I'd like to point out this one simple point that everyone keeps getting wrong: In day to day use, Macs are no slower than Windows. Now, there are exceptions to this of course, but getting around the operating system is no slower (and in many cases faster) than Windows. I think that people are only saying it is slow because they don't know how to use it. When you take time to learn both, the Mac wins in getting around the OS and in general speed.
I don't see that "everyone" has made that argument, nor is your rebuttal in any way useful. Your keyboard layout is slower than other designs, it exists because it was the fastest layout with the
least chance of jamming your typewriter, and transitioned to computer use because of familiarity. Navigating the file structure of any OS is just as easy and quick with familiarity, especially if you set it up to be that way.
And none of this quantifies the "general speed" of a computer. The point I see you making is that
user speed is faster on macs, which is entirely unproductive given that anyone's mileage will vary.