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Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Name: Prefers to be called "Todd"
Age: 16
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde
Species: Elemental/Lightning spirit
Personality Traits: Self-centered, Tom boy, blunt, cowardice, stubborn
Likes: Boy things, sports like basket ball, video games, rock bands. arcades, cartoons
Dislikes: Girl stuff, dolls, cute things,
Attributes: As a spirit of lightning, she can control this element at her own will, Todd can send sparks or a bolt from her finger tips. Can use light. She's also adept in hand to hand combat, often electrifying her hands for additional damage. She can also absorb electric energy from any source of electric energy. She is able to throw shock grenades at her foes,
Weakness: Water as it causes her to have a seizure, rocks, and absorbing too much electric energy can cause her to overload. Able to put up a defensive barrier, has telekinetic powers.
Back Ground: Todd wasn't exactly her first name, her true name was Valca, but she resented that name as it sounded too girly to her, she choose the name Todd after having fun with a boy named Todd in sports. Todd thinks and feels like a boy, she has the mind of one. However she wears her standard cute outfit as she feels it suits her. She is a spirit of lightning, her goal is to keep the balance of its power in check from evil beings, but most of the time she tries to live a somewhat normal life.


Dec 10, 2011
Reaction score
Kingkoopa1192 (Minecraft Username) ----> -Walker- (Steam Name)
NinjagoNinja19 (Minecraft Username) ----> Blujay (Steam Name)
Cloudmario8479 (Minecraft Username) ----> ??????? (Steam Name)

NOTE: Kingkoopa1192 and NinjagoNinja19 are my alts in Classic Lava, but there used by different people.

NOTE: Like I said before, my Steam Name is named after one of the characters of Touhou.
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