LOL: The League Of Legends

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Nov 12, 2011
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TSM letting Xpecial go to Curse was a mistake. Xpecial is a support who you simply cannot replace or upgrade from on a team, and his stats prove otherwise. They could've worked with him on his attitude issues and he could've still been with TSM for the next split, with a stronger jungler. Now it just seems that TSM won't look much stronger this split, only a bit.

Then again, I don't know what goes on behind a team's situations. So, hopefully they can prove me wrong here, depending on who their new support will be.

EDIT: apparently Turtle and Xpecial had a hard time getting a good synergy together, and they never improved that throughout the split. And with Xpecial making passive-aggresive comments frequently, it was most likely a reason that they had to let him go. Hopefully they can find a support that can work well with Turtle.
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Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
TSM letting Xpecial go to Curse was a mistake. Xpecial is a support who you simply cannot replace or upgrade from on a team, and his stats prove otherwise. They could've worked with him on his attitude issues and he could've still been with TSM for the next split, with a stronger jungler. Now it just seems that TSM won't look much stronger this split, only a bit.

Then again, I don't know what goes on behind a team's situations. So, hopefully they can prove me wrong here, depending on who their new support will be.

EDIT: apparently Turtle and Xpecial had a hard time getting a good synergy together, and they never improved that throughout the split. And with Xpecial making passive-aggresive comments frequently, it was most likely a reason that they had to let him go. Hopefully they can find a support that can work well with Turtle.
I assume they probably didn't drop him as soon as his attitude got bad. They probably repeatedly reminded him he was being whiny, but he didn't change so they kicked him out

EDIT: #tsm sealing their fate by getting gleebglarbuu.
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Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
TSM letting Xpecial go to Curse was a mistake. Xpecial is a support who you simply cannot replace or upgrade from on a team, and his stats prove otherwise. They could've worked with him on his attitude issues and he could've still been with TSM for the next split, with a stronger jungler. Now it just seems that TSM won't look much stronger this split, only a bit.

Then again, I don't know what goes on behind a team's situations. So, hopefully they can prove me wrong here, depending on who their new support will be.

EDIT: apparently Turtle and Xpecial had a hard time getting a good synergy together, and they never improved that throughout the split. And with Xpecial making passive-aggresive comments frequently, it was most likely a reason that they had to let him go. Hopefully they can find a support that can work well with Turtle.
If they say that this problem has been on the team for an entire year then I think it is completely justified to want to try someone else that Turtle gets along with.

But yeah, surprising amount of news at the moment with all of the roster swaps. RIP Gambit :(


The Presiding One
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Just had the worst and best game ever...
haha wow how does th-

no but seriously I remember when I did much worse than this when I started. I see you're a newer player and I hope you're enjoying the game regardless of teammates! if you haven't yet, I highly suggest you play normal games once you've got a basic understanding of each position (e.g. items, role in teamfights, etc) and own a corresponding champion in case someone calls what you want.. or, at least don't be a cop-out from normals like me and hit level 30 with a pitiful ~20 normal wins.

if you like Kayle, this recent video from a Kayle main is really good at describing what our Korean overlords are doing with her. don't worry if you don't understand some of the terms he's using, the main point of this video are the items people buy (not listed in the order purchased: Berserker's Greaves, Nashor's Tooth, Runaan's Hurricane, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff, and a final situational item) but if you'd like to know feel free to ask me! I'm one of those guys who's fairly knowledgeable at the game but can't really put it all into effect when playing :b

so yeah, coming from a pussy who played way too many bot games for their own good don't be afraid to give keep giving normals a try, you'll be matched with and against people at/near the same skill level as you so it's all pretty much fair game. and even if you feed who cares, you're learning and can mute anyone with an asshole attitude. whatever you choose to do, have fun! if you want to add me my IGN is OhYesImFresh : )

