Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
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I wouldn't be surprised if their is a bomb-role in the game (me as Terrorist in Supernatural, Ansy as Mad Inventor in Masquerade)
I still feel really drawn towards Fiesta though but I may vote Jivvi later if more evidence is uncovered.
Also can someone explain how that role which poured gasoline over Hype works? Are they mafia or third party (or some really messed up Vigilante) and what's their goal exactly? To gas every house or to be last one left? I only just realised how bad this could be for town o.o


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Also can someone explain how that role which poured gasoline over Hype works? Are they mafia or third party (or some really messed up Vigilante) and what's their goal exactly? To gas every house or to be last one left? I only just realized how bad this could be for town o.o
Official description of an "arsonist" role from the wiki's:

According to the wiki, they are a neutral third-party that wins when being the last alive.

Of course, this is simply going off of the wiki's information.
We have no idea if the role is truly an arsonist, as all we know is that Hype claims to have been "doused in gasoline" which is reminiscent of an arsonist role, but could be any role with similar abilities, a completely new/made up role, or Hype could even be lying to us, or is the Arsonist himself, or a bunch of other possibilities.

At the moment, we have virtually little information about this role, and its possibilities, yet even so it is best that we take care of this threat as soon as possible, because should it be some kind of arsonist role, then it is one of the most dangerous threats to the town, even moreso than the Mafia in certain circumstances. Killing a bunch of players in one fell swoop is nothing to take lightly.

And a little late there on the arsonist thing, eh buddy? x)


Nov 5, 2012
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Also can someone explain how that role which poured gasoline over Hype works? Are they mafia or third party (or some really messed up Vigilante) and what's their goal exactly? To gas every house or to be last one left? I only just realised how bad this could be for town o.o
We don't know if the role is town/3rd party/mafia as of yet. All we know from general description of the role from outside sources is that every night the role targets a person, and douses them in gasoline. On a certain night he/she can then light them up, causing massive numbers of players to die all at once. I'm really crossing my fingers that the role is x-shot, because it could bring about severe disadvantage to the town should he/she have the ability to douse unlimited number of times. I also am pretty puzzled as to why the role chose Hype specifically. Could hype be lying? Could it be specifically towards something hype said in particular? We don't know, but I'm hoping that by luck/skill/whatever else this person will be caught and killed, or that it was just a well made-up lie by Hype in an attempt to mess with us (though I see a poor reason to do so).


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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I received a message last night telling me that I armed my bomb. I figured that this was most likely a roleblocker, as I cannot survive a normal kill, nor was I informed of being coated in gasoline. Although, if Hype was told about his gasoline, I possibly would have been informed of being fed donuts. Not sure here.

Also, suspicion stated out on me via Digi being ignorant. about Jeer's role last game. The post wasn't really relevant, just something to throw in; suggesting the concept of day-inns may be in play again.

I initially softed bomb, to bait the mafia into a WIFOM loop, figuring that any sane bomb wouldn't claim, and that I must surely be a cop or vigilante trying to claim a retaliation role in order to frighten off the killers.

And one last note: Priz mentioned unknown role aspects in the game description, meaning that there are hidden attributes to some roles. I'm worried that if I'm lynched I might blow up, terrorist-style, and kill someone, or some such thing.

Since the bandwagon's well on its way to running me down, the only real way I can try and save myself on my own is to vote my initial fos, now seemingly a combination between suspicion and a policy lynch.

vote Fiestaguy


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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Perhaps. But this:

Doesn't add up to Jivvi simply referencing the role that was in the Masquerade. It's difficult for me to believe that he said it just to indicate that perhaps there's an Innkeeper. He's in the Small Crappy Saloon with 3 other patrons, I'm wondering if you guys happened to talk about Innkeepers?

As for your claim.

