IAmA guy who found grass, ama


Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Xawfjksgbwlkfjrsj--- (so fast?)

Rule the wastes with your grass, be the king of everyone with your mighty grass and make everyone tremble in fear as the ground beneath you quakes, begging you for the seeds of the grass!

All who disobey you shall be punished with decapitation and many shall feast upon this marvelous find by making dirt cakes and cupcakes for all to eat! HAIL THE MIGHTY GRASS LORD

You truly are the king of grass, oh lord be merciful and lend me a cup of grass. "SPARE ANY GRASS?" is what they say on the broken streets. "GRASS PLEASE, OH GIVE ME SOME GRASS TO FEED MY CHILDREN."