What does your name and favourite colour say about you?


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
Dawid (try David and Dark Red) if it doesn't work
Alright. Nice name btw :D
1. David; A formidable foe to normal people. Intelligent, strong, forceful. A weird hybrid of a bully and a nerd. As well as the first dictator of the America and king of the new peaceful world. Also known as Timebomb and various other variations including at least TB. (Wot is this?)

5. David;
The name of a famous statue made my Michaelangelo. A person with really great hair, you just wanna take a nap in it. A person who generally has great taste in music and is loved by everyone, most of the time.

(Hey Kraby you and Kylie have the same fav colour hehe)

While you may not exhibit all the character traits of a personality color red as listed here, if you love red you will find yourself somewhere in the description. You may also find you exhibit some of the negative traits, particularly when you are stressed.
  • Having a personality color red identifies you as extroverted and optimistic, courageous and confident.
  • You are action oriented and physically active - sex is a necessity to you - you have strong survival instincts.
  • With a favorite color red, you like to be the center of attention - in fact all reds crave attention - other people are drawn to the vitality and sense of excitement you emit.
  • As a personality color red, you are stimulating to be with and you radiate a great deal of energy.
  • You are ambitious and competitive and like to be the winner - you are achievement orientated and second place is not good enough for you. With you it is all or nothing.
  • You usually gain the respect of others quite easily with your practical and grounded attitude and ability to set boundaries.
  • Lovers of red are the explorers and pioneers of the world, the entrepreneurs and builders who like to be first in discovering new physical realms.
  • If you favor the personality color red you have a passion and enthusiasm for life and are not afraid to pursue your dreams and goals.
  • You are impulsive - you should count to 10 before reacting to situations as it is in these situations that your anger and aggression often appears.
  • You are always in a hurry, wanting to do everything right now. Patience is not one of your strong points.
  • You do not procrastinate - you never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
  • You are a hard worker and you enjoy physical labor and working with your hands.
  • Red people can be aggressive and easy to anger, often exhibiting a violent temper - this is negative passion and energy. You flare up instantaneously but calm down quite quickly once you get it out of your system and then forget it ever happened - you do not hold a grudge.
  • Lovers of red are probably not particularly spiritual or religious - however if you do participate in religious activities it is the physical customs and rituals that you are drawn to, the singing, Communion and other rituals, organizing the church fete and other fundraising activities, the physical part of being there. Red people like to take care of the nuts and bolts, the nitty-gritty, the practical aspects and physical preparation of organizing an event.
  • You have a strong need for power and control which is connected to your basic survival instincts.
  • You can be somewhat of a know-it-all, not wanting to appear unintelligent or ignorant.
  • You are a good worker, although not necessarily a good boss - your aggressive nature doesn't serve you well in management positions. Because you are action orientated you are good at meeting deadlines and getting the job done at the right time.
  • You can be quite determined when you want something, but tend to have a short attention span, moving on to the next best thing when you quickly get bored with the previous one - you want it all and you want it now!
  • With a personality color red you may have an over active ego and appear over confident with a super inflated sense of your own worth.

Elijah, favorite color is blue(and looking over the personality traits for blue, it actually describes me surprisingly well).
I don't actually know how to put two or more quotes in one answer so um yeah
Considering you've been through your colour, I don't have to post that again.. and again.. and agaiiiinnnn...
Anyway so

First answer: The term to describe a hot guy. With a nice body. Woah! He is so Elijah!
Fifth Answer: (Mixing it up) The most charming, sweet, adorable guy you will ever meet and loves who he is.
Heh, well those are nice answers, congats Sploork xD.

Ohgod ohgod I know this is like triple post but it wont let me edit and I don't know how to quote more than one so I'm gonna do it a different way and if someone would help me combine the posts It'd be really great ;-;.
Okayso zezmi
Your favourite colour has been posted, in kraby's answers so look at that to avoid me having to post and post and post.
And your name is;
Parkers are usually amazing. They are aggressive and have a great sense of humour, they make you laugh and they have funny yet very cute facial expressions. Parkers will make you smile no matter what mood you are in they will make you one happy camper and they help with any issues you have. A guy who loves life, and it sweet. He deserve to be treated with respect and is a total cutie. He'll always be by your side and is very thoughtful.


