Survivor Clipperton


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
There was a tie between OPILI and The Peaceful Pumpkins. So I used the randomizer.

Tribe #3 is now knows as the [BCOLOR=#ff00ff]Peaceful Pumpkins Tribe[/BCOLOR]!

Also @SmoggyWaffles, the votes will stay hidden. So no one will know who voted for who.

I'll be now be working on the introduction. And after that I'll post the first challenge of the season.​


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
First Challenge

Each Tribe will have to come up with a joke. The two funniest jokes win immunity and won't have to vote out someone from their Tribe. The other two will have to vote someone out.

Just to make it harder, the joke needs to have these words included:


Talk about it in your Challenge PM I created for your Tribe.​

Good luck.​


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Challenge Results

The winners for this Challenge are... [BCOLOR=#00ff00]Fighting Potatoes Tribe[/BCOLOR] and[BCOLOR=#33cccc] Elsa Tribe[/BCOLOR]!

Fighting Potatoes's Joke: (By Faliara)

Once upon a time, there was a spandex-wearing kangaroo. One day, as it was jumping around, his spandex suddenly fell from it's place, and the kangaroo tripped, crashing into the pillar. The pillar then fell and crashed into one end of a seesaw, whereas the umbrella that hung from the other end jumped and soared, landing right in the middle of a man's butt, who screamed and jumped repeatedly from the pain, crashing into a woman, who crashed into a boy, who crashed into a girl, who crashed into another man who was smoking and dropped his cigarette in surprise, the cigarette falling to the ground and setting fire to the world as it burned to ashes.
All because the kangaroo was wearing spandex.
Moral of the story: Don't give kangaroos spandex, kids. The world will BURN.

Elsa's Joke: (By Nottykitten)

Moo moo
A kangeroo with an umbrella set fire to my shoe.

That means your Tribe is safe and won't need to worry in voting out anyone. For winning both Tribes will be heading to this house to enjoy the rest of the day.


Now, the not so good news.

This leaves [BCOLOR=#ffff00]Kristoff Tribe[/BCOLOR] and [BCOLOR=#ff00ff]Peaceful Pumpkins Tribe[/BCOLOR].

Kristoff's Joke: (By Ealev)

Australia; known for its animals, and especially to kids, kangaroos. Now, there was a particular family of kangaroos that lived in the outback, the McLobsters's. This family was hated by the other kangaroos. They made them look bad, or so they all believed. They used umbrellas in the sun so they wouldn't get sunburned (because any human would have a heart attack if a kangaroo went to a general store and bought suncreen). Now, the McLobsters's weren't all that smart and didn't realize they couldn't get sunburned. They were ridiculed all the time, and the poor McLobsters's kids had no friends. One day, an old kangaroo of the community got drunk and dropped his cigarette, starting a fire. Everyone ran (the McLobsters's with their umbrellas of course), and most got out unhurt. However, all the homes were burned down! Some nice kangaroos from other communities brought out drinks and food. They had all sorts of fruits and vegetables and meats and pies. And the drinks ranged from water to fancy wine. When the McLobsters's kids were thirsty, they were walking around looking at the lines for drinks. They saw a lemonade line, a juice line, a water line; but no matter where they looked THEY COULDN'T FIND A PUNCHLINE.​

Peaceful Pumpkin's Joke: (By Ooglie101)

Two Australian friends are talking by a fire getting prepared for a barbeque. The first friend says "'Ey, why don't we cook some Joey or Boomers on the barbie." The second man replies "Seems like a bloody good idea but we don't have a single thing to roast 'em on!" The first man says "Bloody oath! You're right! Well, I have this old umbrella over 'ere we could use!"
A positively British man walks by after overhearing the conversation and says "What in the world are you old chaps saying? I cannot tell whether you're trying to dress up a Barbie with an umbrella or blow up a spiffing old fellow called Joey! Are you little girls or terrorists!"
The two Australian men reply "Nah mate, we're just Australian."


[BCOLOR=#ff00ff]Peaceful Pumpkins Tribe[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=#ffff00]Kristoff Tribe[/BCOLOR]


You will need to vote someone out from your OWN Tribe. Send me a PM with the name of that Survivor you wish to vote out. You can't vote for yourself.

Then those 2 Survivors will face up in a duel.

Good luck.

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