Once upon a time, there was a boy named Classic Zombie Survival. His parents, Blocktopia and Zombie, were young when it happened, but they were excited about have a baby. So CZS grew up, and in his teen years, CZS was told the news that a brother was on the way.
Blocktopia could tell that this new kid would be a techy kid, one of those kids on his phone all the time, wanting all the new technology. So he got all of it. CZS however lost some of his friends to his seemingly cooler brother AOD, and he started fading away.
CZS died in a tragic car accident. Blocktopia and Zombie decided not to have another kid becuase they thought that CZS would live on in their younger son, AOD. This however, was not the case. A significant number of AOD's friends never got over CZS's death, so they begged Blocktopia to have another baby.
After about a year, Blocktopia and Zombie had another son who looked almost exactly as CZS did. So they all lived happily ever after. The to be continued.