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
Haha, thank you internet(and toilet :3)

Toiletprincess I merged your posts together. If you want to quote multiple people, you can use [.QUOTE=account name]text
(without the dot)

Like so:

Sploorky said:
It works!
That way you won't have to reply to messages to quote them :3[/quote]

THANKYOU! and *cries* I just did up to freaking Endersteve and it said 'post could not be found.. UUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I guess I'm gonna do Duffie, Jay and Endersteve. AGAIN. ;_;

BLAHDEEBLAH DARIEN BLAHDEEBLAH (I've gone through this 4 times now. Ugh.)
Often tall, dark and with amazing hair. Darien's are usually fun to talk to and very funny with amazing long, dark hair.
Pretty much all I could find on Darien, atleast where I sear ch (for boy Dariens).
Oh and SCROLLING TIME FOR YOU! (lets read yay)
While you may not exhibit all the character traits of a personality color purple or violet as listed here, if violet or purple is your favorite color you will find yourself somewhere in the description. You may also find you exhibit some of the negative traits, particularly when you are stressed.
  • Having a personality color purple or violet as your favorite color means you are sensitive and compassionate, understanding and supportive, thinking of others before yourself - you are the person others come to for help - being needed motivates you but sometimes people take advantage of you.
  • You are a gentle and free spirit. Your feelings run deep and you can be quite sensitive to hurtful comments from others, although you would never show it.
    • Being a personality color purple, you have a peaceful and tranquil quality and a quiet dignity about you. People are drawn to your charismatic and alluring energy.You are usually introverted rather than extroverted and may give the impression of being shy although this is not the case.
    • You are creative and like to be individual in most of your endeavors, including your dress and home decoration - you love the unconventional.
    • You are idealistic, and often impractical, with a great imagination, dreaming of a future in an ideal fantasy world where you exclude the ugly side of reality - you tend to look at life through rose-colored glasses. People who don't understand you sometimes think you are eccentric because you spend so much time in your fantasy world.
    • With your personality color purple you inspire others with your creative thinking and your ability to deal positively with adversity.
    • You are very intuitive and quite psychic or at least interested in spiritual growth or the occult - you seek spiritual fulfillment. You look for the meaning of life.
    • As a personality color purple, you are a generous giver, asking for little in return except friendship.
    • You can be secretive, with even your closest friends not really knowing you well.
    • If you constantly surround yourself with too much purple you can become moody. If this is the case, balance the purple with some magenta.
    • You dislike responsibility and have difficulty dealing with real day-to-day problems.
      • You dislike being part of the crowd, wishing to stand apart from the mob - you like to be noticed for your individuality. You don't like to copy others and you don't like them to copy you.
      • You are a visionary, with high ambitions, dreams and desires, and a compulsion to help humanity and to improve the planet earth. You often hold positions of power because you are visionary, but you delegate to others all the minor details that you aren't interested in.
      • You like to have the best of everything, so you aim high.
      • Being the free spirit you are, you love to travel to experience different cultures and meet new people.
      • You are a good judge of character and sum others up quite quickly and accurately, although you usually see the best in everybody.
      • Time means little to you and you are often late for everything. You trust the flow of the Universe to take care of everything.
      • You need to be careful not to take on too many projects at a time as you can become quite scattered in your thinking, resulting in stress and confusion.
      • Meditation is a good activity for you to help you become centered and balanced.
      • You can sometimes appear arrogant and conceited if operating from a negative perspective.
      • You can be selfish and self-indulgent as you don't like being imposed upon by others beliefs and regulations.
      • BiggestKirbyFan Blue has already been posted via coolio's reply so like check it out dood.
      • NOTE: I just got really angry earlier so I can't be bothered doing all the stuff I did again right now, so maybe later.


May 14, 2012
Reaction score
Red sucks dicks.

Who likes red?!


Ain't nobody got no motherfucking time for that shit.

Orange is where it's at.

