RoF (ex-)Staff, GM & prestige list



Aaaaand Forseti's back! Butamou got promoted to Operator (trial)! There hasn't been a new grandmaster in almost a month now... c'mon people, don't you all want to see that shiny new & epic sanctum? :D




Jul 19, 2013
Reaction score
He's banned for x-ray I believe.
He was unbanned this morning I believe....

Gaius Is a Grandmaster but i can't find him on the list!
He's banned for x-ray I believe.

Oh ok. But then he still needs to be added to Grandmaster if i am right
As weird as it seems to say Harold is right, he is. :p But he's not a GM anymore, he's been completely reset.




May 4, 2013
Reaction score
:O Bram13 I found an error in the post. You gotta capitalize something. But just for fun I'm not telling you where :3
MDooley15 (promoted on March 17, 2013. Resigned April 18, 2013.) Profile
Omar_Sales (promoted October 23, 2012. Resigned january 23, 2013) Profile
RonaldoSkillz (promoted October 18, 2012. Was later promoted to VetOp & Controller)


Jul 19, 2013
Reaction score
:O Bram13 I found an error in the post. You gotta capitalize something. But just for fun I'm not telling you where :3
MDooley15 (promoted on March 17, 2013. Resigned April 18, 2013.) Profile
Omar_Sales (promoted October 23, 2012. Resigned january 23, 2013) Profile
RonaldoSkillz (promoted October 18, 2012. Was later promoted to VetOp & Controller)
Shhh! Bram's brain needs a workout every once in a while.


I've decided to remove the grandmaster list. Staff list got updated and errors have been fixed. (Could someone with the power change the title of this thread to "RoF (ex-)Staff list" please? <3) Also added a "Quick List"! The 'normal' list is still there, in a spoiler.


Updated, removed the ex-staff on the Full List and put it in its own section. Also, posting the archive here because the first post got too big (like, literally, too big. I was unable to post it because it had too many characters.)

December 17, 2013
- Updated the Full List (after having archived & not updated it)
- Removed the ex-operators from the normal list and added it as a separate "Ex-Staff" section

November 3, 2013
- Removed the grandmaster list
- Updated operator list
- Am planning on having an "Info" link right next to a staff member which will redirect you to a page explaining who this person is.
- Added a Quick List.

October 17, 2013
- Added Kevin_28 to the Operator list
- Removed all extra information on the other sections as well because hey, I'm lazy!
- Did a few other edits to the general layout of the thread etc.

October 16, 2013
- Added Enemy_NPC to the Operator list
- Removed the numerical ranking for grandmasters. I'm lazy okay.

October 14, 2013
- Finished all of the profile links, per request of crafter.
- Removed all the extra information at the Grandmaster's section as it was extremely confusing and inaccurate. Also removed all banned players, I don't see any reason for people to know who's banned.

October 12, 2013
- Removed Kylie from the operator list, she resigned. Not sure if she's a grandmaster now, will edit once I know.

October 8, 2013
- Someone added X__x to the grandmaster list... Not me...

October 5, 2013
- Added Forseti back to the VetOp list
- Added Butamou to the Operator list

September 18, 2013
- Updated Controller list
- Updated VetOp list
- Updated Operator list
- Updated Grandmaster list

September 15, 2013
- removed Araidian from the grandmaster list, he was but back to Master when he resigned
September 14, 2013
- added Araidian to the grandmaster list, removed from the operator list (he resigned)

September 12, 2013
- added Jubjubers to the grandmaster list
- added profile link for jubjubers

September 10, 2013
- added raxo2222 to the grandmaster list
- completed profile links for staff
- added a few more profile links for grandmasters

September 9, 2013
- added ghostbuster3333 to the grandmaster list
- added a few more profile links for grandmasters

September 8, 2013
- Added a "last updated" for every section
- Added lordj to the grandmaster list
- Added Alex714 to the grandmaster list
- Added "Grandmaster of the Week section
- Trap_Wolf is elected as Grandmaster of the Week by
- Removed the "Grandmaster of the Week" section because it completely fucked up the thread and took me an extremely long time to fix

August 31, 2013
- Added Lupus_Stevens, Butamou and WiiGoGetter to the Grandmaster list (forgot to add buta, oops. wii resigned.)
- Removed WiiGoGetter from the operator list (resigned)
- Profile links for staff ranks almost finished + a few links for GM's
- More profile links will be added once I'm bored again and have more time.

Augst 25, 2013
- took over the thread from cooliorules again
- added changelog
- huge update on the operator and grandmaster list, adding over 15 new people
- added custom titles section
- added profile links
56 Grandmasters (last updated: October 16, 2013)
Note: Grandmasters are not staff. Grandmaster is the highest buyable player rank.

Alex714 Profile
Arlequinn Profile
Bastiatomic Profile not found
BiggestKirbyFan Profile
bram13 (got Grandmaster, was demoted to Player on request, and then got Grandmaster again) Profile
blackarcher25 Profile
bored38496 Profile
Brickwolf(didn't rank up, got it when Classic Lava shut down, was Director) Profile
buildbuild12 Profile
Chrysn_raGtaG Profile not found
crafter8910 Profile
gettinthere Profile
ghostbuster333 Profile
Harold1995 Profile
Herooftime125 Profile
Hubio3000 Profile not found
jennifahhkiller Profile
Jubjubers (didn't buy the rank, got it when Solitude shut down.) Profile
Kevin_28 Profile
KingSam(didn't buy the rank, got it when he resigned from TNT director) Profile
Kuilin Profile
LagWarrior Profile
Lag_Eater Profile
LizzzyxD Profile
Lupus_Stevens Profile
loublue123 Profile
LordJ Profile
Marlem Profile
MDooley15 (didn't buy the rank, got it when he resigned from Operator. He was Journeyman when he got operator.) Profile
midnightgirl24 Profile
MikeTang Profile
MindCrafty Profile
myusername22 Profile
omgitsathong Profile
ParasiteX408 Profile
pigpiglwj Profile
Ragetastic96 Profile
raxo2222 Profile
Razinao Profile
Sephhh Profile
Shande (didn't rank up, got it when he resigned from Operator) Profile
Scotty12345 Profile
spaceangel96 Profile
spiderkrab Profile
Silkshadow Profile
Supermegacheater Profile
smelyalata Profile
Spencer725 Profile
TheQube Profile
Thoughtcarton Profile not found
Thunderskins Profile
Trap_Wolf Profile
Vatumok (didn't rank up, got it when Zombie shut down, was Director) Profile
WiiGoGetter Profile
Zack27999 Profile
X__x Profile
63LittlePiggy63 (was promoted to Operator)
DarkHender (was promoted to Operator)
FrenchSanta12 (was promoted to Operator)

Newest Grandmaster: X__x