Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
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Meh, its 2:30 am, ill reply tommorow, although considering it was said in the opening that there was confusion among the pirates as well, and other replys that said the pirates didn't know who they were, I assumed it was fact.
My bad I guess, good spot out by Sploorky, (I commend thee sir, exactly as I would have done).

Anyways, tired, not thinking, if a few more votes rack up me while I'm asleep I don't care, so be it, etc. will review thread/reply again in when I wake up.



Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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Looked through what's happened, it's probably time to input what I see logically.

Why Lynch?
+Wrong or right, the Pirates MAY not know whom each other are (highly suggested by the original post), making it somewhat easier to lynch a Pirate today since they may go after one of themselves today.
+If we lynch today and hit town today, we'll have an even higher chance of hitting a Pirate tomorrow.
+We may have as much information tomorrow as we do today, it's hard to tell and ANYTHING can happen.
+Who knows what could happen, if this is as crazy as it should be, we may need to hunt down the Pirates and third party fast.
+The Pirates and third parties have a lot more to loose than us townies if we get one of them.
Why No-Lynch?
+We have NO idea who is a pirate today, with the amount of chaos this game is supposed to have, I imagine that we'll have plenty of night actions/killings that we can sift through tomorrow.
+There IS a higher chance of killing town, no matter how you look at it. With the craziness that should be going on, we may need every power role we can spare, and we could easily lynch one since they'll have almost no way to defend themselves today.
-Going off of this, even if, statistically speaking, the town could loose less than the third party or Pirates, we need every town person we need. Every dead townie is one large step forward for the Pirates/Third party.

Easily could have missed a reason for either one, but this is about the gist of our situation. So which is more persuasive? What would a Pirate do?

I personally don't think we have enough of a lead to lynch someone, and lynching someone randomly is more likely to affect us cowboys negatively in the long run. Anyone could make the mistake of making a third party/Pirate like mistake today and get lynched by the rest of us, if the game IS supposed to be crazy, then we'll have a headache sorting through whatever happens in the night, and will be able to debate endlessly tomorrow. Though we could easily end up with no leads tomorrow anyways, regardless of what happens. So I think we should take all the time today we can, get people talking, and when we see what happens tonight, we will have a better chance of actually connecting someone to what happens tonight from what they say today or tomorrow. Unless today turns into meaningless yammering, I won't actually vote no-lynch so that we can use all the time we can today.


Jan 12, 2012
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Idk what it is. Day 0 is when we have the least information but the most conversation. Taking that into account, it is the classic no lynch or lynch debate and lynching people on stupid reasons (unless of course someone actually messes up.) I see it 50/50. The cons of no lynching weigh the same as the cons of lynching. The pros of no lynching weigh the same as the pros of lynching. It really just comes down to how you're feeling today. Remember now, there are town vigilantes so I don't see how no lynching is a free kill for mafia at this point in the game. Last season we no lynched and look, we were killing mafia/assassins right and left. It was only when notty was left that the town took a beating. So right now as the evidence stands...

No lynch


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Idk what it is. Day 0 is when we have the least information but the most conversation. Taking that into account, it is the classic no lynch or lynch debate and lynching people on stupid reasons (unless of course someone actually messes up.) I see it 50/50. The cons of no lynching weigh the same as the cons of lynching. The pros of no lynching weigh the same as the pros of lynching. It really just comes down to how you're feeling today. Remember now, there are town vigilantes so I don't see how no lynching is a free kill for mafia at this point in the game. Last season we no lynched and look, we were killing mafia/assassins right and left. It was only when notty was left that the town took a beating. So right now as the evidence stands...

No lynch
You do realise that only two mafia got lynched last time right? Oak and Myuser. The other 3 Mafia got killed during the night and so were the other two assassins.

I don't expect all the anti-town to just die during the night this time around. We can't just wait for the third parties and the mafia to pick each other off, since I doubt that will happen this time.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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Hold your horses! [*Ba dum tss*]
Tell me if i missed something but i don't think i read ANYTHING 'bout killing roles yet.
And a town person would not point out a potential Vig but keep quiet about it since they're the 'best weapon' they have, so my fine sir, in this situation to me you seem more scummy than storm.


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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And then there was you implying storm knows more about there being an actual vigilante in the game. Thus saying that storm might be the vig.
Well i meant it more like "Woah woah. How do you know there's a vig?". There might aswell be a Mason or however it's called in play where one knows a certain role exists.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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Just for the heck of it, and especially since we talked about it before the game, I'm doing a pure policy vote on you Fiesta. You probably don't mean any harm, but by posting very impulsively without reflection or reading all facts about things you are a liability in my opinion. Since I am sure we will no-lynch anyhow today, see this as a friendly warning that I don't like things like above ^^

vote Fiestaguy


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Votecount VI - The one where Alpha debates whether to use a unique vote count style or not

Nottykitten (2) - Old_Man_Oak_63, 77_is_the_best [9 to lynch]
Swate (1) - HypeBurst [10 to lynch]
Old_Man_Oak_63 (3) - Sploorky, endersteve5, timdood3 [8 to lynch]
Fiestaguy (3) - GmK, Nottykitten, Ooglie101 [8 to lynch]

No Lynch (5) - Duffie, JKangaroo, Swate, Fiestaguy, storm886 [5 to NL]

DEADLINE: 2014-05-19 / 19:00:00 [Defaults to NL]


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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I love all of the back and forth of voting,
especially when its, at least as far as I can tell from reading, are all entirely manipulated and silly.
I mean seriously, why the hell is with Fieseta votes. It makes literally no sense. "A town would NOT point out his suspicions on vig..." Really? Really? I remember being attacked in a past game for stating my OPINION on certain people, and really, if I was Mafia, a good Mafia would never follow such silly premonitions as a person whom states their random suspicions, especially Day 0 where virtually NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. And I do love how responding to storm's comment immediately made him more suspicious than storm, because it really does make no sense. "Remember now, there are town vigilantes" = Storm over Fiesta's "I don't remember any roles being announced." DOES NOT make him more suspicious. You're only twisting it in such a way as to make it appear that he is more suspicious, especially when what Fiesta did say is BASICALLY TRUE. We do not know if there are any town vigilantes unless it is the vigilante themselves who know, or perhaps there are roles that get hit but survive and become vigilantes later on, or perhaps there actually are no vigilantes, but rather other kill-type town roles but who the hell even knows with all the supposedly "crazy stuff" added into the mix by the lovely Alpha and Prizyms. I mean seriously. I am sorely disappointed in many townsfolk this day, and my confidence levels on many of your arguments have basically dropped to an all time low for the oncoming days.

Again, it all seems very silly, but at least I've decided on ignoring most of the comments here on Day 0 because they all feel... well... bad, and bandwagon-y to an extent, and I find has no weight to them, and many many other reasons.
Although, all this voting HAS allowed me to have suspicions on many parties this day, so that's a plus.

I will keep to, what I believe, is a more sensible option (because I am at least allowed to have my opinion here), and stick to No Lynch.
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