LOL: The League Of Legends

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Nov 29, 2011
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Pick a side, is jinx op or not op.
Not necessarily bad, but not broken.

If you think she is op, the one thing thats making me think she isnt is her lack of mobility. What do you do as jinx against the current jungler/midlane meta of gapclosers with cc and assassins?
Otherwise if you land w and you know how to play the game you get a kill, unless you're against someone with a gapcloser because you're way too slow to catch up. (without passive)
Op=Stupidly hard to fight against, either early game, late game, or both, no matter who plays her.
Jinx=Not that. She's good, really good if played well, but it's not like she dominates lanes with no effort. I feel that people are screaming "Op" because she's so varied with the usual group of adcs(aoe autos, hard cc, attack speed steroids), that she outclasses a lot of them at first glance. So while she's good, and yeah, maybe her kit could be a little more balanced, I don't think she's really Op.


Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
Pick a side, is jinx op or not op.
Not necessarily bad, but not broken.

If you think she is op, the one thing thats making me think she isnt is her lack of mobility. What do you do as jinx against the current jungler/midlane meta of gapclosers with cc and assassins?
Otherwise if you land w and you know how to play the game you get a kill, unless you're against someone with a gapcloser because you're way too slow to catch up. (without passive)
The only thing that can completely destroy jinx is Assassins/Aggressive jungler ganks such as Jarvan. However, if Jinx starts to snowball from getting a few kills, then its going to be impossible to catch her unless you're someone like Kassadin who can chase for days, which is why she tends to be a pain for some games, specifially in silver. The "assassin meta" excuse doesn't matter anyways, assassins are almost ALWAYS banned in ranked games.

I agree though, she isn't OP. She has a very strong kit, but doesn't matter because her escape methods aren't reliable enough.


Oct 21, 2011
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Assuming Jarvan isn't the hardest counter to every adc in the game excluding corki
Jinx is liek
supah good
but not like
vayne good
ya know
What about all of the other junglers?
Aatrox? Elise? Vi? Pee sin?
If they have a gap closer shes dead, if they dont (udyr ponyrim) she can easily kite with w.
In fights, you have champs like zed, fizz, ahri, and kass. All midlane assassins. What do you when they jump on you? Cait, net. Ez, arcane shift. Vayne, tumble and/or condemn. Corki, jet rush thing. Graves, quickdraw. Trist, rocket jump or ulti. Lucian, dash thing. Guess who the popular adc's are? (lucian is popular in korea) Now guess why. As a high priority target, escapes are important. Thus why kog isnt played anymore.

TL;DR Read the post


Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
Assuming Jarvan isn't the hardest counter to every adc in the game excluding corki
Jinx is liek
supah good
but not like
vayne good
ya know
What about all of the other junglers?
Aatrox? Elise? Vi? Pee sin?
Aatrox: Yes because of the knockup.

Elise: Sometimes, her only gap closer is also an escape tool, and her cocoon is a hard skillshot to land when ganking lanes. Still can be easily kited.

Vi: Yes and no, Vi does have a gapclose but then after she uses it, Jinx can just use chompers right on Vi and run back to her tower. Post 6 Vi is a different story though, jinx will most likely be dead at this point of time when caught. If the jinx is way too overextended in lane then she's dead for every gank.

Lee: Again, similar to elise his Q is hard to aim when ganking lanes. Usually lee's will just walk in to gank and E to slow, and similar to Vi after his gap closer is used there's not much left, as jinx can use chompers and will most likely escape, unless overextended.


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Assuming Jarvan isn't the hardest counter to every adc in the game excluding corki
Jinx is liek
supah good
but not like
vayne good
ya know
What about all of the other junglers?
Aatrox? Elise? Vi? Pee sin?
If they have a gap closer shes dead, if they dont (udyr ponyrim) she can easily kite with w.
In fights, you have champs like zed, fizz, ahri, and kass. All midlane assassins. What do you when they jump on you? Cait, net. Ez, arcane shift. Vayne, tumble and/or condemn. Corki, jet rush thing. Graves, quickdraw. Trist, rocket jump or ulti. Lucian, dash thing. Guess who the popular adc's are? (lucian is popular in korea) Now guess why. As a high priority target, escapes are important. Thus why kog isnt played anymore.

TL;DR Read the post
A lot of this was just my gut feeling from playing over the past 2 weeks, I can't really explain it


Former CA
Aug 13, 2011
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Got queued against NiP kev1n for an ARAM last night. Dat matchmaking, putting us (queued with a friend) against a Challenger. We won though, because he was on Garen and couldn't do much :p. Second time I played a game with him in it.
So far I've played with:
- NiP Kev1n (2x)
- Fnatic YellOwStaR
- M FatMomma
- RiotMixDj (ranked match)
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