Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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This also applies to anyone that claims to have been doused overnight from now on.
I'm not really so sure about this part....I mean, it would make sense to try something like that on the second or third night, yes, but anyone that gets doused? That seems a bit much x3
(Minor flaw and is mostly wording, but still)

Unless he ignites it and he doesn't die.
Now, it could just be my imagination, but if I was the arsonist I probably wouldn't have thought of that (I'm not the arsonist, just stating a hypothetical scenario). Just you saying that would have discouraged me from trying to douse no one then say I was doused, as that would leave one clear suspect.

Halfway through that last paragraph I had another thought (kind of opposite the one above): What if one night, the arsonist chooses someone to douse, but is roleblocked (if there are even any roleblockers left . _. ) and the person isn't doused, but was told they were? ....You know what, this idea is stupid....but I'm not going to delete it because having longer posts makes me feel better :s (and there's an off chance that maybe someone will read it and get an idea that's actually good)


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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I'm not really so sure about this part....I mean, it would make sense to try something like that on the second or third night, yes, but anyone that gets doused? That seems a bit much x3
(Minor flaw and is mostly wording, but still)
If I were the arsonist, then it would be wise to do it at anytime. If we confine ourselves as a town to thinking they do it the second or third night, then for all nights after that we are missing a chance that we find/lynch the actual arsonist.

Now, it could just be my imagination, but if I was the arsonist I probably wouldn't have thought of that (I'm not the arsonist, just stating a hypothetical scenario). Just you saying that would have discouraged me from trying to douse no one then say I was doused, as that would leave one clear suspect.
Well, if it's storm then it's too late, isn't it? If it isn't storm, though, then there's a low chance it would happen.
I'm not really sure what I'm even going on about anymore.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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Theres 17 people in this game, yet only like 5 have been active recently. I mean c'mon. I felt like I had to reply to what coolio said about the scenarios simply to make another post and not have the thread completely dead. To the people who signed up to this game, can you fucking give some input because I dont want this turning out like Intrusion 2.0


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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Theres 17 people in this game, yet only like 5 have been active recently.
This. The inactivity isn't going to help us, we'll only end up with a deadline and then people will panic, which is one of the last things we want. And going on from this, only 6 people directly answered my questions I posted days ago (Which is only from page 40, post 987) with about 2-3 others stating their suspicions indirectly. That's half of us whom haven't said anything on the matter of whom they think is suspicious, which is a large portion of the problem here. A lot of those said people are seemingly inactive, while a few of those have posted within the past few days but have yet to post anything relevant/useful to that topic. I might take the time to tag out the more inactive people/people who haven't said anything about their suspicions yet later, but honestly, we shouldn't even have to consider needing to tag people over a problem like this, especially on this scale.


Jan 23, 2012
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Well, nothing really is happening at the moment. I was giving time to see if something came up but that's not happening.

I'm going for my FoS right now.

vote Duffie

I already said in my previous post why I find Duffie suspicious. But I'm going to explain it again just in case:

-Duffie voted for Fiestaguy. Even though he was sure he was innocent. Now, I gave him a chance to explain himself. He practically replied saying he fucked up and that he made a mistake. Honestly, I'm not buying anything he's saying.

Duffie knows how to play this game. And I know he's smart. He didn't made it all the way to the end last season for nothing. I'm saying this because if he truly believed Fiesta was innocent then you would'nt have hammered. Doesn't matter what others were telling you to do.

I'm not voting Duffie because he was the last to vote for Fiestaguy. No. I'm voting for him because he contradicted himself. And when people contradict themselves, that's a big alert for me.

Simple. You were sure he was innocent? Then shouldn't have voted for him. And at this point I doubt you're town sided.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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He didn't make it all the way to the end last season for nothing.
Duffie made it to te end of last season because everyone was generally convinced of his innocence.

]Duffie knows how to play this game. And I know he's smart. . . . He practically replied saying he fucked up and that he made a mistake
So because he knows how to play the game, your going to punish him for an honest mistake?
I see the hammer dropping on Fiesta as just that- a mistake. He was under pressure, which has a tendency to make mistakes.

Duffie believed Fiesta was innocent, yes, but I think that he choose to drop the hammer in part just to get the day over with, rather than wait the ~15 or so hours (that's probably off, but the deadline was sometime the next day) for the deadline to hit.

Personally, there is next to zero chance of me voting Duffie today. Mostly because I feel he's innocent, but also a small bit because I was the main person pressuring him to hammer (I wanted him to hammer for the reason above, I can be an impatient person sometimes).

I've stopped calling Duffie a girl \o/ about HypeBurst.....


Jan 23, 2012
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Duffie made it to te end of last season because everyone was generally convinced of his innocence.

So because he knows how to play the game, your going to punish him for an honest mistake?
I see the hammer dropping on Fiesta as just that- a mistake. He was under pressure, which has a tendency to make mistakes.

Duffie believed Fiesta was innocent, yes, but I think that he choose to drop the hammer in part just to get the day over with, rather than wait the ~15 or so hours (that's probably off, but the deadline was sometime the next day) for the deadline to hit.