Something just doesn't fit here at all. You arm yourself with a bomb each night and whoever visits you gets blown up. Yet you say -

So you were targeted by Mafia, yet one of them managed to survive your bomb and you got to live another day?
Your explanations so far have been inconsistent and your enquiry to finding out whom has items has me even more suspicious.

vote Jivvi
No, did you read my clarifications at all?

-I have one lone bomb. I get visited, I arm my bomb. I get visited again, I blow up. Visitor blows up with me.
-Had I been targeted by a killer prior to arming my bomb, I would have died without blowing up.
-All the talk about Inns made me throw that in for awareness's sake

Alright, let me explain this item fiasco straight.

-IF this was an item-heavy setup, there would be lots of shitty little pieces of crap that don't do much shit at all
-IF this was the case, my point was for just a few of such people to claim
-SINCE nobody claimed such items, its improbable that there are many, if any, items
-WHILST I was trying to carry this out, FIESTA went on an extremist rampage and tried to find out every single item that people might have had. This blew back on me when Fiesta said he was just following my lead.

Seems that my whole claiming plan is going to blow up in my face



That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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Maybe Hype is the arsonist and then he said he got doused because he wanted to make people think he's inno but he really didn't douse anyone. Then hype will just douse no one and then we would all assume they were getting unlucky and dousing the person who died. Idk, I'm tired and that probably made no sense at all


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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Maybe Hype is the arsonist and then he said he got doused because he wanted to make people think he's inno but he really didn't douse anyone. Then hype will just douse no one and then we would all assume they were getting unlucky and dousing the person who died. Idk, I'm tired and that probably made no sense at all
It would have been kind of silly to reveal the presence of your arsonist role, as then everyone will be on edge. Although WIFOM loops and closed setup makes it entirely possible to be any kind of ruse. I could potentially form a little attack on Hype if I felt like it, as he's done to me, but I can't really be bothered.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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Well, being covered in gasoline sounds like something you would notice. xD

But maybe you were checked by a cop? That sounds like something you wouldn't notice.
I dunno, maybe a Watcher or a Tracker; a Cop seems more noticeable. Also, I'm fairly sure that most roles in most setups don't reveal visits to the visited. Regardless of the game, this mechanic would basically turn a watcher or a tracker into a cop if the coincided with an anti-town visit.

I believe the concept of the Arsonist is also meant to revolve around stealthily gassing as many people as possible, then lighting the match before you get discovered, but late enough to do some big damage.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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Actually, on the topic of lynching, various primary concepts for this game's roles have been suggested, such as death/resurrection, separated mafia, and the Inns have been confirmed. One more possibility might be lynching-oriented/activated abilities, such as Terrorist, Hunter, Governor, and Gallis-type roles.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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Umm what is this I see

I received a message last night telling me that I armed my bomb.
That said, I didn't receive any message at all, so it's strange that Hype was alerted to being gassed.
Which is it? Mr Contradiction-Galore!

You state that you wouldnt attack me like I did you, yet you come out with this statement that contradicts what you said in your previous post, just to point out that its "strange" that I would be alerted to the fact Ive been covered in gasoline. You want to say you arent trying to attack me so you come out with these passive aggressive statements trying to sway people into thinking its weird that I knew I was doused in gasoline. That wasnt sly hun.

And actually as a matter of fact, why would you "attack me like I have attacked you"? I stated my opinion that your claim sounds like a load of shit and thats the end of it. Why would you feel the need to attack me? You "attack" people who think are suspicious not people who attack you, it sounds like you are working for your own selfish intentions rather than the good of the town.

You think its the roleblocker that targeted you and then come up with the "strange that Hype knows" story, yet theres so many other things that could have happened. Just because you didnt die doesnt mean it HAD to be Notty that roleblocked you. Theres like 20 players in this game Jivvi, I would think that all would have different and crazy roles. Just because you have the idea that something possibly could have happened, doesnt mean you can use that as a foundation to lay suspicion on someone.

Oh and btw Im pretty sure someone would fucking notice if they covered in gasoline, I mean cmon.
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