The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Dec 10, 2012
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"Even when you try to lie. It still bites you in the ass eventually." - std1997

I admit I lied, which pretty much means I get lynched for lying, so I'd like to die with a bit of a confessional.

So my confession of sins: My night "activity" was to track Fiestaguy. I got nothing in return and I saw my name in big bold letters afterwards on the notice board and I knew I was toast. I knew it was going to be me or Nitasu that was going to get lynched or killed cause people would assume both of us were Mafia or this "Assassin's Guild" and I knew that I was neither so if I didn't die from lynch than I'd most likely die during the night so when people started jumping on Nitasu. I started lying in hopes that I could save my own ass and pray that I'd survive the night.

Hope this answers your questions. @Duffie if you have any other questions. I'm here until I get strung up.


Nov 29, 2011
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It's no denying std should be lynched. The topic everyone is focusing on is if we should lynch nitasu yet or not. I wish to lynch both, but I don't mind in which order. I guess what we focus on now is if we lynch nitasu or std right now.

Personally I would recommend lynching std first due to LAL taking priority over something that is not yet backed up, but again, I do not have strong feelings to who goes first, so if the town decides on nitasu, I will switch my vote over. For now, priorities.

vote std1997


Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Initially, while reading through this, I thought notty's logic seemed good, and was leaning towards nitasu.

However, after Alpha pointing out Std's lie, I was then leaning towards Std.

HOWEVER, Std's explination makes sense. Him lying about visiting nitasu to get nitasu voted for is kinda selfish, but notty's logic was some what solid, and if he could help the town and not get himself lynched, I think I would have jumped on that oppurtunity too.

As for std actually visting fiesta, that I believe because nitasu claims to have visited fiesta as well, and they both were on "the complaint board" or whatever you want to call it.

I think nitasu is in that guild or mafia, and std is town. I'm voting for nitasu, not because of notty's reasons, but because of std's defense. I can understand if you guys want to lynch std, (LAL) but I still think he's town.

And without further ado.

Vote nitasu987


Aug 6, 2011
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We actually pointed it out seperately Duffie, so we both win!
Fair enough. x3

Also, I feel like lynching these two can go both ways, especially if they're both from two different factions.

If we lynch one, and that person turns out to be mafia/third party... We'll probably assume the other isn't, when they could possibly be, and vice versa.

If they're both townies, you best be hoping they're not, but... I can't say how many tracker's we'd have on the town's side.


Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Also, about who killed Hype/Coolio.

I think someone in the Assassins guild killed hype, because why would they kill their own.

However, I initially thought the vigilante took out coolio, but the vig usually does not kill on the first night.

So I have a possibility that is kinda far fetched, but you never know because of the closed setup. My idea is that there is an additional third party group. I feel like the assassins is some sort of weird mafia type group, and there is the possibility of additional solo third party group members. Within them, a Serial killer, that killed coolio.

Again, this is a guess, but as I've been thinking about it, I really do not believe the vig would kill the first night, and this is a possible explination. Either that, or there is even another group, but I find that to be highly unlikely.