EDIT: I didn't think to look you up on since you're on the OCE server, oops. I see two normals in your match history.. just don't stick to bot games like I did ;_;
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Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Just had the worst and best game ever...
they lost a bot game
the chosen one

if you haven't yet, I highly suggest you play normal games once you've got a basic understanding of each position (e.g. items, role in teamfights, etc) and own a corresponding champion in case someone calls what you want.. or, at least don't be a cop-out from normals like me and hit level 30 with a pitiful ~20 normal wins.
This info is very helpful for new players. My first experience playing was with Tuna and Cheese and Flash and we basically just played normal pvp games which meant that we would lose a lot of the time either to smurfs or just to people that were level 20 instead of our level 10 selves. Eventually I quit because I lost just about every game and fed even more of them, but I came back later and played bot games till about level 15-20, then when I felt comfortable with my Veigar, I moved it into pvp and I did really well. I hit level 30 at about 98 or so normal wins, so by then I had the game knowledge to win normals, and the normal wins that gave me the experience to play with others and climb ranked

EDIT: And about Kayle. I would not suggest the Runaan's or the Ravenous Hydra because early game Kayle switches between melee and ranged, but later in the game your E is up all the time. By the time you get to build a Ravenous Hydra you'll already be in E more than not, and the splash damage negates the purpose of a Runaan's which is to spread out damage. (However if Runaan's is something the Koreans are doing, who am I to disagree). I think a popular build includes Sorcerer's Shoes, LichBane, Nashor's Tooth, Rabadon's Deathcap, Zhonya's Hourglass, and maybe Deathfire Grasp?
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Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
EDIT: And about Kayle. I would not suggest the Runaan's or the Ravenous Hydra because early game Kayle switches between melee and ranged, but later in the game your E is up all the time. By the time you get to build a Ravenous Hydra you'll already be in E more than not, and the splash damage negates the purpose of a Runaan's which is to spread out damage. (However if Runaan's is something the Koreans are doing, who am I to disagree). I think a popular build includes Sorcerer's Shoes, LichBane, Nashor's Tooth, Rabadon's Deathcap, Zhonya's Hourglass, and maybe Deathfire Grasp?
Standard build is usually Nashors -> Sorc/Berserker -> Rabadon -> Void Staff. Lich bane sorta depends now, cause since it got changed its not the same item as it used to be on Kayle. Runaanas can work well on Kayle for a 5th/6th item, as with DFG. Zhonyas is situational.

Also, playing ranked on Fridays is the worst decision I have ever made in my life. Never again.


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Standard build is usually Nashors -> Sorc/Berserker -> Rabadon -> Void Staff. Lich bane sorta depends now, cause since it got changed its not the same item as it used to be on Kayle. Runaanas can work well on Kayle for a 5th/6th item, as with DFG. Zhonyas is situational.

Also, playing ranked on Fridays is the worst decision I have ever made in my life. Never again.
lol why what happened with the ranked game on a Friday?


Oct 21, 2011
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Decided that i'm gonna stop jungling in Solo Q. It just doesn't work out for me no matter how hard I try in the role. I just have better luck with going in a lane (except mid lane)
Best bet is top/mid imo, its not too easy to carry with adc. In a solo lane you don't need to rely on some support. Ive been thinking about switching myself but i'm going to stay loyal to best role na.


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I'm actually the opposite. In Season 3 when I could spam Sejuani I would because it made the jungle super easy. Lazily clear the jungle while ganking for literally anyone, because its impossible to turn a fight around 2v1 even when fed if you gank with someone having that much cc.

However nowadays I'll probably start maining ADC in ranked because all I need is a half decent support to win lane and I won't have someone screwing up the game for me. A fed Renekton is not as scary as a fed Caitlyn or Twitch, though midlane may be an issue.


Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
Best bet is top/mid imo, its not too easy to carry with adc. In a solo lane you don't need to rely on some support. Ive been thinking about switching myself but i'm going to stay loyal to best role na.
I'm probably going to stick to top lane unless someone really wants the role. I'm pretty sure that I have a higher win rate playing top compared to playing jungle.
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