

Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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I'm an athiest and I believe when you die, you die and its over.

It would be nice to believe in some fluffy cloud kingdom in the sky, giving me eternal happiness after I die but I'm sorry it all just seems to far fetched for my liking, it also motivates me to live my life to the fullest because this is my one and only.


The Fail Chipmunk
Jan 1, 2012
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I'm religious, but I believe that when you die you're not conscious of anything, kinda like a deep sleep. So like, you don't know you're dead, because you're dead? Sorta? Hard to explain.

K I explained my beliefs really badly so I'm gonna have another go. I'm not a 'mainstream' Christian (like my beliefs differ from most), and I believe that when you die you just, well, die. I don't believe in an immortal soul that goes off to be judged, and I don't believe in Hell as most believe in it. (I view Hell as figurative/symbolic, I don't believe it's a place of eternal torment, I believe it just be the grave, basically. People who have died). I believe that when you die, you're not conscious of anything.
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Mar 24, 2012
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u just respawn as another animal
That explains why you're a Iguana.

But anyways... my personal opinion is in a afterlife. I honestly can't imagine being able to live positively without believing in one. Death would depress me too much as it is I'm not overly concerned just gonna live life to the fullest till I die. Hopefully that won't be soon.
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Oct 20, 2012
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I believe that when I die, I'll be judged based on my rights and my wrongs, and that if I made too many wrongs I'm going to end up in Hell.

Rather blunt, I know, but this is my belief.

Honestly, I'm not really sure what to think about the entire thing. I believe in my religion, a lot, because a few events in my life make it kinda hard not to, but I often wonder about the entire system.

I'm going to be entirely ambiguous with what my religion is. Feel free to make guesses, but don't share them. I trust you guys, a lot, and a few Blocktopians who played Lava Survival might remember me mentioning what it was once, but while I'm not embarassed by what I follow I'm still wary of the rule regarding arguing about religious beliefs that I read on the rule list on Lava Classic.

Sometimes, I can't help but wonder how exactly they'll manage to count my rights and wrongs. I mean, there's the obvious things like bullying for fun and paying for someone's food, but over the years I've been here, and the Internet in general, I realized that the world's morality isn't just black and white; it's black, white, and an entire sea of grey.

I guess I'm divulging a little off the original path; death.

Honestly, I'm scared of it.

I know that I shouldn't be; I was told, when I was younger, that as long as you haven't done any wrongs there is no need to be scared at all. But even so, I'm only human, and while I usually don't think of it, I sometimes wonder what it would be like for your brain to just stop thinking, for your life to 'shut down'. I guess some of it also revolves around the few times I feel more mentally tired than I'd like to admit, and the times I imagine what it would be like to just the knife you're holding into your chest. Honestly, it's frightening, but at the same time, I sometimes just imagine what it would be like to do anything, from swimming to flying to drowning to falling, and that's why it isn't just normal hobbies and dreams I imagine and also think about the morbid actions that could surely mean no return to the life I'm living now.

I'm scared of death, but what scares me more is my curiousity of what it would be like.

I'm being weird. Let's move on.

I guess I should say something about life, too. My religion believes that life is a test that God has given us. I believe this too... But I never really think of it as just that.

I like to think that to each person, their life is one of a kind. That each experience, while they are tests thrown at us, make us unique, make us who we are by how we react and how we think of it. That life doesn't just show whether we are worthy to enter Heaven or not- but that it's also what forms us, what changes us to become who we are, and that is one of the unsaid reasons why God would bring us into existence.

While I still fear death, I realize that no matter what, it is unavoidable. I still have to face judgement and possibly wet my pants in fear as I stand in front of an extremely unchallenged being- or one of his messengers, or one of his angels, or whoever it was that's going to judge my worthiness (I'm pretty sure it was our last prophet that judges us, though it may be misinformation or something), anticipating all the while for my future. (Of course, this is what me and my religion believes, what you believe is what you believe, and I have no plans in the future for a religious debate.)

I'd prefer living my life until I die of old age, honestly. Experience as much as I can while I can. But if I have to die young, I hope it's for a cause I believe in, doing what I think is right. I know I could be severely disappointed- by accident or murder or something- but I really do hope that it's one of those two, as strange as the fact. I'm even talking about how I'd like to die may be.

I believe I've layed down enough of what I think of death. Adios, amigas.


