Roobarb Pie

Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
In case you don't know, the Garden of Eden Creation Kit is used in the fallout universe to kickstart plant growth in heavily radiated areas. I suggest, if it's not too late in development, to have a few scattered around in hidden vault chests. A block I would use, if a plugin is possible for this at such short notice would be an end portal frame block. When placed, it would kill all entities with no drops within a certain radius, kicking players, if possible, for a longer period of time than usual, say 6 hours. In addition, the GECK will fertilise all land within a set area, turning topmost dirt blocks into grass blocks, manmade structures to their semi respective natural states (i.e. stone brick into cobblestone, cobble to gravel, destroy gravel, turn bricks to hardened clay) as well as destroy any wooden structures in said radius, including chests and other similar constructs. If also possible, it could reduce any radiation gain in that area to 0 (with the exception of water) rads per second. This could be used as a tactical advantage in clan warfare, neutralising one of the bases at the cost of a team member's life, or in neutralising radiation in areas near their own base. Once placed, the GECK destroys itself, turning into an end stone block.

Roobarb Pie

Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Also, having found what i assume wasn't a player made vault, i'm guessing that there are some vaults that are harder to enter. If this GECK is to exist, i would like to request the vault is covered with obsidian several blocks thick, so as to reduce people stumbling upon it and taking the items without knowing what they are. The GECK would be a highly dangerous object and would require highly fortified protection.

Da Jinks

Political Nerd
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
Also, having found what i assume wasn't a player made vault, i'm guessing that there are some vaults that are harder to enter. If this GECK is to exist, i would like to request the vault is covered with obsidian several blocks thick, so as to reduce people stumbling upon it and taking the items without knowing what they are. The GECK would be a highly dangerous object and would require highly fortified protection.
Wait, those things covered with obsidian radiating radiation are vaults?


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
In case you don't know, the Garden of Eden Creation Kit is used in the fallout universe to kickstart plant growth in heavily radiated areas. I suggest, if it's not too late in development, to have a few scattered around in hidden vault chests. A block I would use, if a plugin is possible for this at such short notice would be an end portal frame block. When placed, it would kill all entities with no drops within a certain radius, kicking players, if possible, for a longer period of time than usual, say 6 hours. In addition, the GECK will fertilise all land within a set area, turning topmost dirt blocks into grass blocks, manmade structures to their semi respective natural states (i.e. stone brick into cobblestone, cobble to gravel, destroy gravel, turn bricks to hardened clay) as well as destroy any wooden structures in said radius, including chests and other similar constructs. If also possible, it could reduce any radiation gain in that area to 0 (with the exception of water) rads per second. This could be used as a tactical advantage in clan warfare, neutralising one of the bases at the cost of a team member's life, or in neutralising radiation in areas near their own base. Once placed, the GECK destroys itself, turning into an end stone block.
Or you know we could use solitude v1's GECK which was nothing more then a sponge with pistons and got rid of radiation in an area and did nothing more special then that.
No rads in rain, do not recall if you still got them in water. My memory isn't super clear on the details.
Though yeah all it did was remove rads nothing fancy like what you've said.

I'd rather not have a nice fancy wooden fort and decide to GECK it and then it gets eaten.
Also by that logic how would the GECK react once my stone-brick becomes cobble? Is the GECK going to simply degrade things actively or just the instant its placed. Because if its active then stone-brick -> cobble then all of a sudden the cobble - > gravel and again gravel ->gone.

Lastly my chests? Really? I understand the block degradation, it rather sounds like your suggestion is something of a radiation gravity well that eats everything and leaves green.
With the added fact of it kicking me off for a period of time for simply activating it. I don't mind it erasing the mobs once active, but as a soloist that just leaves my base to be raped while I'm kicked.

I'm all for a GECK of some sort though.

so as to reduce people stumbling upon it and taking the items without knowing what they are.
Is that not that the point? ;D


Jan 26, 2012
Reaction score
Also, having found what i assume wasn't a player made vault, i'm guessing that there are some vaults that are harder to enter. If this GECK is to exist, i would like to request the vault is covered with obsidian several blocks thick, so as to reduce people stumbling upon it and taking the items without knowing what they are. The GECK would be a highly dangerous object and would require highly fortified protection.
did it say Vault 101?


