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The Hunger Games


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
the tributes rise up out of their platforms, and see the cornucopia. They take note of the 4 items located their, a 2 health kits, a defense kit, a spy glass, and a steal kit ( thats what im calling it now, deal with it) the tributes asses the situation, taking in their surroundings, and decide what to do.
Ltin appears on a screen in the sky. "Ladies and Gentlemen, let the first blocktopia hunger games Begin!" A cannon is shot, and the tributes rush off.

It is now the bloodbath period. If you opted to participate in the bloodbath, please await a pm from me for a list of tributes. If you chose not to participate, do nothing.
remember, there is to be no discussion between tributes during this period. Do not post.

The first period will begin on Tuesday april first at 3pm cst (9pm gmt)


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
As the battle ends, not a single cannon is fired. Everyone survived the bloodbath.
there are 12 tributes remaining

It is now period 1. If you participated in the bloodbath, please await a pm from me. Please do not send any pms right away, so I have time to send them all before I recieve any.

The second period will begin on friday, april 4th, at 3pm cst (9pm gmt).

You may post and attack now, also I am making a rule change to a rule that may or may npt have been stated. An item may be used at a different time than the attack.
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sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
I run from the Cornucopia as fast as I can. Into the woods, while the bloodbath ensues where I started. I hear a cannon shortly after. One down, 10 to go, I think as I stop after a very long sprint. I gotta catch my breath.

Suddenly, I hear voices from the forest around me. Other survivors. I try to hide, but it's too late. They already saw me. By now, I've regained a large part of my strenght, so I start running again. As I storm through the woods, I pick up a nice rock and throw it behind me, hoping it would hit one of the chasers. It does, since I hear some swearing fading into the distance behind me as I run.

I find a little cave to spend the night in. On the way here, I've gathered a little dry wood, so I make up a fire and eat a few berries that grew on the bush outside my cave. Bright lights are high up in the sky. Raxo's face is shown on the big screen that the dome surrounding us is. Well, fuck. I just lost my only ally.

Anybody else wanna be allies?