While you may not exhibit all the character traits of a personality color red as listed here, if you love red you will find yourself somewhere in the description. You may also find you exhibit some of the negative traits, particularly when you are stressed.
- Having a personality color red identifies you as extroverted and optimistic, courageous and confident.
wat i'm an introvert.
- You are action oriented and physically active - sex is a necessity to you - you have strong survival instincts.
no comment.
- With a favorite color red, you like to be the center of attention - in fact all reds crave attention - other people are drawn to the vitality and sense of excitement you emit.
- As a personality color red, you are stimulating to be with and you radiate a great deal of energy.
Yay :D.
- You are ambitious and competitive and like to be the winner - you are achievement orientated and second place is not good enough for you. With you it is all or nothing.
This is true, except I don't care all that much but I am a bit competitive because it's fun challenging others, even if you lose.
- You usually gain the respect of others quite easily with your practical and grounded attitude and ability to set boundaries.
yay, I dunno.
- You are impulsive - you should count to 10 before reacting to situations as it is in these situations that your anger and aggression often appears.
but I think fully through some situations most of the time, when I'm angry though that happens sometimes with close friends. :C
- You are always in a hurry, wanting to do everything right now. Patience is not one of your strong points.
holy crap it's the opposite of that that is true.
- You do not procrastinate - you never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
hmmm, I think I might answer this one tomorrow, I'm feeling lazy.
- You are a hard worker and you enjoy physical labor and working with your hands.
I do?
- Red people can be aggressive and easy to anger, often exhibiting a violent temper - this is negative passion and energy. You flare up instantaneously but calm down quite quickly once you get it out of your system and then forget it ever happened - you do not hold a grudge.
Half of this is true and half of this isn't and I'm not sure if I'm easy to anger (I guess I am a little, but I usually am patient, unless someone just drives me off the edge, which doesn't happen that often at all. I've also worked on trying not to insult someone when they do drive me off the edge and just leave, as I used to be a little more agressive about it). It does take a little while to calm down but usually it takes 1-2 hours to calm down, though I do hold a little bit of a grudge for the next 4-5 hours but it fades away. That's if I'm driven off the edge, if I'm not then I don't really hold a grudge and stay calm.
- Lovers of red are probably not particularly spiritual or religious - however if you do participate in religious activities it is the physical customs and rituals that you are drawn to, the singing, Communion and other rituals, organizing the church fete and other fundraising activities, the physical part of being there. Red people like to take care of the nuts and bolts, the nitty-gritty, the practical aspects and physical preparation of organizing an event.
They do? Well, I guess I do like organising some of the stuff, and it's true that I'm not all that religious (however I do feel like I'm loosely binded to a certain religion which I shall not state). So yeah
- You have a strong need for power and control which is connected to your basic survival instincts.
not really true, I can do just as well as a normal peasant/citizen if I'm having fun and not stressed out.
- You can be somewhat of a know-it-all, not wanting to appear unintelligent or ignorant.
- You are a good worker, although not necessarily a good boss - your aggressive nature doesn't serve you well in management positions. Because you are action orientated you are good at meeting deadlines and getting the job done at the right time.
I guess.. this is partly true. I believe I can be a good boss, but if I'm under a load of stress as that boss and it's starting to wear me down, I guess I can get a little bit of an irritated boss. I'm usually late to things xD.
- You can be quite determined when you want something, but tend to have a short attention span, moving on to the next best thing when you quickly get bored with the previous one - you want it all and you want it now!
Oh god this is so true, and the thing is, I always get sorta lazy and never do it. An example is I wanted a 3DS a little while ago so I could be Animal Crossing New Leaf, but I only had 32 dollars or something. In a week I only made like 40 dollars and I quickly moved on to GW2, which I'm playing now. :D. Usually if all my friends are there and I'm having fun there I tend to stay for a much longer time and take little short breaks now and then.
- With a personality color red you may have an over active ego and appear over confident with a super inflated sense of your own worth.