If you have the money, it's really a good choice in my opinion. Plus that link that Sploorky gave us is quite an interesting comparison of price.I don't understand why you would buy a mac (absolutely not worth the extreme amount of money you pay for it) unless you do a lot of designing or art on the computer, then a mac may be worth it. The 2 big cons: price and bad game support, in my opinion, weigh far more than the pros you listed.
As Sploorky already said, you shouldn't be loyal to the company. This isn't a pro for you, it's a pro for them. They need to be loyal to you for it to be a pro.
- Apple owners are 3.4x more loyal than Microsoft owners when it comes to buying a new device
I have no problem doing this myself, this point doesn't sell me. If I download anything on one machine, it only takes a moment to move that file to a shared folder, usb drive, or just ftp it over to the next device, to transfer. It might be nice that it's done for you, but I can't imagine this being a selling point for me.
- Compatibility with iOS devices (over 500 million sold). Open a tab in Safari on your Mac, it's open on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch too. Download a song on one device, it downloads to the others. It's this compatibility that is the biggest selling point for me.
I hear google is also an easy way to find apps. Or just about anything. Especially on a computer, this isn't a very good reason. I might understand on a smart phone or tablet though.
- The App Store. This may seem like a negative point to some casual onlookers, but it's really a large positive. Yes, you can still download apps from other places but the App Store is an easy way to sort through the most popular applications.
I mean, if you're griping about ms paint then what can I say? Paint.net is a free and infinitely better program you can download (as is gimp), and if you really care about having the best product then get yourself a legit copy of photoshop and be done with it. Software you didn't have to install is a really lazy reason to think something is superior. Nobody takes their car to a show and brags about the default parts it came with.
- Bundled Software. iMovie, Garageband, and iPhoto blow the stuff included with Windows away. They are easy to use, look good while being used, and produce great results.
Really just a rehash of the app store and compatibility points. I bet it's a little more convenient, can't imagine it as a selling point.
- iTunes. Yes, many people hate iTunes. Quite a few love it too. Makes it easy to buy songs and have them download to all of your devices.
I used to "text" my friends by sending them messages on msn/trillian. This was back in like 2002, so apple is a good 10 years behind. There have also been websites that let you text people for many years.
- iMessage. We all know someone who has an iOS device. I use iMessage all the time on my Mac so I can "text" my friends who have iPhones.
So you like it because it looks fancy? I'm fine with that, but it isn't a factor for me. I mean, we all play minecraft here, so clearly the best looking things aren't any of our top priorities at all. Backlit keyboards are available for pc's as well, and magnets on your computer, let alone near it, not the best idea.
- Mac Design. Even if you absolutely hate Mac, you have to admit, the hardware is great. Unibody aluminum frame, backlit keyboards on the MacBooks, magnetic hinges, etc.
I have bad news for you here. Your hardware is literally the same that's available for pc's (though we may not have a ready list to get the exact machine made). Apple's things are built by the same (mostly) chinese companies that build all pc parts too. Literally, the exact same parts. Just a different brand. If you think your OS is performing faster than windows, that's debatable, but if it matters you can get linux builds with faster xwindows versions than either.
- Performance. This may be a bit of a touchy area here, but for most people, Mac performance is outstanding. The Mac I have is the Summer 2013 model 13" Macbook Air. I have gotten upwards of 200 FPS on Minecraft and this is supposed to be the "entry level" Mac (though it is actually faster than the Macbook Pro which hasn't been updated yet this year)
Battery life entirely depends on what you do. If you turn down power sucking settings and look at only one website at a time, then your battery will last a very long time. If you open 3 youtube channels and music, and don't tell the machine to take it easy on power, you'll lose it quick. My laptop lasts usually about 2 hours playing minecraft and music, and it's a 6 cell li-ion. It's also a number of years old now, and I'm sure newer batteries are better.
- Battery life. Nearly all Macbooks have above a 5 hour battery life. The new 13" Airs have 10 hour battery life (yes, I have gotten that much on mine)
I think it's fair if you say that you prefer the apple software, but getting angry at not saving .1 seconds? Your life is in trouble if you think that's reasonable. I haven't yet worked for a business that supplied their employees with mac products. I've interviewed with one that supports apple tablets, but not computers or phones.
- Software. I love OS X. It's so smooth getting around and all of the Multi-touch gestures are amazing. If I have to ever use a Windows laptop, I find myself trying to use gestures and I end up getting frustrated that it takes an extra .1 seconds out of my day to do something.
Done and done. Macs aren't bad at all, the only grudges I hold against apple are their prices (and really, that's only in the computer area for me, because I haven't bothered to price out a smart phone or tablet) and their security policies. Everyone will have their preferences, and they're mostly entitled to them. Mostly.Many people will criticize this and that's fine, just know that Macs really aren't all that bad. Personally, I could never go back to Windows again.
