The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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Well how about the question
Who do you think mafia will target in the first night?

Might give a good lead for any doctor roles to protect and save people. Also could discourage mafia from attacking prolific players.

Personally like most mafia games, I think the known strategizers might be targetted like JK and Notty (if they arent mafia already). There is also the chance that people might have hard feelings from last mafia and just knock me or Ooglie off when they dont have any leads.


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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Who do you think mafia will target in the first night?
I feel like they might try to get rid of experienced players seeing they know what they're doing. They may, however, get rid of the people who aren't AS experienced so that the game would be more so between the experienced then the not so experienced.


Jul 2, 2012
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While reading through, I do agree that fiesta does seem the most suspcious, but it is very little suspcion compared to none. That conversation the he and timdood shared seemed very... weird. I don't know how to explain it, but it just feels off.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Sadly. Timdood3 asked too many questions x3 Oh well. There's still a small chance
This ^ struck me as odd as soon as I read it.
Hahah. Don't worry my friend. I knew someone was gonna find the question suspicious but not This soon. Don't worry too much, It's a natural reaction.
And this ^ seemed like he was trying to play it off by means of confusion.
@Fiestaguy, would you mind giving an explanation since several people seem to think that you (and me . _ . ) are suspicious?
Aug 6, 2011
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Goooooood morning Venicians! Game started last night late... Just wake up... 8 pages D:

Read through, and I think the most significant development we had so far is that two people like my mask! Huzzah!

Might as well answer some questions:
Who is the nicest mask?
That definitely wasn't the original question, nor does it make sense. I'd say fruit is a nice mask

Are you town-sided?
No. I am head scum-god-father-invincible-destructor-dude-double-kill-janitor-mask-remover. Deal with it.

What do you think is the best way for a player to help the town?
Don't bandwagon. Scum love their bandwagons.
Don't lurk.
Raise any suspicions you have, but don't jump to lynch straight away from them. Let suspicious activity accumulate.
Don't go ape-shit if someone calls you out as being scum. Just be critical and don't start throwing blame all over the place.
Don't get mod-killed! SERIOUSLY DON'T

What is your strategy?
Definitely not answering this one. Seems counter-productive that we give away our plans before they actually work/don't work. I actually can't really think of a way that the answer to this question could be useful for town... but that's just me. So yeh, definite suspicion on Fiesta but for his part, it could just be a silly blunder that got us off on the wrong direction. Gonna keep an eye out though \o/

Who are mafia gonna target 1st night?
Someone town-sided I assume... But if they kill eachother I won't mind either :p

Really, it depends on who's mafia. We could read anyone they kill in whatever way they like, and they could be purposefully confusing us... so I don't think we should look into it too much.

Actually, now that I think about it, it's kinda a scummy question. It's making everyone say the most strategic people to kill off in the 1st night, making mafia's live a bit easier. I may just be sounding stupid, but yeh I don't like this one bit. Gonna check some suspicion on Hype too!


Also, one final thing:
All of us are waiting for this miraculous 1st night kill that will reveal all and lead us on a scum lynching rampage*
*(might be a slight exaggeration)

However, remember that there could be some sort of Janitorial role, or something else that could mess with the night-kill results. Just putting it up in the air to see what peeps think


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Good thought bringing up the janitorial role, Budgie, and I think it's possible that they could use it to throw us off for a day and get one extra kill. Or, they could save it until the mafia knows that they have someone important to target, known by some stalker/contact role. I think the latter would be more likely.


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Who do you think has the nicest mask right now?
I have 3 favourite masks
@std1997's. It looks very Romanesque.
@HypeBurst's, because it's over the top and I wouldn't expect any less.
@Nottykitten's, because it's simply adorable.
Runners-up include xXxFruitNoobxXx and UltimateBudgie.

Are you town-sided?
I see this question either being answered with a yes or with sarcasm. In my case, a-durr
What do you think is the best way for a player to help the town?
Contribute something with substance. I admit that I'm guilty of filler just to make my presence known, rather than voicing my opinions. In my defense though, I go to sleep and BOOM, there are 26 pages to read in the morning and my dedication can sometimes wane. Which leads to my next point.
Read those pages!
So you have 30 pages you missed and now three people are dead. How and Why? For me, I have to read all 30 of those pages. I've tried to cut lines and see if I could suss out what the hell was happening if I only read 4 or 5, but there's information you have to try and take in about people's motives.
Try not to bandwagon.
If you agree with someone's vote give a reason as to why.
Do you have a plan/strategy for catching scum laid out?
I never have a strategy. I usually base my votes on how I feel rather than logic. The thing is, people here tend to sway towards those with reasonable explanations and ignore hunches. Trying to persuade people is difficult.

One final thing...
These percentages that pop up. I have a problem with them. It's a closed game and you're basing your numbers on what exactly? Two people have derped on the math already. Stop with the confusion!



Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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That's a good point, I hadn't considered janitorial roles yet. *Goes off to make several new plans*

I don't really want to answer the mafia targeting question because I feel like all it would do is give the Mafia ideas. Let's make them work it out themselves :p.

I don't feel like we can really predict what the mafia can do anyway, since each team always has a new playstyle. Admittedly I'm working off of information that is easier gained by being a host, but Doomed Cruise has at least three seperate teams that collectively serves as an excellent example of the new team-new approach thesis.

I'm willing to give Timdood the benefit of the doubt for at least day 0 since he hasn't played a blocktopia mafia game before, but of course that doesn't excuse anything fully. Fiestaguy to a lesser extent as well.

My main concern is currently trying to figure out what to do in the middle of the time limit, I'm a little bit conflicted about no lynching vs lynching, but in the end I would rather not lynch rather than rush anything.


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Who are mafia gonna target 1st night?
I'm pretty sure they're going to target a town sided role. Who specifically is anyone's guess. Whomever is not part of Mafia and is considered a threat due to their game play will be picked off. There are a lot of people in this game who are incredibly knowledgable of Mafia mechanics.

Also, it's hard for me to trust Notty, yet the cat gets the ball rolling.
JKangaroo, I'm happy that you've signed up but you're going to kill me with your novels (posts) of speculation.
HypeBurst, u shifty & evry1 knows it.

Overall, you're all sneaky bastards. I wouldn't have it any other way.


Former AoD Dev
Aug 6, 2011
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Wow. People post a lot and quickly. Time to catch up...

Okay... personally I do not care for no lynching however I do not think we should lynch so blindly and end up killing a role that could help us make it through the days and nights. There is really nothing to go on except for what people have said so far and I can't really get much from them.

I am going to vote no lynch as I do not think much would be able to change my mind. Perhaps something ridiculous happens resulting in someone needing to get lynched but I doubt it.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
The day has gone on for a while, we've more or less accomplished GmK's goal of everyone getting to play a bit before someone dying N1, so I say we should just get on with it, since the outcome would eventually be so anyway.
I vote No-lynch
We could just let the time limit run down, but as I said, the general goal has been accomplished.


Ayy lmao
Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
Who do you think has the nicest mask right now? Budgie does!
Are you town-sided? Nah man, I surrender.
What do you think is the best way for a player to help the town? Don't be stupid, always plan out your actions before you say them. Ask yourself 'will this benefit the town?', 'could this be taken the wrong way and put suspcion on me?' etc
Do you have a plan/strategy for catching scum laid out? I have a main central strategy that helps me develop profiles on how people react etc. A lot of this game is adapting to the current situation so having one idea is a bad ide however.

I think we should just no lynch and keep ourselves alive as long as possible, giving our power roles to use their actions as much as possible, because from past experiences, we rarely lynch the right person in a random lynch and we catch most of the mafia off the actions of our power roles.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
I want to hurry this day up.

So the choices are:
1. We lynch
2. We don't lynch
3. An anti-towner is willing to sacrifice themselves for a worthy cause.

I understand the no-lynch vs lynch argument blah blah blah...
I vote no-lynch.
Wow. People post a lot and quickly. Time to catch up...

Okay... personally I do not care for no lynching however I do not think we should lynch so blindly and end up killing a role that could help us make it through the days and nights. There is really nothing to go on except for what people have said so far and I can't really get much from them.

I am going to vote no lynch as I do not think much would be able to change my mind. Perhaps something ridiculous happens resulting in someone needing to get lynched but I doubt it.
The day has gone on for a while, we've more or less accomplished GmK's goal of everyone getting to play a bit before someone dying N1, so I say we should just get on with it, since the outcome would eventually be so anyway.
I vote No-lynch
We could just let the time limit run down, but as I said, the general goal has been accomplished.
GmK said:
Please follow the correct voting mechanism, otherwise I will have to modkill you out of the game:

In an extra line at the END of your post, using bold, vote like this:

vote <fullplayername>

The same goes for voting No Lynch. If you decide to change your vote or fully unvote, please make sure to also make that bold. Always unvote before voting for a new player, even if it is in the same post:

vote <fullplayername>

Abstaining is forbidden.

No-Lynch. A no-lynch will happen if 50% of players vote to not lynch.

Once a majority vote has been reached, no one may talk. The lynch will happen no matter if somebody unvotes in a post after the total amount of votes for a lynch was already reached. The host will write a confirmation post, and then prepare the transition from day to night.

The thread will be locked during night time.


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Abstaining is forbidden.
A no-lynch will happen if 50% of players vote to not lynch.

Pretty sure that means you have to vote No-Lynch since you can't abstain.
I mean the way they're voting. It's supposed to be:


~text text text, reasons for vote, blah blah blah~
vote <whoever/No Lynch>