"Oh yay, I like red, I'm a hairy loser" - Zezmi, World's Hairiest Blocktopian 2013
"Red? Sorry, I must have heard you wrong. I thought you said orange." Superchops, Also Quite Hairy But Much Cooler Because He Likes Orange (Like A REAL Man)

gay vampire

Little Miss Organs
Sep 24, 2011
Reaction score
okay so since I already had fun with emma doing this a while ago I might aswell just respond to my color scheme cause some of it doesn't fit me at all and you'll all get to know more about me. :3

While you may not exhibit all the character traits of a personality color red as listed here, if you love red you will find yourself somewhere in the description. You may also find you exhibit some of the negative traits, particularly when you are stressed.
  • Having a personality color red identifies you as extroverted and optimistic, courageous and confident.
wat i'm an introvert.
  • You are action oriented and physically active - sex is a necessity to you - you have strong survival instincts.
no comment.
  • With a favorite color red, you like to be the center of attention - in fact all reds crave attention - other people are drawn to the vitality and sense of excitement you emit.
  • As a personality color red, you are stimulating to be with and you radiate a great deal of energy.
Yay :D.
  • You are ambitious and competitive and like to be the winner - you are achievement orientated and second place is not good enough for you. With you it is all or nothing.
This is true, except I don't care all that much but I am a bit competitive because it's fun challenging others, even if you lose.
  • You usually gain the respect of others quite easily with your practical and grounded attitude and ability to set boundaries.
yay, I dunno.
  • You are impulsive - you should count to 10 before reacting to situations as it is in these situations that your anger and aggression often appears.
but I think fully through some situations most of the time, when I'm angry though that happens sometimes with close friends. :C
  • You are always in a hurry, wanting to do everything right now. Patience is not one of your strong points.
holy crap it's the opposite of that that is true.
  • You do not procrastinate - you never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
hmmm, I think I might answer this one tomorrow, I'm feeling lazy.
  • You are a hard worker and you enjoy physical labor and working with your hands.
I do?
  • Red people can be aggressive and easy to anger, often exhibiting a violent temper - this is negative passion and energy. You flare up instantaneously but calm down quite quickly once you get it out of your system and then forget it ever happened - you do not hold a grudge.
Half of this is true and half of this isn't and I'm not sure if I'm easy to anger (I guess I am a little, but I usually am patient, unless someone just drives me off the edge, which doesn't happen that often at all. I've also worked on trying not to insult someone when they do drive me off the edge and just leave, as I used to be a little more agressive about it). It does take a little while to calm down but usually it takes 1-2 hours to calm down, though I do hold a little bit of a grudge for the next 4-5 hours but it fades away. That's if I'm driven off the edge, if I'm not then I don't really hold a grudge and stay calm.
  • Lovers of red are probably not particularly spiritual or religious - however if you do participate in religious activities it is the physical customs and rituals that you are drawn to, the singing, Communion and other rituals, organizing the church fete and other fundraising activities, the physical part of being there. Red people like to take care of the nuts and bolts, the nitty-gritty, the practical aspects and physical preparation of organizing an event.
They do? Well, I guess I do like organising some of the stuff, and it's true that I'm not all that religious (however I do feel like I'm loosely binded to a certain religion which I shall not state). So yeah :p
  • You have a strong need for power and control which is connected to your basic survival instincts.
not really true, I can do just as well as a normal peasant/citizen if I'm having fun and not stressed out.
  • You can be somewhat of a know-it-all, not wanting to appear unintelligent or ignorant.
  • You are a good worker, although not necessarily a good boss - your aggressive nature doesn't serve you well in management positions. Because you are action orientated you are good at meeting deadlines and getting the job done at the right time.
I guess.. this is partly true. I believe I can be a good boss, but if I'm under a load of stress as that boss and it's starting to wear me down, I guess I can get a little bit of an irritated boss. I'm usually late to things xD.
  • You can be quite determined when you want something, but tend to have a short attention span, moving on to the next best thing when you quickly get bored with the previous one - you want it all and you want it now!
Oh god this is so true, and the thing is, I always get sorta lazy and never do it. An example is I wanted a 3DS a little while ago so I could be Animal Crossing New Leaf, but I only had 32 dollars or something. In a week I only made like 40 dollars and I quickly moved on to GW2, which I'm playing now. :D. Usually if all my friends are there and I'm having fun there I tend to stay for a much longer time and take little short breaks now and then.
  • With a personality color red you may have an over active ego and appear over confident with a super inflated sense of your own worth.

