The DoD Colosseum


Dusk of Discordia VetOp
Nov 26, 2011
Reaction score
Its time for the first DoD event, The Colosseum!

It will be a 2v2 PvP event (with some surprises), so make sure you get a partner you can trust! To sign-up just list yours and your partners name below and I will get you put into the rotation!

Video: yes you are welcome!

When will the event start:
Matches won't be all at the same time.

What do I need to bring for this event?
We will be charging a small entrance fee of topians to enter, but as for armor and weapons... Dont worry they will all be provided for you.

Where is this event Located?
The Colosseum is on an island in a different world, but the portal to it is located at, X: Y: Z:

If I do not want to participate but i want to come watch my friends how do i do so?
All you need to do is make it to the portal, it'll bring you to the Colosseum and you can sit in the stand watch and cheer on your friends.

What do I get if I win?
Well there will be a first, second, and third place prize, all 3 of them receiving a portion of the all the topians received from the hat vendors/entry fee. But for the Grand Champion not only will he receive the biggest cut of the loot, his name will be inscribed on our fanciest wooden sign and put into out Champion Hall of Fame (Yet to be Built)! (And maybe a few other things that need to be worked out!)

How are the fights chosen?
It will be a randomly generated bracket style competition, meaning..... All the teams will be randomly placed in different spots and then continue in a bracket until we have one winner!

How long do I have to sign-up?
Sign-ups will close Thursday the 2nd of January, 2014 at 11:00 A.M. GMT

There are none!! yay! Everything is provided for you so you do not need to worry about being behind on the server. And also know for everyone all inventories will be wiped to get rid of any items that could cause the event to be unfair, so leave all your items at home!​
For any questions, comments, or complaints please leave a comment below and ill get to it ASAP

Edit: I forgot to post this but here is the lore:
The horizon burned with the rising of the sun. It's grand ascension every morning never ceased to amaze the man standing outside the door. This man, known as Lapidus, had been a fighter in the Colosseum for over 30 long years. He'd seen many things. He'd seen a man cleaved in two with an axe. He'd seen zombies devour a child in broad daylight. He'd even seen an unstoppable duo of fighters rise to the top of the Colosseum hierarchy.

Yes, proud men with great legacies were destined to find success in the Colosseum. Many of the ancient Caesars were themselves the subject of many a bard's song. There was Hector the Almighty, who, spear in hand, defeated 10 men in under an hour. They had sung of Alaric the Terrible, who once dismembered an opponent with his bare hands. And before the current age, there had been a man known as Marius the Fierce.

Marius was not a perfect man. This certainly could be said of any man, but Marius was especially noteworthy. He was a drunk, gambling womanizer who cared for nothing else besides wine, women, and bloodshed. However, people did not doubt his strength nor his barbarity. Marius had started his way from a commoner, and rode to the throne on a sea of blood. Marius cared little for human life. In fact, some say he was no human at all, but a demon.

Whether or not he was a demon or not, however, would never be known. For one day two warriors appeared and challenged Marius on their first day. They were a team; Zipicus, the brain, Daniel, the brawn. Where one would fail, the other would take over. And together they were unstoppable.

"Marius!" called Zipicus. "We demand you challenge us both, and if you're as fierce as you say you are, you'll not run away with your tale between your legs! We aren't here to battle a coward!" Zipicus was the brains of the operation for a few reasons, one being that he knew how to make his opponents angry.

"You dare challenge me!? Have you not heard the tales!?" Marius bellowed. "Foolish peasant! Woman, bring me my sword. I shall feed these commoners their tongues." Marius was angry. He was angrier than he had ever been, which was saying something. His eyes were bloodshot, as if thirsting for another taste of the red that stained the Colosseum.

And so the battle began. Marius was certainly not the wisest of men, and had decided to battle them together. Swinging his sword around, he angrily lashed out at Zipicus, who easily enough dodged his bullheaded attacks. In fact, Zipicus didn't take a single swing at Marius. After all, that was not his job.

"Why aren't you swinging at me! Do you mean to mock me!" Marius yelled out between grunts.

"Not at all." replied Zipicus. "Merely buying some time."

And then Marius slowed down considerably. While it would be nice to say this was because he realized he was being baited, it was certainly not the case. No, Marius was slowed down by Daniels's sword, which had lodged into the fools abdomen. Normally Marius would not have fallen due to a simple strike, as he wore fine armor with a large iron plate. However, in his ire he had forgotten to put on his armor. Thus, like his reign, he too ended in blood.

This had been 5 years ago. Lapidus was fond of the two new Ceasars, as they seemed to be a significant improvement on Marius's debauchery. All aspects considered, they fit in well. In addition, they had fascinating new ideas. Every year, they declared, they would host an ultimate competition. He who could best the two of them in joint combat would become the Caesar, and for 5 years, none among the Discordian masses could do so.

But is this proud warrior among you? Do they live within your heart? Do they yearn to conquer the throne? Can they conquer the Colosseum?


Dusk of Discordia VetOp
Nov 26, 2011
Reaction score
RyanDodd or Terre936 if Danni doesn't compete?
Terre and I have agreed to team if Danni doesn't compete. But if he does, sure!
I would need a for sure answer on this by thursday

Can we use bows and swords or only one of either?
The weapons will be change so its not for sure but yes there is a chance for a bow or sword, but no potions!

...What's the front part of the preview thing supposed to be?
Its just a few of us messing around thought id add it


Dusk of Discordia VetOp
Nov 26, 2011
Reaction score
Ok so the teams so far are:

1. Rosekill & _Aperson155_
2.77_is_the_best & Hockeyfan1852
3. std1997 & Suikae
4. xXxFruitNinjaxXx & HeyitsCstar
5. Baker93 & Qube
6.RyanDodd & Terre936
7. JWhitty & Airkid
8. Dmlt3 & AotsFTW
LFM: Stretford01 Jivvi

TRY TO GET YOUR FRIENDS INTO THIS GUYS!! remember the more contestants the bigger the pay out for the winners!!