LOL: The League Of Legends

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Oct 21, 2011
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Want to see some debate on this thread again.
Ranked. Its a terribly evil place, literally "Where angels fear to tread". Whats your rank? How do you want to improve? What do you think you need to do to get better? Give some advice if you have any and talk about the advice.
I'm in my promos for Gold V now with 1 loss and no wins so far and let me tell you nervous as hell. No really sure what I can do better so if you have anything you thing I can improve on I'm all ears.
I lost 2 promos, and i was 2/1 in the one i just lost.
If you are nervous you will play terribly.
I got 2 dc's in my promos, then 2 after. Until you get partway through gold, its 70% luck. You just have to hope you dont get a troll/dc and try to stay positive. I used to be very against the 'ranked is luck' concept but its really true. Ive been starting to play ranked less and less because of it.

Anyway, incase anyone cares (basically the people that say i can only play ad) im going to try to hit gold 5 then bootcamp mid. My pool now is kass zed fizz and either ahri or ori (havent decided) can someone offer which one i should pick?

also Choclate_god i have bronze 1 through 5 friends and they try to compare carrying in their elo to mine. If you google (yes everyone does this at some point) tips on carrying ranked, etc you will get tips for bronze and that doesnt work in low gold. I would know.

TL;DR ranked is lame mostly luck until you get to high gold elo nervous = feedo hope for no dc's win games yaay
TL;DR low elo is boring and easy and requires no effort at all just pick master yi and win every game 1v5
EDIT: Most of this is true but im not arguing any of it so dont say anything in response this is true and you know it Jolteon42 still loling at ur vlad
fuck you. :(
: ]


Nov 12, 2011
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Want to see some debate on this thread again.
Ranked. Its a terribly evil place, literally "Where angels fear to tread". Whats your rank? How do you want to improve? What do you think you need to do to get better? Give some advice if you have any and talk about the advice.
I'm in my promos for Gold V now with 1 loss and no wins so far and let me tell you nervous as hell. No really sure what I can do better so if you have anything you thing I can improve on I'm all ears.
Only Silver 3, but I'm almost to silver 2 promos and lately I've been winning alot more then losing. Basically, just queue and don't treat it like your life if on the line. Not sure what role you play in ranked, but just treat it like a normal game and don't give a fuck about what the outcome will be. Just go in there, play your best, help your team/laners out if they are in trouble, try to prioritize towers/objectives over kills, and keep vision around the map and you should do fine.

If your team is falling behind and its mid game, what I usually do to stay in the game is ward around my own jungle near red/blue buff, because that's where they will most likely be lurking and you'll certainly be able to catch opposing enemies around there.

One more thing, if your team doesn't have an assassin mid laner (Fizz/Zed/Ahri/Kassadin) and theirs do, you'll most likely be fucked. To be on the safe side, I would try to ban these out over anything else, or pick them for you or your team if you have the chance. I played Ahri/Zed a few timesin ranked and I will never turn back, because once you're fed, you'll snowballing out of control, which then you can safely splitpush without the worry of anyone being able to defeat you 1v1, and if you get goonsquaded by their team, your team can capitalized by capturing towers/objectives.


Fidget Spinner
Aug 6, 2011
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>Play ranked
>Give 0 fucks if you win or lose
>Play to improve
>Be good at what you do
>Crush lane (winning isnt enough) and apply pressure
>You will lose some games
>If your good you will win most games though

Thats all there really is too it. I can go really in depth on how to win the lane, and how to absolutely crush your lane, however carrying is something moreover you need to learn yourself. It will come with practice. Just don't give up.


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
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Want to see some debate on this thread again.
Ranked. Its a terribly evil place, literally "Where angels fear to tread". Whats your rank? How do you want to improve? What do you think you need to do to get better? Give some advice if you have any and talk about the advice.
I'm in my promos for Gold V now with 1 loss and no wins so far and let me tell you nervous as hell. No really sure what I can do better so if you have anything you thing I can improve on I'm all ears.
Only Silver 3, but I'm almost to silver 2 promos and lately I've been winning alot more then losing. Basically, just queue and don't treat it like your life if on the line. Not sure what role you play in ranked, but just treat it like a normal game and don't give a fuck about what the outcome will be. Just go in there, play your best, help your team/laners out if they are in trouble, try to prioritize towers/objectives over kills, and keep vision around the map and you should do fine.

If your team is falling behind and its mid game, what I usually do to stay in the game is ward around my own jungle near red/blue buff, because that's where they will most likely be lurking and you'll certainly be able to catch opposing enemies around there.

One more thing, if your team doesn't have an assassin mid laner (Fizz/Zed/Ahri/Kassadin) and theirs do, you'll most likely be fucked. To be on the safe side, I would try to ban these out over anything else, or pick them for you or your team if you have the chance. I played Ahri/Zed a few timesin ranked and I will never turn back, because once you're fed, you'll snowballing out of control, which then you can safely splitpush without the worry of anyone being able to defeat you 1v1, and if you get goonsquaded by their team, your team can capitalized by capturing towers/objectives.
chcolate does like 3x better in ranked than in normals though


Fidget Spinner
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Want to see some debate on this thread again.
Ranked. Its a terribly evil place, literally "Where angels fear to tread". Whats your rank? How do you want to improve? What do you think you need to do to get better? Give some advice if you have any and talk about the advice.
I'm in my promos for Gold V now with 1 loss and no wins so far and let me tell you nervous as hell. No really sure what I can do better so if you have anything you thing I can improve on I'm all ears.
Edit: It was like 3am when I made I don't feel like fixing mistakes

#DoublePost #Yolo #Fucks=0 #Hashtagsonforums #ForumsOnHashtags

Don't be nervous, there is no reason to be. If you win, Awesome! If you loose, who cares win the next one.

If you loose your promos, who cares. Win more games and tr it again. You wont get anywhere if you don't try.

I believe in you, You believe in yourself, and most importantly



Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
So, I lost my promos ;-;
First game I had a duo that claimed to have a "plat on Korean server smurf" feed to all hell and then troll and cause us to lose at 17mins ._.
Second game I had a Silent Night Sona leave after she made a terrible play that caused our Corki, Myself(Zac) and herself to die. So 5mins in it was a 4v5... Fun. Then our mid Xerath had the balls to blame me for him getting ganked 5 times when he had no wards and was always pushed and bitched at me when I didn't gank for him. Went down to 51lp so yeah fuck promos.
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