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Also, having found what i assume wasn't a player made vault, i'm guessing that there are some vaults that are harder to enter. If this GECK is to exist, i would like to request the vault is covered with obsidian several blocks thick, so as to reduce people stumbling upon it and taking the items without knowing what they are. The GECK would be a highly dangerous object and would require highly fortified protection.
did it say Vault 101?
I think that a G.E.C.K. for VAULT 34 would be more fitting, as it leaks radiation into. Anyway, I seriously hope that vaults are made ;P


Jan 26, 2012
Reaction score
Also, having found what i assume wasn't a player made vault, i'm guessing that there are some vaults that are harder to enter. If this GECK is to exist, i would like to request the vault is covered with obsidian several blocks thick, so as to reduce people stumbling upon it and taking the items without knowing what they are. The GECK would be a highly dangerous object and would require highly fortified protection.
did it say Vault 101?
I think that a G.E.C.K. for VAULT 34 would be more fitting, as it leaks radiation into. Anyway, I seriously hope that vaults are made ;P

Me and AriochIsVengence made a Vault 101, so I wanted to know if he was the person who raided it x)

Roobarb Pie

Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score


Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Also, having found what i assume wasn't a player made vault, i'm guessing that there are some vaults that are harder to enter. If this GECK is to exist, i would like to request the vault is covered with obsidian several blocks thick, so as to reduce people stumbling upon it and taking the items without knowing what they are. The GECK would be a highly dangerous object and would require highly fortified protection.
Activating the G.E.C.K creates a massive boom so to start all organic life over again. Humans are organic, so you die.


SMP Overlord & Events Manager
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Also, having found what i assume wasn't a player made vault, i'm guessing that there are some vaults that are harder to enter. If this GECK is to exist, i would like to request the vault is covered with obsidian several blocks thick, so as to reduce people stumbling upon it and taking the items without knowing what they are. The GECK would be a highly dangerous object and would require highly fortified protection.
did it say Vault 101?
I think that a G.E.C.K. for VAULT 34 would be more fitting, as it leaks radiation into. Anyway, I seriously hope that vaults are made ;P

As do I, but when people get petty and start using x-rays to find vaults (such as the first two solitudes) then it does get a bit boring when they are running round with op gear.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
did it say Vault 101?
I think that a G.E.C.K. for VAULT 34 would be more fitting, as it leaks radiation into. Anyway, I seriously hope that vaults are made ;P

As do I, but when people get petty and start using x-rays to find vaults (such as the first two solitudes) then it does get a bit boring when they are running round with op gear.
Well from what I *heard* , there may be an implement to see other people's mods. Again, that is just a suggestion on the forums, but really should be added to the game.


SMP Overlord & Events Manager
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I think that a G.E.C.K. for VAULT 34 would be more fitting, as it leaks radiation into. Anyway, I seriously hope that vaults are made ;P

As do I, but when people get petty and start using x-rays to find vaults (such as the first two solitudes) then it does get a bit boring when they are running round with op gear.
Well from what I *heard* , there may be an implement to see other people's mods. Again, that is just a suggestion on the forums, but really should be added to the game.

Hopefully this will be implemented, and if it does, the person that made this will have my eternal love :)


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
As do I, but when people get petty and start using x-rays to find vaults (such as the first two solitudes) then it does get a bit boring when they are running round with op gear.
What about us that found them legit and still were wearing op gear and building entire bases out of cake?
I'm all for a snooper that sees my mods, but I don't like that level of distrust that it would be snooping my MC, I don't want everyone knowing I have minecraft sex and minecraft poop mods now do I?

That awkward moment when they view the mods log.

Da Jinks

Political Nerd
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
As do I, but when people get petty and start using x-rays to find vaults (such as the first two solitudes) then it does get a bit boring when they are running round with op gear.
What about us that found them legit and still were wearing op gear and building entire bases out of cake?
I'm all for a snooper that sees my mods, but I don't like that level of distrust that it would be snooping my MC, I don't want everyone knowing I have minecraft sex and minecraft poop mods now do I?

That awkward moment when they view the mods log.
Well this just got interesting.


Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
As do I, but when people get petty and start using x-rays to find vaults (such as the first two solitudes) then it does get a bit boring when they are running round with op gear.
What about us that found them legit and still were wearing op gear and building entire bases out of cake?
I'm all for a snooper that sees my mods, but I don't like that level of distrust that it would be snooping my MC, I don't want everyone knowing I have minecraft sex and minecraft poop mods now do I?

That awkward moment when they view the mods log.
I'm pretty sure nobody would say anything about useless mods like that. But, it'd be interesting to see them come up next to nodus in a ban appeal. :D


SMP Overlord & Events Manager
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
As do I, but when people get petty and start using x-rays to find vaults (such as the first two solitudes) then it does get a bit boring when they are running round with op gear.
What about us that found them legit and still were wearing op gear and building entire bases out of cake?
I'm all for a snooper that sees my mods, but I don't like that level of distrust that it would be snooping my MC, I don't want everyone knowing I have minecraft sex and minecraft poop mods now do I?

That awkward moment when they view the mods log.

That's perfectly fine, but my point was that if players x-rayed for vaults, you'd get that one big time in full Iron with a shit load of weapons and food and wouldn't care if they died because they'd have found 10 vaults.