To show some of you what showed up for me searching my name (which is "Annabelle"), here's the 1st and 5th result:

1. Annabelle

The most beautiful girls in the world, men fall at their feet and women would kill themselves to look like them. Where ever they walks it is as if time stands still and no one can tear their eyes from them. their beauty is almost beyond description. But they have many faults, they are proud, haughty, cold and manipulative, they will hurt you just for fun. However they are allways successful in what ever they do and their beauty is immortal. The poets will sing it throughout the ages, they will inspire artists and musicians, and their talents will far surpass others . They will never grow old, and will stay branded on your mind and heart forever.
person1: last night i think my heart stopped when i saw this girl she was so beautiful yet so cold.

person2: there is only one type of girl like that an annabelle


5. annabelle

annabelle is someone who lives in a cottage has curly hair and likes jack wills

likes the song i get knocked down but i get up again
sounds like a duck
likes pissing the night away with her next door neighbour

oh danny boy
likes dogs especially pugs
waa annabelle

...no comment.

Okay. Time to answer some of what the people want.

2. Frank (had to do number 2 because number 1 meant what the word "frank" and "frankly" means, not the name)

a male who is extremely charming in manner because of their gentlemanbehavior, also has good looks and thinks that women are better then men, has high pain tolerance and like it kinky.
"oh my good frank is here i love frank he is such a sweet guy."

7. Frank (had to do number 7 because number 1 was about drinking great amounts of alcohol... wat?)

Noun: A strong silent type. Equally enjoys getting outside for exercise such as Ultimate Frisbee or staying home and playing COD. Extremely good sense of humor.... once you get to know him and he talks to you! Usually is a fan of a football team NOT from where he is from. Loves his family and shows his feeling through actions not words. Enjoys humor such as Family Guy and can name most of the characters from Star Wars, always up for a zombie or sci fi movie. His faults are he can't stand ignorant people and sometimes people mistake his silence for anger. Loyal, caring and sensitive, this is the kind of guy a girl ends up marrying, she just has to get past the hard exterior

A: Hey who's that cute guy?
B: Oh that's Frank.
A: Does he ever talk?
B: Haha yeah. He's really funny, but I think he said maybe four words to me the first couple times we met.
A: Oh hey that girl just went and kissed him. He's taken?
B: Yeah that's his girlfriend. She's so lucky. They'll probably get married, if he ever gets up the nerve to ask.

1. pim

Person that is really smart but also cool. (like pimp but nice and cool)
He is so smart and nice, he must be a pim!

(Sorry I only had one, the rest were really ridiculous and sorta not appropriate o_o)


1. mia

1.) Missing In Action
2.) a slang term used by pro-eating disorder folk (of all the things to support.. *facepalm*), that refers to BuliMIA.
1.) Solider 3872A: MIA
2.) Like, omfg! Janis totally has Mia. She looks so good.

5. Mia

She is a crazy girl. Makes jokes most people do not understand. She is veryyyy pretty and has nice eyes. You will be stunned when you meet a Mia.
Mia pretended to fly yesterday, Really? Doesn't surprise me

6. Mia

A beautiful young girl that doesn't realize her own beauty.
That girl sure is beautiful. She is such a Mia.

there was only one in each category sooo.

1. Zelina

Sweet and gorgeous. Very feminine yet takes no crap from anyone. Talented and dependable.
Did you notice her, she is so Zelina.

1. Zel

Cool, awesome, rad, epic.
Your new car is seriously zel.
The Dark Knight Rises is going to be zel, I can't wait.

(holy crap zel is a batman movie.)

1. Shane

another term for "sexy beast"
Omg, I can't breathe! I think a shane just walked by.

(*slow clapping*)

5. Shane

(n.) The most gorgeous boy in the entire world, who I love so much. I would probably die without him, but so the rest of the population. He is the most cutest, sweetest, lovable boy on Earth... and in this galaxy.
Commonly mistaken for Chandlier.
Person#1 Who would you say is the cutest ever?
Person#2 Shane, definitely.

1. Brock

A kind, caring, loyal, loving, gentle yet strong man. A real man, one who always tries to please the one he loves. He is fun,thoughtful,respectful. He never forgets a birthday,anniversary or holiday.He is Educated, hard working, and ambitious. One who always meets challenges set in front of him. Loves family, friends and Dogs! Enjoys the outdoors and football but is able to enjoy and adapt to his surroundings where ever he is. Can be comfortable sitting around a campfire or at the symphony. He is a well rounded gentleman. You would be lucky to have a Brock. He can be your best friend, your lover and your confidant. a man you would be proud to bring home to Mother.
Brock is Amazing!
Brock is so Good looking!
I want a Brock.
Being with a Brock makes you feel Safe and Loved.

