Okay, my opinion? For starters, it's spelled GIF, the proper way to say it would be with a G sound. But! The creator calls it JIF, obviously with a J sound. The creator has every right to have it pronounced that way. BUTT! The term "G.I.F." is used world-wide by the likes of many, including all of you. Due to majority in many cases of spelling, things have been pronounced differently than originaly planned. In addition to that, it's not just called the original JIF, but also GIF. So which ever came first or not, they are BOTH correct, meaning that there will never be an end to this war of how to pronoun- pronun- pronunceeae? ERRGGH. See? You got me messed up now. The point being you are ALL right to call it which ever you want and you will still be correct. :D