Signed, Theodorre Seville


The Fail Chipmunk
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Theodorre Seville

Age: 10 months old (Human equivalent: 20 years old)

Race/Nationality: Chipmunk

Date of Birth: 15/10/2012 (Monday, Fifteenth of October, 2012)

Place of Birth: Unknown forest (Since amalgamated into the Wastelands)

Place of Residence: Home of David "Dave" Seville

Languages Spoken: Chipmunkese (Native Tongue), Squirrelish (Second Language), English (Developed after the Disaster)

Father: ??? (Location: Unknown)
Mother: ??? (Location: Unknown)
Adoptive Father: David "Dave" Seville (Location: Unknown, presumably dead)
Brother: Alvin Seville (Location: Unknown)
Brother: Simon Seville (Location: Somewhere in the Wastelands)
Love interest: Eleanor Miller (Location: Secret location)
Love interest's sister: Brittany Miller (Location: Presumably with her love interest, Alvin Seville)
Love interest's sister: Jeanette Miller (Location: Unknown)

Dearest journal,

My my, what a turn of the table this is. I must be the first animal in the entire world (well, what's left of it) that can talk, walk and act like a normal human. I know this isn't normal.

Anyway, if anyone is reading this, you've probably noticed at this point - yes, I am Theodorre off "Alvin and the Chipmunks", a movie created for kids. I just want you to know, before I die, that our lives were nothing like they were portrayed in that movie. Yes, Dave really did adopt me and my two brothers, and most of the family-orientated stuff was correct. However, the plot itself was completely out the window. I'm not going to go into details, that isn't the point of this. But I just wanted you to know: OUR LIVES WERE NOTHING LIKE THAT!
I have no idea what's going on, but it's pretty obvious something bad has happened. There's devastation everywhere. Dave's house slumped to the side; we were fortunate we weren't inside when the meteorite hit the city. And the CITY!'s ruined. The beaches are full of radioactive waste. The empty shells of buildings threaten to collapse, at any slight disturbance. I'm blaming that (well, BLAME is a bit strong, let's say, "it was the cause") for my sudden ability to talk like a human. Alvin went off with Brittany to look for food, but they haven't been back for two days. Simon went venturing into the Wastelands this morning. I think he was looking for Jeanette. I've found a safe place to hide Eleanor, too. The forest we were born in? That's been destroyed. It's part of the Wastelands now. A few clans have formed - but the strongest of them all, are the Blues. Every night, I hear someone being ruthlessly murdered by them. I met a Blue recently; a pig, I believe, his name was M_B_H. He spared me, because I've known him for quite a while. However, I was attacked by another Blue. I managed to escape, back to Eleanor, just. Only just. I also found the remains of another Blue (which included an iron helmet) which was simply wonderful. I'm wondering how long it will take before I start craving walnuts and macadamias again.
I have to go find food, but I will keep adding entries to this. Between this and Eleanor, there's nothing else in our hiding spot.
Theodorre Seville


¡Juego de las Pulgas!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Father: ??? (Location: Unknown)
Mother: ??? (Location: Unknown)
Adoptive Father: David "Dave" Seville (Location: Unknown, presumably dead)
Brother: Alvin Seville (Location: Unknown)
Brother: Simon Seville (Location: Somewhere in the Wastelands)
Love interest: Eleanor Miller (Location: Secret location)
Love interest's sister: Brittany Miller (Location: Presumably with her love interest, Alvin Seville)
Love interest's sister: Jeanette Miller (Location: Unknown)

Neighbor: Emo 'Squirrel' Pinesly
Fixed, you forgetful fool C:


The Fail Chipmunk
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
Father: ??? (Location: Unknown)
Mother: ??? (Location: Unknown)
Adoptive Father: David "Dave" Seville (Location: Unknown, presumably dead)
Brother: Alvin Seville (Location: Unknown)
Brother: Simon Seville (Location: Somewhere in the Wastelands)
Love interest: Eleanor Miller (Location: Secret location)
Love interest's sister: Brittany Miller (Location: Presumably with her love interest, Alvin Seville)
Love interest's sister: Jeanette Miller (Location: Unknown)

Neighbor: Emo 'Squirrel' Pinesly
Fixed, you forgetful fool C:

Sorry, but in the story you were sold to an evil old woman called Faliara who ate you, right before Solitude started. :c Sorry. :c