5. Brock

1.that guy from the Pokemon anime, who is blind. Or someone glued his eyes shut. Or he doesn't have any. Either way, his face is shaped like a fucking octagon.
2. Or when you pretend to walk around with your eyes shut, when really they're slightly open. Which may or may not be the case of Brock...
1. Brock:"Why the fuck don't I have eyes?"
2. "Wait a minute Ted, your eyes weren't closed, you was pulling a Brock!"

2. bruno (yeah there were a few really weird ones so I'll be doing different numbers then 1 and 5.)

Bruno is a person who can charm any girl he wants. He is like an ultimate player. He doesn't have to be sexy to get women.
Dude, You remind me of Bruno

3. Bruno

A Bad Ass; One who is unafraid to be regarded as bad
That kid over there is a Bruno


An Emily, is one who rides unicorns. All Emily's have the magic talent to ride a unicorn anywhere they want. Normally the unicorn is pink, but sometimes can be other colors, like dark pink. If you see an Emily, make sure you bring up the topic about unicorns, and watch as she she goes on and on about them. Unicorns are very special to Emily's and it's easy to know what to get an Emily for her birthday!
Danielle: Look, it's a girl riding a unicorn way up in the sky!

Jenny: Oh, it must be an Emily! Look at her go!

The Emily waves and smiles as she glides by on her unicorn.

I may do some more later because this post is overloaded with stuff and I have to go soon. For now you can have all these. Toiletprincess can do your colors :D.

gay vampire

Little Miss Organs
Sep 24, 2011
Reaction score
okay i'll ask emma at some point if I can continue working with her and doing all the names when she can't/can or if she wants to manage this thread solo, because I sorta waltz'd in uninvited (sorry :c). I'm back from where I was and can do more now :D.

christiaan came up with one result and that one wasn't really nice, so I'll be doing christian.

1. Christian

Someone who is tired of searching their name on the internet and recieving only religion-related results, overall an awesome person, extremely intelligent and attractive
Christian searched his name on Google and ended up on the website for a local church

(that is likely very true.)

5. Christian

A boy whose nice, kind, funny, cute, and himself. Who could ask for more? He'll always be there for you no matter what happens. He can be annoying like anyone, or that you don't need him sometimes. But the absence of him drives you insane. He's been through more then you could imagine, but when your in his arms, it just feels safe because you know you have him to guide you.
But even as friends he's perfect. He will ditch even a girlfriend that tries to mess with you. You could be in love with him and see him with another girl, but as long as he's happy you're happy. Yet if he's mad at you, you feel so ashamed and as if your a burden. Over all, hes the person that you haven't lived till you see him.

When I see Christian, bells ring like the sound of a moving truck backing up.[/spoiler]

yeaaaah, there was only ONE good result for oskar, then there were two other ones that were just bad, soooo.

1. Oskar

Either the funniest&hottest guy you'll ever know- or a total derpish freak.
It all depends if it's written with a K or a C.
Usually Scandinavian, mostly Swedish
-I met this guy yesterday, his name was Oskar or something.
-What?With a K or a C??!
-K i think
-Ah ok, then he's probably hilarious

1. oscar

Latin, sexy, young guy with cool sexy voice...
Hey, Oscar !!!

:-)confused:, I'll give you another one.)

3. Oscar

One of the sweetest loving men around. A guy any girl can count on to make her smile.A great kisser and incredible lover.
A girl is lucky to have an Oscar.

1. andrew

Ultra cool, Usually hot or at least sort of cute. Awesome sense of style, music, and humor. Sexy, awesome kisser
Man, is Andrew cool. I wish I was him...

5. Andrew

A good Andrew is a rare type. He's very popular yet very secluded and has few close friends that he is very open to. He likes everyone and is disliked by almost none and rarely turns down a favor. An Andrew is not always hot but is always attractive, mainly for his quiet coolness and his looks. All girls want him. Andrew's are athletic, cautiosly dangerous, and funny. Those lucky enough to date Andrew will be the happiest girl ever. He's always faithful, kind, amazing in bed (or wherever you want him) because he's a sex god, and is intensely caring. He still owns a part of every girl he's been with. If Andrew is you're friend, he will always be. Andrew is always up for anything and loves to be constantly active. He has his moments of being a dick but apologises and forgives. He gets into crazy situations but gets out without a scratch and stays calm. He's almost always got a plan and is great at on-the-spot thinking. He's very smart but not in a nerd way and is very good at everything he does yet doesn't often admit his talents. He's got great taste in music and dresses differently but its still cool. He's always full throttle until he feels like crashing, then he will sleep where he falls. Andrew doesn't care what people think of him because he and everyone that knows him knows he is immortal and godlike but rarely looks down on others. That's because Andrew is a god and is the most awesome person you can ever have the honour of meeting and is unforgettable.

