Flame arrows from the inside FTW xD
Found this on the barren side of the river/ocean/lake/whatzit. I was killed about two minutes later. CaptainBigBoots
I may or may not have set you on fire multiple times.
Now it makes sense...
Is That my music disk I see in the last 2 pics .-.I may or may not have set you on fire multiple times.
Now it makes sense...
I hit Vatu multiple times and yelled at him. :3
we have weirdos.
Vatumok haha!
No that's Sploorky's disk (he's had it for a while but finally died so i saved it for him)Is That my music disk I see in the last 2 pics .-....
Now it makes sense...
I hit Vatu multiple times and yelled at him. :3
we have weirdos.
Vatumok haha!
Am I doing this Solitude thing right?
I'm going to need to use white carpet instead of snow to do the roof probably.
omg no he did it totes legit cuz i made it up there as well (yes me pro) without lagpillar!!!!!! you're just trying to blacken him!! BUT YOU SHALL NOT SUCCEED. IT WAS ALL LEGIT.
Found this lil' secret ontop of the Solitude Portal with madparkourlagpillar skills (totally)
Use it as currency?Found this huge mass of Emeralds.. too bad they are useless ;_;