I regret to inform you this is the End.


Aug 16, 2011
Reaction score
Once a upon a time in Year 6 (2010 I think) I was shown an image of Minecraft Alpha by a friend. The image that I was shown was of a large TnT crater . When I saw this I asked "What is this?" My friend replyed "This is Minecraft." I unfortunately said "This looks like a crap game and looks like lego." A few months passed by. I was browsing on Youtube for videos as I was bored and I came across Minecraft again. Curious I clicked on the video made by BlueXephos (The Yogscast). The video was on a series on Planetoids and as I watched it my opinion of Minecraft changed completely. This game grabbed me in like no other game had done before. You could do what you want, build what you want and blow up what you want. The games I have played previously were linear and you could not destroy or build things. So when I saw a game where you could I thought how amazing this is. After watching multiple episodes of this I sought to find this game. To my dismay I found out you had to purchase this game. But I saw a free classic mode where you could play. So I signed up with the username bluehoneydew (had no email so used a fake email. This became important later on.) After signing up I played on some freebuild servers, did quizzes griefed people who I didnt like. Eventually I became bored of that server and moved on. I went on to another freebuild server and became an OP. I carried on playing on this server for a week before it shut down. I then decided to look on Youtube for some other servers and I came across Blocktopia Lava survival. In this video I saw this big lava wave engulf people. I had to find this server. So I logged back in and searched for it. Instead of finding lava survival I found zombie survival. When I joined I expected to find some large walls of lava as I did not look at the full title of the server only the Blocktopia part. This is where my story begins...

My first time playing (March 2011) I broke a few rules as I have never had an experience like this before. As learned how to play I became addicted to the server. I then remembered about lava survival and joined. I played a few rounds but I was not so attracted to it like zombie survival. As I was running away from the lava wave I broke a house to escape and in doing so was frozen and warned. I then left after being warned as I preferred zombie survival overall. As I played Zombie Survival I began to become good at it and as a result I started to like it more and more as when I first joined I was always the first to go. During this timespan I met many people such as TheRedShark and Ansulgamer who I had liked and started forming friendships with. Then during July I got banned for breaking a block from which a team player was standing on. When I saw my ban appeal result I was dismayed by the length of ban (1 month) but I felt it was fair. I logged back in, in September and saw so many new people, and I learnt from my ban and did not break any rules. From September 2011 to about March 2012 this continued. I then remembered about the lava survival video I saw and I thought maybe I can inspire people to join this server. So I started to make videos on Youtube about zombie survival (only picked the ones in which I did well in :p) I then started to play other games other than Minecraft as I had an Xbox360 then. I left for months at a time then started playing again. This continued to about September 2012 when on my birthday I finally bought Minecraft. I had an email at this time as I needed a Youtube account beforehand. I had to put a valid email address this time for the purchase so I could not use my bluehoneydew account and in my haste put in a account name which I later regretted,Irondragon2011.

The version from which I joined was 1.7.3. As I joined Blocktopia hoping to build things I came to realise I loved killing people. Its a bit like when I joined Blocktopia hoping to find lava survival but instead finding zombie survival and liking that more. When it updated to 1.8 it was like playing it first time again in a span of only 3 weeks. I began to PvP as I was never a good builder and as a result people began to form a rivalery against me. I then switched between classic and premium Minecraft. I stopped playing at 1.1 and began to play Minecraft classic continuously. I then joined back to Minecraft 1.2.3 and 1.3 as I challenged Airki- Airpig and Ooglie to PvP. I died a lot during the first month of SMP. But as time went on I became stronger and started to get the best enchants. I sought to take revenge on them but I never saw them. During one of my hunts I met a person in CTY main city trying to hunt Jackamel (purple). I then saw a nameplate belong to a player named XDA and then a thunderstorm began as we ran towards each other. An epic battle ensured that lasted 20 minutes and ended with me killing him. I feld back to base to make new armor as mine had broke. I played for a few months joining SLVs and eventually quit to play zombie survival again. I played Minecraft less and less frequently until September 2012 when I stopped playing Minecraft all together. I was to engrossed into playing other games, new games with new experiences. A few months passed. I then remembered about Minecraft and played zombie survival again. To my dismay I found that hardly anyone was playing zombie survival anymore. As the server numbers dropped I also quit, only to return a few times before the shutdown of the server. When I quit I joined back to The Premium server and died to another player within 20 mins. I was no longer in a clan and had no housing and no items. I had no intention of climbing my way back up to top items in the server so I quit. When I next checked on Blocktopia (somewhere in early 2013) the zombie survival server was gone! I missed the last day by only a week. I thought back to the people I had met in ZS and the friendships I had made. I thought I prob would never meet them again. I then joined the new hunger game servers to sate my PvP lust. As it approached August 2013 I stopped playing Minecraft altogether again.