(holy crap 5th one was long but okay. Also note that the user who said that's username was "AndrewIsMyGod".)

1. Amanda

A women named Amanda is typically very beautiful with an incredible body and nice eyes. They are known to be very loveable. Amandas are envied by other women.
1. Damnnn, Amanda's lookin' fine today, as usual.
2. I wish I was Amanda, shes so pretty and nice!

6. Amanda (insert excuse here.)

A girl who is worthy of love, as her name means. Intelligent, kind, and witty; she can light up a room simply with her smile. Her sense of humor is amazing, only fully appreciated by a few; if you can truly make her laugh then hold on to her, because she's special, and she knows you are too. Although quick to boast an air of confidence around others, she has a much more tender and meek side that she only fully exposes to individuals she's quite close with. She's an old soul with a youthful spirit; her wisdom mixed with her child-like playfulness makes her one of a kind and can only bring a smile to ones face. Amanda has a beauty of her own comparable to none (Natalie Portman comes close; just to give you an idea). Her beauty is as natural as the beauty of the sun, beaming through the breaking mammatus clouds after a silent storm; powerful and awe inspiring. She is loving, free, and wild. Amanda will also have an amazing butt.
"Who was that girl that you were talking to?"
"That was Amanda, she's amazing."

there was nothing there so I decided to make up my own.

Teinaki is a young girl at the age of 16. She has beautiful, flowing, blond hair that beats Repunzel's hair in length. She also has a man form that looks fabulous and is an immortal god like being who only gets a perfect A in his grades. He usually is a charming young man/woman, who is perfect in any way possible, though a little weird and a little insane (like the author of this).

1. josh

He is a fun loving guy really funny and can make anyone laugh.He is very quiet at first and seems shy but when you get to know him you will fall in love.He has very good style and always looks handsome.He also always smells really good :)
Whos your good looking boyfriend?Oh,that sud muffin?That would be Josh

(psst. he smells good because he is secretly a waffle.)

5. Josh

Future ruler/ender of the world, often likes to destroy people by throwing busses full of children at them. Sometimes puppies are in place of children. Does not give a damn about what you think, and will pretty much eat your soul.
Only reason why i'm still alive is because Josh hasn't found me yet!

(that's my job goddamnit. :C)

2. Sam

Sexy Attractive Male
"Hi I'm a sexy attractive male, but you can call me Sam for short."

(SAM = Sexy Attractive Male. No comment.)

(There were a LOT of answers like the first one except really immature, so that's why the numbers aren't 1 and 5.)

7. Sam

Sam is short for Samuel. Will be an awesome friend and really nice. his hair is unbelievably soft. He has girls chasing after him and he will chase them back. HILARIOUS!..cute kid..
" that guy is such a cutie. he is funny and sweet. he must be a Sam."

I already told you some of the stuff that came up for you, but meh. Here we go :p.

3. Adam

An adorable boy, who is great in many ways. see perfect boy
Adam-*says the most perfect things ever,*

There were many results for adam. Some had to do with a certain religious figure, some were information on what he'd be like, but there was one that I had to share to the world, and to mariosatr before this thread existed. Now you will know mariosatr's darkest secrets, and the truth that no one ever knew... UNTIL NOW.

[9/13/2013 10:26:52 PM] 【アナベル】 Kylie: 62. Adam
known by many names except for his own. sasquatch, tree, Nyan cat, troll, awesomesauce, vasto, bfg, lanky, alco, giggty, boss, fancypants, fairyboy, beanie boy and voldemort are just some of the various names this tall creature is known by.

[9/13/2013 10:27:05 PM] 【アナベル】 Kylie: oh your name was adam? sorry, I thought you were voldemort

[9/13/2013 10:27:11 PM] Mariosatr: quite a lot of them were true

[9/13/2013 10:27:13 PM] Mariosatr: i am voldemort

As for the people wanting the colors, I don't really have them, so you'll have to wait for emma.