1) I was very active last game because I was the cop, and people knew I could be trusted. I tend to be quiet not only in mafia (talking about EM here), but in real life as well, because I don't normally like being caught in disagreements.One of my biggest suspicions at the moment has to be tim to a degree. There is just something... off, about him.
(1)He's certainly not being as participated as in Masquerade, where he certainly provided some decent analyzed posts and opinions while challenging or agreeing with certain stances or opinions; an aspect I feel he's really been lacking this game, (2)in fact, he's really been "going with the flow" and covering a lot with randomness, more than usual. (3)I view this especially in his vote on Fiesta with no real explanation (right after the deadline post, and Ooglie's vote too if I'm not mistaken). (4)The statement about the arsonist, although I still feel heavily that I was being an idiot in that post, still irks me to a degree, (5)and that random jump on Hype near the beginning of the day...
2) It's typical of me to just kind of sit back and watch what's happening, though I have been more active than plenty others. (Disclaimer: this is not me defending myself by casting suspicion onto others, it's just me making a comparison.) And I don't think I've been being random, have I? :c
3) Here is the exact quote of when I voted for Fiesta:
imdood said:While he doesn't exactly stand out as scum, he'll end up as a liability late-game if he continues playing like this.
Vote Fiestaguy
Not voting just because Ooglie did, just my thoughts, and deadlines are scary.
As you can see, I voted him because he could become a liability with his ways (I believe it'd be a policy lynch, but I'm not 100% on what exactly a policy lynch is), in this case, the blowing up of the item search. And I specifically noted then, that while my vote came after Ooglie's, his had nothing to do with my own. And he had less reasoning than I did, wtf >:c
4) Still not even sure where that suspicion came from, but all right.
5) I've already explained this. It was just a hunch. You said yourself in the same post quoted above:
I felt I had found something, but it turned out to be nothing, so I dropped the case.JKangaroo said:I mean, voting a hunch, I'm cool with, as long as you have at least, some reason, even if its kind of small.