotion or effort they put in, simply isn't enough or very good. Most people will hear it many times in their life, and I know I have.
If there's a life lesson to be learned, it's that you are going to do things that don't work out the way you want them (my first post, for example), that won't live up to the judgement of others. It isn't inherently wrong to fail or do poorly at anything, nor does the judgement of others necessarily mean that you've done anything wrong (or right, for that matter). You will also certainly be able to do better in the future if you can identify what can be improved when it does happen. Nobody has nothing but break-away goals their entire life, but everyone else is striving to get closer to it, and you will be compared to others.
Now, if my first post was bullying, then you've accomplished the same thing. I'll grant that it was rude, but bullying is something beyond a rude comment. If I were sitting in this thread and continually harassing anyone or making threats, then you'd have a case (and fyi, I have continued reading this thread). Futher, if my post is bothering people, then they should say something. As far as I know, the only person ticked off so far is you, and I certainly can't respond to anyone's feelings if they won't say anything (and responding with something unnecessarily mean to anyone's feelings would definitely be a strong case for the bullying argument).
Finally, the rephrasing I promised you:
I'd like to make a few recommendations that I think would improve your writing. If you're going to use a particular setting, you should usually start with an accurate picture, or give some context in which the inaccuracies work. Beginning with "Sancti ruled the land" doesn't hold much meaning. It either means that Sancti rules everything, which is clearly not the case (and would be inaccurate), or that Sancti rules anything of value, which is again clearly not the case (and would be quite biased).
You should also keep that setting in context to some degree. I don't mind at all that the story will develop however the writer feels, and I don't think the plot you've laid out is bad. I do think that jumping to developing nuclear weapons in the setup of events, in a world where people are still using swords and bows, has no context and doesn't make any sense. This is why I think it's incomplete; there is definitely an opportunity to put some background into the events unfolding, so that they have a context within the setting.
As I've said in the wall of text above, this is meant to be constructive criticism. You can take it or leave it, it doesn't necessarily mean anything.
(Reading the fleshed out thoughts, I'm going to hide my first post. There's a pretty significant difference here.)