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*D'n'D - Dungeon and Dragons
Do you remember Trapwolfs thread about D'n'D Alignment?
So I made poll about your playstyle in D'n'D theme.
If it varies wildly depending on server, then post your alignments of each server, that you play, and try to pull average of it in poll.
If you try to play Good/Lawful on one server, and Evil/Chaotic on other server (or vice versa/vice versa), that means you are Neutral Neutral - all is you want in Blocktopia is fun :)
If you are staff, and you are normally neutral on one of axis as player, but impact hard as staff, then you may move yourself on axis.
For example if you are Neutral Neutral player, but Neutral Good staff, then it counts as Neutral Good for certain server, as you are staff first but player second.
Lawful - Likes to work in team.
Neutral - Middle ground, depends on what is more fun.
Chaotic - Likes to be lone wolf.
Good - Likes to lower difficulty of playing for other players. (your progress can be faster with them)
Neutral - Middle ground, depends on what is more fun.
Evil - Likes to raise difficulty of playing for other players. (your progress can be slower with them)
Example: let be there 3 players on SMP with PvP:
(Their PvP and PvE skills are different discussion though, lets assume, that they are average at it)
LG, NN, and CE (you can instantly recognize their Alignments *hint hint*)
LG has large clan (most of players in it are like LG), and most other players are loving it, even if they don't belong to it. They never attack unprovoked.
NN does what is most fun this time - has little clan (well more like group of players like NN, than official clan), and helps/raids players when wants. They may attack, depending on lot of variables.
CE is freelancer - he never joined any clans, and likes to kill and raid everything on sight.
PvP and Alignment: (Military)
Lawful/Chaotic means, if you PvP in team or not.
Neutral/Neutral means, if your usual PvP playstyle is varied.
Good/Evil means, that you play defensively or offensively. (Do you defend yourself/your team, or raid/kill others mostly)
PvE and Alignment: (Civilian)
Lawful/Chaotic means if you work in team or solo.
Neutral/Neutral means, if your usual PvE playstyle is varied.
Good/Evil means, if you help or compete with others. (Do you try to help others, or try to step up game by PvE means?)
yes, you can be Chaotic Evil on BB, just build evil maps solo CONSISTENTLY.
Since different servers have different PvP/PvE balance:
AoD - 80% PvP / 20% PvE - Knowing a lot about PvE stuff may change round results.
BB - pure PvE (PvP Terrain doesn't count)
RoF - Pure PvE (KoTL doesn't count)
JtE - 80% PvE / 20% PvP - PvP can affect you, if you are in Nether or in PvP zone.
TNT - Pure PvP (All civilian knowledge needed here is obvious)
And you have different PvE/PvP alignment on servers, then use guide just above.
If you play only on one server mostly, then pick option of that server.
Do you remember Trapwolfs thread about D'n'D Alignment?
So I made poll about your playstyle in D'n'D theme.
If it varies wildly depending on server, then post your alignments of each server, that you play, and try to pull average of it in poll.
If you try to play Good/Lawful on one server, and Evil/Chaotic on other server (or vice versa/vice versa), that means you are Neutral Neutral - all is you want in Blocktopia is fun :)
If you are staff, and you are normally neutral on one of axis as player, but impact hard as staff, then you may move yourself on axis.
For example if you are Neutral Neutral player, but Neutral Good staff, then it counts as Neutral Good for certain server, as you are staff first but player second.
Lawful - Likes to work in team.
Neutral - Middle ground, depends on what is more fun.
Chaotic - Likes to be lone wolf.
Good - Likes to lower difficulty of playing for other players. (your progress can be faster with them)
Neutral - Middle ground, depends on what is more fun.
Evil - Likes to raise difficulty of playing for other players. (your progress can be slower with them)
Example: let be there 3 players on SMP with PvP:
(Their PvP and PvE skills are different discussion though, lets assume, that they are average at it)
LG, NN, and CE (you can instantly recognize their Alignments *hint hint*)
LG has large clan (most of players in it are like LG), and most other players are loving it, even if they don't belong to it. They never attack unprovoked.
NN does what is most fun this time - has little clan (well more like group of players like NN, than official clan), and helps/raids players when wants. They may attack, depending on lot of variables.
CE is freelancer - he never joined any clans, and likes to kill and raid everything on sight.
PvP and Alignment: (Military)
Lawful/Chaotic means, if you PvP in team or not.
Neutral/Neutral means, if your usual PvP playstyle is varied.
Good/Evil means, that you play defensively or offensively. (Do you defend yourself/your team, or raid/kill others mostly)
PvE and Alignment: (Civilian)
Lawful/Chaotic means if you work in team or solo.
Neutral/Neutral means, if your usual PvE playstyle is varied.
Good/Evil means, if you help or compete with others. (Do you try to help others, or try to step up game by PvE means?)
yes, you can be Chaotic Evil on BB, just build evil maps solo CONSISTENTLY.
Since different servers have different PvP/PvE balance:
AoD - 80% PvP / 20% PvE - Knowing a lot about PvE stuff may change round results.
BB - pure PvE (PvP Terrain doesn't count)
RoF - Pure PvE (KoTL doesn't count)
JtE - 80% PvE / 20% PvP - PvP can affect you, if you are in Nether or in PvP zone.
TNT - Pure PvP (All civilian knowledge needed here is obvious)
And you have different PvE/PvP alignment on servers, then use guide just above.
If you play only on one server mostly, then pick option of that server.