Yooo, there wasn't an article yesterday because it was finals week for me. So here's a little blurb from me to you explaining the humor behind the BREAD. Hope you enjoy.
So I’ve been contemplating on whether I should actually explain the purpose of the BREAD or not because my explanation might ruin the magical ju-ju-juice that the BREAD dolefully creates. I’ve decided to though to expand your horizon of knowledge and overall enjoyment of what I, and many other people, desire to create for you, our audience.
I want you to understand satire.
Satire is a genre of literature, of arts. It use is to making a mockery of people’s abuse, paradigms, perceptions, mistakes and ideally to gall those people into improving their selves and society. While satire is generally humorous, or vessels of dark comedy, it’s purpose is usually much greater to give insight on sociological issues, generally political, to give wit and attention on general or specific issues of people as a whole.
Some examples include:
The Daily Show
The movie series: Scary Movie
Austin Power movies
Songs of Weird Al Yankkovic
I hope those examples give a clear, or clearer, view of what satire is. Satire in itself can either be extremely easy or incredibility difficult to produce, understand, or even accept. In fact, satire doesn’t care whether you accept it or not, as long as it gets you thinking.
Let’s go through a scenario, there was an issue surrounding Dusk of Discordia on the policies of player-vs-player environments and player-vs-environment environments. An easy pitch taken from this was “NEW POLL REVEALS THAT PLAYERS DON'T WANT PVP OR PVE. IN FACT, THEY DON'T EVEN WANT A SERVER.” It’s pretty obvious no one legitimately desires there not being a server, so there’s the irony in that. There’s also two things someone could take from this, one: the solution is that the directors decide not to run with DoD at all rendering any chance of enjoyment; two: display a banner basically giving the finger to both arguments of PVE and PVP showing that this pitch devalues both groups. Now how does that create a solution? It doesn’t, satire’s intent isn’t for finding a solution, it’s to make other people see the error of what they are doing and find the solution on their own.
More pitches include:
“Paralyzed boy prays to God to heal his legs, ‘No,’ answers God.”
“Poll reveals that 78% of Americans don’t actually know the full dance to the national anthem.”
And it was at this point in writing I realized I had a final in my level 600 Physics class in five minutes and my train of thought abruptly stopped as I didn’t give a shit about the BREAD anymore or anything else.
As final note I really would like to leave this on is that, the BREAD’s meant for major luls but it also wishes to be an eye opener. No matter how porqueque we get; we have everyone’s best interests at heart.
Dam u str8 babygurl.