Blocktopia and 2014


Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
Hey Blocktopia,

For a while now, your administration team have worked on, stressed over, poured sweat and blood(and just a bit of tears) into improving community numbers, making it big, getting our name out there again. We planned to be the top. And because of it, we have lost our way. We focused on our brand name and not the games and the people, and because of that, we stopped having fun. I wouldn't be surprised if some of you stopped having fun as well because of it.

I'm sorry. We are sorry.

2014 is a new year, and what better way to start it off than with a promise. There will be no more "We are Blocktopia, we are so professional", there will be no more trying to get to the major leagues at the expense of being jagged and cold. What there will be is a smallish community where we just have some well deserved fun. No stress, no drama, you join, you play games and talk to people. So please, everyone:

Chill out, yo! All the head staff apologize for losing our touch, so do us a favor, stop worrying about perfection and numbers, stop worrying about drama and spite, and just enjoy yourself!

You may think I'm rambling, and you may see no problems, and that's honestly fine. This won't really affect you then. But between the upper staff, it's a common agreement that both ourselves and the community needs to chill out, get close again, and play some games.

So that's our new year's resolution to you. We're going to change, not worry about becoming the biggest, and turn our sights to becoming the most fun you can have playing online games with some folks over the internet. This also means putting up more temporary servers, having more teamspeak outings, focusing on the community we already have, not the one we want to have.

With this comes two notes. 1. This does not mean our standards will dip. We will keep our servers well-maintained and we will try to keep you happy! 2. If you are in any way confused or think I am being too vague, you're free to discuss it more in-depth with Baker or myself. A forum PM or irc query will do just fine, or in the case of myself, you can usually catch me on teamspeak.

This is your administration team, wishing to make something better for everyone. To 2014, Blocktopia.


Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
As someone who's been in and out of the community for various reasons, but has always kept on eye on Blocktopia because of the special place it holds in my heart, I like where this is going <3 :)


A username.
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
Did you know only 8% of people can keep their new years resolutions...

you forgot to factor in a few numbers we have two current administrators plus two current ASSHATS so that makes 4 admin level peoples so that's 32% right there.

then we must factor in the number of years the community has been running... I believe it's been at least 4 at the moment ( correct me If i'm wrong) so we multiply 32 by 4 and get 128%

now remember blocktopia generally does this with pretty consistent quality so we also need to double it and get 256% now statistically speaking the admin team should not only accomplish this once this year but 2 and a half times this year!

before you say, but wtf user! you can't have a percentage over 100% besides that your math is all wrong. I'd like to point out i did math which we know obviously can never be wrong ;)