Personally, there is next to zero chance of me voting Duffie today. Mostly because I feel he's innocent, but also a small bit because I was the main person pressuring him to hammer (I wanted him to hammer for the reason above, I can be an impatient person sometimes).

I've stopped calling Duffie a girl \o/ about HypeBurst.....
Don't even think about twisting my words. Read my post carefully. If you're trying to make it seem like I'm voting him simply because he's "good" at the game it's not going to work.

And I don't see it as a "honest mistake". I see it as an intentional action. But that's just ME.

And I can careless if there's 15 hours left till deadline. That's not a valid excuse to just say "Oh fuck it. Screw everything I've said about Fiesta."


Nov 5, 2012
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Imo I feel like Duffie hammered that vote more of the fact that he wasn't sure whether to vote him or not. Under time constraint and the increasing pressure to vote for someone by everybody it seems more likely that he went, "Ah forget it, there's so little time left and one more vote to lynch fiesta I might as well do it since it would be too late for anyone to change their minds or drag the day longer. There are no other leads anyway." People can make rash decisions when they are under pressure and time limit, I myself have done so many times. Although on the other hand if I am unsure to vote person A and there's one more vote to lynching person A and everyone is pressurising me to vote person A I wouldn't very much choose to hammer the vote in that person. However I feel that different people react to such situations differently, and they play differently. I really see it more as a rash decision as compared to an intentional one.

If we really are going after the person who hammered the vote because he seemed so "eager" to lynch Fiesta, then why are we singling Duffie out when there's another party involved in pushing the lynch on Fiesta, and they seem equally as "eager" to do so? Why Duffie specifically? Are we simply trying to find a scapegoat? Come on.


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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oh LOL.
You're alright @cooliorules <3
I tried tagging the people who I don't remember posting much in the past (real life) few days. There was a long list, but every time it would cut off ;n;

  1. @GmK
  2. @endersteve5
  3. @storm886
  4. @ansoro2112
  5. @std1997
  6. @JKangaroo
  7. @Ooglie101
  8. @Samlen
  9. @Duffie
  10. @Swate
  11. @Old_Man_Oak_63
  12. @77_is_the_best
(taken from page 1) (removed digi because she's already had like 10 tags (sorry))
I don't remember seeing much content from you guys.
Talk up!


Aug 6, 2011
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Well, nothing really is happening at the moment. I was giving time to see if something came up but that's not happening.

I'm going for my FoS right now.

vote Duffie

I already said in my previous post why I find Duffie suspicious. But I'm going to explain it again just in case:

[hl]-Duffie voted for Fiestaguy. Even though he was sure he was innocent. Now, I gave him a chance to explain himself. He practically replied saying he fucked up and that he made a mistake. Honestly, I'm not buying anything he's saying.[/hl]

Duffie knows how to play this game. And I know he's smart. He didn't made it all the way to the end last season for nothing. I'm saying this because if he truly believed Fiesta was innocent then you would'nt have hammered. Doesn't matter what others were telling you to do.

[hl]I'm not voting Duffie because he was the last to vote for Fiestaguy. No. I'm voting for him because he contradicted himself. And when people contradict themselves, that's a big alert for me.[/hl]

Simple. You were sure he was innocent? Then shouldn't have voted for him. And at this point I doubt you're town sided.
I ended up contradicting myself there because I partially forgot what I said. And I'm actually being quite honest here.

At the time, plenty of things were going on, such as graduation, graduation parties, being sick, and playing lots of XCOM, which is a game you really need to think on what you do.

Because of this, and the lack of attention I put into playing Mafia, I forgot some minor details when I was reassured to start talking again... And yes, that was completely my bad.

Imo I feel like Duffie hammered that vote more of the fact that [hl]he wasn't sure whether to vote him or not.[/hl] Under time constraint and the increasing pressure to vote for someone by everybody it seems more likely that he went, "[hl]Ah forget it, there's so little time left and one more vote to lynch fiesta I might as well do it since it would be too late for anyone to change their minds or drag the day longer. There are no other leads anyway.[/hl]" People can make rash decisions when they are under pressure and time limit, I myself have done so many times. Although on the other hand if I am unsure to vote person A and there's one more vote to lynching person A and everyone is pressurising me to vote person A I wouldn't very much choose to hammer the vote in that person. However I feel that different people react to such situations differently, and they play differently. I really see it more as a rash decision as compared to an intentional one.

If we really are going after the person who hammered the vote because he seemed so "eager" to lynch Fiesta, then why are we singling Duffie out when there's another party involved in pushing the lynch on Fiesta, and they seem equally as "eager" to do so? Why Duffie specifically? Are we simply trying to find a scapegoat? Come on.
Although I'd like to say you're right, I actually did kinda make a mistake. xD

... Though, it still was a bit of a rash decision at the time, so I guess you're mostly right.

I did feel rushed to vote, (I was either just waking up or just going to sleep, don't remember) as the deadline was near, and Tim was telling me to just hammer. As I've said before, I've learned from my mistakes in which not to do something based on someone else's ideas to do something, especially when I'm super tired and just woke up/need to sleep.

... Not too sure what else I can add onto this without going offtopic, so I just hope some of you understand, at least. :<
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