Let me know when apple has 90% of the market, or even above 40%, and we'll check back into that.with little virus issues etc.,
I'd just like to add my input on this, considering I recently had a computer put together (because I'm too scrub to do it myself).If you configure a similar Windows computer with similar hardware (design materials included), the price isn't much, if any, cheaper.
I specifically remember seeing apple charging an extra $160 for literally the exact same hard drive the last time I put specs together, the machines were very close to the same specs and had about $600 difference. I'll definitely take the machine that's $600 cheaper, that's a weekly paycheck or more for a lot of people.If you configure a similar Windows computer with similar hardware (design materials included), the price isn't much, if any, cheaper.
Ok, so over the past two months or so of owning a Mac, I've gotten a bit tired of people's 'sympothy' for me because I don't have Windows, so I decided to make this.
Many people will criticize this and that's fine, just know that Macs really aren't all that bad. Personally, I could never go back to Windows again.
- Apple owners are 3.4x more loyal than Microsoft owners when it comes to buying a new device
- Compatibility with iOS devices (over 500 million sold). Open a tab in Safari on your Mac, it's open on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch too. Download a song on one device, it downloads to the others. It's this compatibility that is the biggest selling point for me.
- The App Store. This may seem like a negative point to some casual onlookers, but it's really a large positive. Yes, you can still download apps from other places but the App Store is an easy way to sort through the most popular applications.
- Bundled Software. iMovie, Garageband, and iPhoto blow the stuff included with Windows away. They are easy to use, look good while being used, and produce great results.
- iTunes. Yes, many people hate iTunes. Quite a few love it too. Makes it easy to buy songs and have them download to all of your devices.
- iMessage. We all know someone who has an iOS device. I use iMessage all the time on my Mac so I can "text" my friends who have iPhones.
- Mac Design. Even if you absolutely hate Mac, you have to admit, the hardware is great. Unibody aluminum frame, backlit keyboards on the MacBooks, magnetic hinges, etc.
- Performance. This may be a bit of a touchy area here, but for most people, Mac performance is outstanding. The Mac I have is the Summer 2013 model 13" Macbook Air. I have gotten upwards of 200 FPS on Minecraft and this is supposed to be the "entry level" Mac (though it is actually faster than the Macbook Pro which hasn't been updated yet this year)
- Battery life. Nearly all Macbooks have above a 5 hour battery life. The new 13" Airs have 10 hour battery life (yes, I have gotten that much on mine)
- Software. I love OS X. It's so smooth getting around and all of the Multi-touch gestures are amazing. If I have to ever use a Windows laptop, I find myself trying to use gestures and I end up getting frustrated that it takes an extra .1 seconds out of my day to do something.
Also, a good friend of mine on here who also loves Macs is Pikmon2.
And that is fine, this isn't meant to be an argument. This is only meant to explain that Macs aren't as bad as most people think.I specifically remember seeing apple charging an extra $160 for literally the exact same hard drive the last time I put specs together, the machines were very close to the same specs and had about $600 difference. I'll definitely take the machine that's $600 cheaper, that's a weekly paycheck or more for a lot of people.If you configure a similar Windows computer with similar hardware (design materials included), the price isn't much, if any, cheaper.
It does actually beat the Pro in tests. It has an Intel Has well processor which is newer than the Pro's. When the Pro is updated though, of course it'll be faster."Performance. This may be a bit of a touchy area here, but for most people, Mac performance is outstanding. The Mac I have is the Summer 2013 model 13" Macbook Air. I have gotten upwards of 200 FPS on Minecraft and this is supposed to be the "entry level" Mac (though it is actually faster than the Macbook Pro which hasn't been updated yet this year)" RyanDodd
Last I checked actually, it has much lower RAM, and the same processor, so not quite faster.
As for itunes being a selling point, can't you get that on windows? I had it on my XP before, so I don't think that's a selling point. As for "mac users are more loyal", it may say that it is because the computer is so good, or it could have nothing to do with it they just like it, not true for all.
Anywho I'm not trying to take apart what you said, just saying maybe take those out and it'd be a bit better![]()
^^^This is a little off-topic, but I hate it when people are arguing for Macs and mention the "sleek, polished look" of Apple products. It's just too subjective to use as a selling point for them. Everyone always says that Macs look much better, but I infinitely prefer Windows aesthetically. iOS vs Windows XP? Nooooo contest, in my opinion. That's not to say Windows is inherently better, it's to say that aesthetics don't really matter in an argument of hard specs.
This is a little off-topic, but I hate it when people are arguing for Macs and mention the "sleek, polished look" of Apple products. It's just too subjective to use as a selling point for them. Everyone always says that Macs look much better, but I infinitely prefer Windows aesthetically. iOS vs Windows XP? Nooooo contest, in my opinion. That's not to say Windows is inherently better, it's to say that aesthetics don't really matter in an argument of hard specs.
Both start with B.Guys, what's the difference between bloatware and bundled software?
Both start with B.Guys, what's the difference between bloatware and bundled software?
That's a similarity not a difference, gosh.