Nov 5, 2012
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Not a really religious Christian, but I believe in Heaven and Hell. I'm much more inclined to believe that you get judged regardless of your beliefs, but more of what kind of person you are.

And as a pessimistic person myself, I welcome death. Should I die, then so be it.


Aug 11, 2011
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I have a self-affirming theory that after you die, you get to relive and see what everyone was thinking when they came in contact with you, and then you get to watch their paths of life to see what sort of impact you had on them, who they turned out to be, what their life would have been like without you.


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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Personally, it's kind of a crapshit for me. I've spent nights laying in bed thinking about what'll happen.
The most worrying would be that you'd still be conscious but you just have eternal blackness, Can't see, Can't hear, Can't feel. But you can still think. That one is worrying...

I believe in Reincarnation to SOME extent. Like you get reborn and live your EXACT same life with no memory of your previous one. Perhaps this is already our 5 millionth time? Like everyone has their place in the timeline of the universe wich they are bound to relive.

It could be that when we die. We wake up. In a different world. And it turns out this ENTIRE life of ours, Was some sort of dream. That you are all a complex mathematical construct that my mind makes.

Sadly. I believe the first one: The entire blackness is most likely...


Resident Asha'man
Aug 6, 2011
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I'm agnostic, that's different from atheist mind you.

I think organized religions are too influenced by politics to have things right.

I think Jim Butcher put it best so far. "Death is a door and it's one person wide." Everyone dies alone, and once you pass through that door you can't come back to tell anyone how things are or if there's another side at all. So we should all just live the best way we can here and now and when the times comes for each of us to take that final step through that doorway we'll do it alone and any prior beliefs will be a thin shield to whatever we face therein.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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Being a Christian, it's somewhat frustrating to hold the beliefs that the people who don't follow God/Jesus won't go to Heaven, blah blah, especially as the belief set also instructs us to respect and love others for who they are and respect their choices. The Bible also states different means of getting into heaven, which can be confusing. While I believe in t Christianity and all that jazz, I like to think that if God loves everyone as is stated, a bit of lenience would be showed to the people who were good people.
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The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Being a Christian, it's somewhat frustrating to hold the beliefs that the people who don't follow God/Jesus won't go to Heaven, blah blah, especially as the belief set also instructs us to respect and love others for who they are and respect their choices. The Bible also states different means of getting into heaven, which can be confusing. While I believe in t Christianity and all that jazz, I like to think that if God loves everyone as is stated, a bit of lenience would be showed to the people who were good people.
It is frustrating. It's respecting one's beliefs for christianity while Jews want us to believe before we got to heaven.

I am an atheist until it is SCIENTIFICALLY proven that God Exists. Wich is do not believe.

How did god even come there?


Oct 20, 2012
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Being a Christian, it's somewhat frustrating to hold the beliefs that the people who don't follow God/Jesus won't go to Heaven, blah blah, especially as the belief set also instructs us to respect and love others for who they are and respect their choices. The Bible also states different means of getting into heaven, which can be confusing. While I believe in t Christianity and all that jazz, I like to think that if God loves everyone as is stated, a bit of lenience would be showed to the people who were good people.
It is frustrating. It's respecting one's beliefs for christianity while Jews want us to believe before we got to heaven.

I am an atheist until it is SCIENTIFICALLY proven that God Exists. Wich is do not believe.

How did god even come there?
Stop talking about God and start talking about death. ._.

I mean, I'm tempted to share with Jivvi some of my thoughts about that, but I can already see where this is going. You're never going to find out whether you'll find my train of thought offensive or not (though I hope it's the latter). I'm killing this discussion off now before this thread turns into a religious argument.


Jan 22, 2013
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You guys are beginning to sound like those iFans and Fandroids.
Nobody is right, let people believe what they want to. :T

Also, Fiesta, God from the Christian religion was never meant to be a white-bearded guy in the skies controlling our lives; it was more of somekind of energy that connects us all, spiritually. Similar to karma, in a way -- what you do is then reflected on yourself, your life, and people around you.
Tho the people were first too stupid to realize what it's about, and then came the rich and almighty medieval Church that ruined it completely. Sadly, not much has changed since then, and God is still a white-bearded dude sitting on a cloud in the sky for most religious people.

Answering to OP:
Um, you die. It's like suddenly falling asleep (if not already asleep).
I'd really like it to be dying, as it is, just with my ghost appearing, all cartoonish so I could haunt people with my newfound ghost cuteness :3
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