Guys, this is a pointless debate. We'll see how well it'll do after it launches.
Wasn't starting a debate :/ Just getting hounded for the sake of my opinion...
[BCOLOR=rgb(255, 244, 229)]If you find tag mode the same as the Classic Zombie Survival, I don't think you understand the difference. Because hitting people to kill them and touching to kill them [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgb(255, 244, 229)]is[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=rgb(255, 244, 229)] the big difference.[/BCOLOR]
Why does everyone feel the need to assume I'm stupid just because I disagree with you? I *know* that is the difference, I just don't think that those two things are necessarily a huge enough difference in gameplay to justify a whole new server.
These are only my [hl]uninformed personal[/hl] opinions on the decision to create this server, that are just as worthy as your [hl]uninformed personal[/hl] opinions on a server that hasn't even launched yet, so there is no need for like 6 or 7 people to quote my post and all start arguing that I simply "don't understand". It's a little rude to say the least.