the BREAD: Volume 1


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
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Army of Darkness to hold Referendum on Independence

After several months of campaigning, a vote for independence in Army of Darkness will be held next Wednesday. The referendum for independence will ask voters if Army of Darkness should be it's own independent server, separate from Blocktopia. The issue has sparked massive discussion amongst AoD players, with arguments being made from both sides. Behind the 'Yes' campaign is the organisation 'Army of Independence', and behind the 'No' vote the 'Stay AoD' group. The AoI is arguing that an independent AoD would be incredibly beneficial to the server's playerbase, and would bolster it's reputation and average player count. Advocates from Stay AoD, however, warn that there is too much risk in the server becoming independent, and risks several repercussions from separating from Blocktopia itself.

Campaigning on both sides of the referendum has heated up at the margins narrow to a 52-48 difference favouring the 'Yes' vote, when 'Not Sure' votes were excluded. Last Tuesday a debate was held between AoI member and current Controller Ryandodd, and Stay AoD's chairman and current Operator Airkid. The debate focused on many AoD-specific issues, such as the declining player rate, the concessions made recently to Blocktopia Central in regards to bandwidth, and the stability of AoD's infrastructure. Ryandodd focused on the need for AoD to assert it's own place within the world of Minecraft, and that it currently was giving too much effort to support the weaker links of Blocktopia overall. However, Airkid was strong on the point that AoD would lose bandwidth and community members were they to separate from Blocktopia. There was no declared winner of the Tuesday debate.

There is a strong history of discontent between AoD and the BU. AoD joined LSMP, BB, and SMP in 2011 to form the Blocktopia Union. There were several incidents where BU-based leaders exploited AoD's natural resources for their own financial benefit. There is also discontent with current BU Administrator Superstein, whose favouring of SMP funding over AoD has sparked outrage among AoD citizens.

There are strong repercussions to AoD's potential independence. Their leaving of the Blocktopia Union would be a major hit to the BU's player counts, and would also damage the community's reputation and staffing population. However, the BU leadership has recently made concessions to AoD including expanded rights in the fields of programming and rank organisation. However, many 'Yes' and independence-leaning AoD citizens feel that the concessions are too little, too late. The poll will be held next Wednesday.
I see what you did there *cough* Scotland's voting for independence *cough*


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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Army of Darkness to hold Referendum on Independence

After several months of campaigning, a vote for independence in Army of Darkness will be held next Wednesday. The referendum for independence will ask voters if Army of Darkness should be it's own independent server, separate from Blocktopia. The issue has sparked massive discussion amongst AoD players, with arguments being made from both sides. Behind the 'Yes' campaign is the organisation 'Army of Independence', and behind the 'No' vote the 'Stay AoD' group. The AoI is arguing that an independent AoD would be incredibly beneficial to the server's playerbase, and would bolster it's reputation and average player count. Advocates from Stay AoD, however, warn that there is too much risk in the server becoming independent, and risks several repercussions from separating from Blocktopia itself.

Campaigning on both sides of the referendum has heated up at the margins narrow to a 52-48 difference favouring the 'Yes' vote, when 'Not Sure' votes were excluded. Last Tuesday a debate was held between AoI member and current Controller Ryandodd, and Stay AoD's chairman and current Operator Airkid. The debate focused on many AoD-specific issues, such as the declining player rate, the concessions made recently to Blocktopia Central in regards to bandwidth, and the stability of AoD's infrastructure. Ryandodd focused on the need for AoD to assert it's own place within the world of Minecraft, and that it currently was giving too much effort to support the weaker links of Blocktopia overall. However, Airkid was strong on the point that AoD would lose bandwidth and community members were they to separate from Blocktopia. There was no declared winner of the Tuesday debate.

There is a strong history of discontent between AoD and the BU. AoD joined LSMP, BB, and SMP in 2011 to form the Blocktopia Union. There were several incidents where BU-based leaders exploited AoD's natural resources for their own financial benefit. There is also discontent with current BU Administrator Superstein, whose favouring of SMP funding over AoD has sparked outrage among AoD citizens.

There are strong repercussions to AoD's potential independence. Their leaving of the Blocktopia Union would be a major hit to the BU's player counts, and would also damage the community's reputation and staffing population. However, the BU leadership has recently made concessions to AoD including expanded rights in the fields of programming and rank organisation. However, many 'Yes' and independence-leaning AoD citizens feel that the concessions are too little, too late. The poll will be held next Wednesday.
What kind of a cruel fucking joke is this?


Discord Staff
Oct 16, 2011
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Local User Just Not "Feeling it" Today

Reporting that he was feeling lethargic, gray, and otherwise tired, EscapeRestart player Terre936 confirmed his status today in a press conference: "I don't know, I guess, uh, I guess that I'm just tired? Why are there so many cameras here?"

Investigators are still unsure as to what the cause of Terre's "being out of it" is, but they assure us that they're "on the case". Some analysts have speculated the problem could stem form a number of causes, most likely diet, lack of sleep, or general anxiety.
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Feb 16, 2013
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However, leadership courted controversy last year when they added superhalo6, citing "they just snuck in" as their justification. Many users took to the streets in agitation, with protest leaders vowing they would not rest until Superhalo was removed from the RoFHoF. However, protests largely dissipated after reassurances that it was "just a prank, bro".
If I'm in the bread, do I qualify as an idiot sandwich now?