As I played some more Xbox360 games I thought back to zombie survival and how other servers to could exist. So I searched for them and when I found one I met up with all the old zombie players such as TheRedShark and Sniper17! I was happy to see them again and started playing on the server to this very day. I then met with lovedaice on a build server and convinced me to join Blocktopia again. As I never wrote a goodbye I decided to write a "I am back" post. I then saw the SMP server called dusk of discordia. As I waited for this server I played on AoD and enjoyed being back on Blocktopia. On the night of the release of Dusk of Discordia I patiently waited for 4 hours. When it started up I was one of the first through the portal. As I got to mainland I met with another player and killed him, gaining one of the first kills on the server. I decided to sleep as it was late. I joined back to find out everything had been reset. I asked why and found out there was a creative glitch of some sort. I tried to rush the blaze spawners but people got there just before I did :(. I then made a end portal grinder and started up a PvP clan called mercenaries. I struggled to fight other PvPers whom which I forgot there names. In one of their raids they attacked my base and as I climbed a tower this guy Tped to me via ender pearl. As I had no armor and he had a sharp 3 sword I hit him off the tower along with me. We both died me dying via his sword named Excalibur and him falling to his death. I spawned nearby and his friend tried to reach his stuff but before he could I took everything and killed him. He then wanted to join my clan and I accepted. We both raided together for a long time and started a war with the Nighthawks over the end grinders. We normally drove them back and they killed us on our way to the grinder. I then invited another layer to our clan, a builder. It was great to have a builder after my attempts at a nice looking house (didnt look nice.) I then rushed the wither and built the first beacon, along with a giant castle with traps which took tens of thousands of blocks which remains unfinshed to this day. You see as you have read through this story you see me keep quitting and quitting. I eventually return though. But I became bored of Minecraft. I did not like their new patches changing things and putting too much stuff in. So I quit, and I quit for good. Only occasionally playing for mods and blowing things up with friends. Oh and PvP battles on dragons. But I thought to myself, Ill return I always do. But Minecraft has lost its touch and I felt it has overdone it. So I now play Minecraft classic which I know I will also quit from. I already dont play it all the time like I did months ago.

All good things must come to an end. Blocktopia has been a part of my life since I was 12 all the way up to 15. I dont like saying goodbyes but I feel I must do one as I dont intend to return this time. I will always remember Blocktopia as it has taught me how to behave online as I used to be a little bit of an asshat online to being friendly and nice. This community has changed my life forever and I will not forget it. I bid you all a very fond farewell, goodbye.

A special thanks to the people I have met along my journey:

TheRedShark - For all those good times and laughs we had. Oh and those times I beat you in every game :D
Anshulgamer - For all them times you died to me :p P.S I think I spelt it right lol.
Cbreezy - For all those adventures on the server exploring the map for the fun of it! P.S. Forgot the last numbers.
Sniper17 - We didnt play much together because of time zones but the times we did have were fun!
Nottycat - Always there for great competition and rivalry, and all the jokes we had xD.
Ooglie101 - You got me interested in PvP in the first place! Also you always killing me in SMP :mad:
Airkid - Same with ooglie you got me interested in PvP and also killed me! Also it was fun calling you Airpig.

And to all those who I met and forgot (sorry bout that) along the way!

P.S I hope you got the references


Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
Oh blue, we didn't really talk much in zs, but it was really fun doing dares together along with your (horribly lame) dare suggestions, or making fun of you. I do hope to see you soon on the few times I play in classic, and until then you will be greatly missed!

In case you are oblivious to my signature I am actually grimm yo.


Princess ♥
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score

Blue, I do remember still, to this day, meeting you on Zombie Survival. Along with TheRedShark. I'll be honest, you two were my biggest inspiration to even play, with as good as you were (and no doubt still are!). Then slowly I noticed the player count on Zombies was dwindling, oh so slowly, receding into the 10's. Never did really get a chance to talk with you again. I think I tried to message you on your profile, but that didn't really work. cx And then, by pure chance, I found you. I remember how I went to the server and (basically) begged you to come back sometime. I was happy when I saw you on for a while, then started to question your absence. Sad to see you're officially making your leave.

(Have you checked out Infection? If not, you should try it at least once, when there's people on. You'll be surprised! c= But anyway.)

Good luck in your endeavors. And stay awesome, like you've always been. :)


I remember when i was only a player on teamspeak and saw you with someone named red in a convo room everytime i went on ts.

little fact how i remember you, good luck with your future!


Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score

Can't really say I'll miss you, since I'm pretty sure I'll still see you on classic zombies every now and then, I hope so anyway. I guess both of us know that I always won in our challenges tbh. I'm jk but I still remember when we kept spamming each other in pm's though HAHA. Miss those times, you definitely made zombies more fun. : (

Bye man and good luck in life, I will always look back at the fun times we had.

I still declare war on u