Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Jan 23, 2012
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Finally I catch up. So many random votes going on. I want to give my opinion about several situations going on.

About Timdood3:

Digi points out what Tim said: "It'll be fun to see who dies N1".

--> I think maybe it wasn't the right word to use but I don't think is something we need to go crazy about. I don't think Tim would be that obvious.

Now, OldManOak says how Jeercrul is "defending" Tim. Which I find that a complete bullcrap. I read and re-read Jeercrul's post and I didn't see Jeer trying to defend him.

Then Oak proceeds to vote Tim. ---> A little bit rushed in my opinion. Just feels like Oak is trying to create Chaos by reassuring Tim does seem guilty AND also pointing out Jeercrul's move to "defend" him.


About Swate:

Swate votes for Tim without giving any reason. He just tagged him to see what Tim has to say. It seems more like a BW for me. I've always said you need to have your own opinion about things instead of being a follower.

But later he changed his vote to a No Lynch. He didn't even waited for Tim to give his two cents.

And later he says he's also leaning to change his vote for OldManOak.

--> This just tells me Swate is going with the flow. He's not really making sense to me. I feel like he's just leaning towards whatever other people are leaning to.


About 77_is_the_best:

77, you usually always fly under the radar but I need to say I was surprised with your post about Notty.

Saying you want to lynch him simply because he's good to the game?

I may understand your "fear" of having Notty still alive if he's Anti-Town. That's a way to look at it. But you might also look at it as Notty being Town and being a huge help thanks to his experience. So maybe if you're Anti-Town you fill threatened by him. Scared he might find out you're scum.


About Fiestaguy:

You're all saying he's "screaming" and letting everyone know that Storm might be Vig. Blah Blah Blah.

That reminds me when GmK wanted Raxo to claim about his Town Role. And I pinted that out saying WHY the hell would you do that? It will just put a target on Raxo's back and Mafia will just kill him. (And I was right! GmK was mafia).

But I just don't find it similar this time. I don't think Fiesta was trying to do that.


Just a thing I want to point out:

Why is Notty and GmK voting the same everytime? First they vote each other. Then they both vote Swate. Then they both vote Fiesta.

Maybe is nothing. But I just find it weird :_:


I need to agree with JK. There's a lot of talking going here and there but there's still nothing for me to cast my vote towards someone. Right now I'm leaning towards a NL due to that. But I'll see if something happens later on. But for now it all seems a lot of gibberish to me.


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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Also i just reminded myself i've managed to get ALL THE FUCKING ATTENTION. For the THIRD TIMEI NVA ROW xD

Anyway. This is basically the same as what you're saying about me:
A man on the street is proving a point and quickly yells he sells Meth for the homeless
Fiesta walks by. And says (Surprised) Oh my god you sell meth?
Then a bunch of these homeless bums walk by and say "Hey. Don't go yelling he sells meth. The cops might hear it"

They could've just heard it the first time damnit.
Of course a ton of people would see that the guy Sells meth is a certain town role and if i didn't point it out. sooner or later Someone else would've.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Also i just reminded myself i've managed to get ALL THE FUCKING ATTENTION. For the THIRD TIMEI NVA ROW xD

Anyway. This is basically the same as what you're saying about me:
A man on the street is proving a point and quickly yells he sells Meth for the homeless
Fiesta walks by. And says (Surprised) Oh my god you sell meth?
Then a bunch of these homeless bums walk by and say "Hey. Don't go yelling he sells meth. The cops might hear it"

They could've just heard it the first time damnit.
Of course a ton of people would see that the guy Sells meth is a certain town role and if i didn't point it out. sooner or later Someone else would've.
No, the guy said that there was probabily someone who sells meth. And then you tell everyone that you think it's him.

Ofcourse there are also Walter WhiteMafia looking for this person and would love to kill the one that sells meth. You're basicly telling them who it could possibly me.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
No, the guy said that there was probabily someone who sells meth. And then you tell everyone that you think it's him.

Ofcourse there are also Walter WhiteMafia looking for this person and would love to kill the one that sells meth. You're basicly telling them who it could possibly me.
So... If they didn't get the idea from Fiesta, they basically got it from you now?


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
No, the guy said that there was probabily someone who sells meth. And then you tell everyone that you think it's him.

Ofcourse there are also Walter WhiteMafia looking for this person and would love to kill the one that sells meth. You're basicly telling them who it could possibly BE
Wow. You got the obscure Breaking Bad reference. Good job.

Well important point was that just for mentioning what he said i got accused for.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Right, @JKangaroo @ansoro2112, just gonna point this bit out: GmK and notty voting fiesta was not because of suspicion or because he "wanted to" point it out, but because of his impulsive gameplay that basically pointed storm's soft claim/slip out in a very obvious way, and can cost us a lot more than just the vig if not put to a stop.
Yeah, there's a pretty good chance that he's a townie, but if he's a townie that accidentally helps mafia, I feel like that vote is justified.

Just felt like I needed to point this out, kthxbai
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