Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Are your questions hypothetical?
I'm assuming that if I did say yes to being a similar role to Vigilante, you'd want me to aim my abilities towards someone and if they died it would prove that I'm the town Vigilante? Yet I'm not really claiming the role of Vigilante it comes down to having similar abilities.
If I were to agree with your plan (that I find incredibly flawed) I have to state in front of you and everyone here who I plan to target and why I chose that person, without any proof.
For some reason I feel like this is a set up. If I were to ask YOU which player to target who would you choose?
I never said you had to answer them, and I never even said it was a great plan. I came up with the idea and added it as an afterthought. And, yes, they were all pretty hypothetical, I don't know why I even asked that many questions in the first place xD
However, I don't quite understand how you could feel it was a setup, but I think that may just be because of your role making you paranoid :p
Please understand that the questions were not meant to make you uncomfortable, and I respect your decision to not answer them....I was just tyna halp v.v

But, since you ask I would probably target one of the players with eye patches or peglegs Storm because I don't exactly trust his Alien claim, and it'd be our best shot right now.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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3. Do you think Swate was town or anti-town?
I don't know? I'd like to think that he was an anti-towner so that the lynch was justified, but honestly I'm uncertain. His behaviour up until his death was scum-like I guess. :/
But hun, you should know considering he had a different alignment to you according to our confirmed sheriff (whether he be insane or normal) Ooglie. If you are the role you claim to be, a town member, you should easily be able to state "I know Swate was anti-town because I'm town and Swate had a differing alignment to me". That last answer sounds especially odd MARIA-ANNA, either you completely forgot this or you are actually unsure because you arent the town member you claim to be.

HypeBurst - Bae. I know you like the back of my hand. There's always some theory you're able to concoct that would lead us to Mafia, but in this game I've seen you take on a more composed and defensive game style. I'm incredibly suspicious of you since I know how fierce you are when you're on the town's side. You'd be encouraging people to talk and pushing for point of views or opinions. You're usually the life of the party, and you have been at the beginning of the game but now you're playing the wallflower which seems odd to me. People, believe me when I say that Hype has been playing you guys and the moment I'm lynched, he'll be all out teeth bared and nails sharpened. Prepare yourselves!

I haven't been so on the offensive for the last few days and sitting in the passenger seat because I felt the taste of being wrong with my suspicion of Jivvi (well technically I was right that he was lying about being a bomb, but wrong about him being evil). I didnt want my abrasive nature to lead me astray again so I decided to take a more defensive and calculated approach before laying suspicion on anyone.

And for not being the life of the party, NO ONE HAS GIVEN ME ANY MATERIAL TO POST REACTIONS GIFS TO except this post x). Don't worry ill try my hardest to fit as many gifs as possible so I can be the life of the party again c:


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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Going ta sleep, and just putting out my thoughts for now. Like I said earlier, I think there's only one vigilante-like role in this set-up (maaaaybe a second one, but needs to be activated). My idea of figuring out whether Swate really was said vigilante-like role was to ask the vigilante anonymously to make a kill tonight, if we had two kills tonight, then it'd likely confirm that there was some other vigilante out there and that Swate was probably lying. Now yes, there are other possible killing roles, but every night we've had by now has had only one kill so far, so I figured it was plausible that a secondary kill would be just from a vigilante, if there was another kill. Plus, we could figure out more by whom was the secondary kill, and if a Pirate was the secondary kill, then we'd (almost 100%) know it was another town-sided killing role. Are there flaws? Yes, but this could help confirm Swate's innocence/guilt and, in a roundabout way, Digi too, and we really need to focus on more than JUST Digi today. There are 12 people other than Digi and quite a few of them have not had large suspicions directed at them, which is worrying considering we need to find around 4-5 Pirates still. I'll try and look even more into everyone else, or come up with some other idea tomorrow, but more people need to start talking and searching as well.

Samlen - is the Dark Horse. There's a lot of speculative talk from you, and that's great, but you're safe in what you post. You're clever in what you say, so that you don't slip up. I feel that you are an anti-town role, and that once you get a few more townies out of your way, you wouldn't have to worry about slipping up.
To be honest, I feel like I'd play like this always, regardless of what side I'm on. I can't provide any evidence either as to my innocence other than my assurance that I am doing my best to help town in whatever way possible.

On a note for the inns, I think that people were randomly put into them, from what I can see. Though I am a little suspicious about the last inn person whom hasn't spoken up about being the last person from that inn. My theory is that they might be Pirate, and haven't outed themselves for fear of being seen as Pirate. I first thought that it might have been they hadn't seen the questions about the inns, but as time went on, I figured they had had more than enough time to notice the inn question, and were choosing not to out themselves as the last survivor of that inn. Best theory not related to Digi I can think of right now, might be able to think up more later.


Sep 15, 2011
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Hypeburst said:
But hun, you should know considering he had a different alignment to you according to our confirmed sheriff (whether he be insane or normal) Ooglie. If you are the role you claim to be, a town member, you should easily be able to state "I know Swate was anti-town because I'm town and Swate had a differing alignment to me". That last answer sounds especially odd MARIA-ANNA, either you completely forgot this or you are actually unsure because you arent the town member you claim to be.
I'm as clueless as anyone else would be about Swate's true alignment. I do think of him as anti-town, but I'm not certain enough to actually claim that indeed Swate was part of Mafia.

Now to answer @Timdood3.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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You could just type it again...?

As for Samlen: I'm pretty sure that the Arsonist was the reason we don't have any more kills right now. Think about it. The Arsonist is so damn over-powered that it would not make sense to put in even more kill roles. He's third-party, so would most likely end up innocent on sane cop reports and he has the potential to wipe everyone out in one night. I think that's more than enough to justify no other kill roles.


Nov 5, 2012
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I've been briefly browsing through the posts and I just feel like my opinions have been shifted three-sixty degrees. I feel like there's a need to voice out my opinions because I don't see any of us going in the right direction. I just feel my train of thoughts swarming back again.

I feel like Swate was guilty... He most likely was. If you really re-examine the names he chose as people he placed in some sort of room, they were the dead people. Because why not? He was pushed to a corner, and the only (and most convenient) option was to gather fake evidence to save his ass, which in that case he chose the non-verbal people who couldn't speak up against him - the dead ones. He chose Storm as the only living player, probably as a last resort to not seem so guilty for choosing the dead players, and Storm was probably one of the few people he had connections with. The reason why I felt that Swate was Mafia was because of the way and manner he defended himself. (Then again I might be wrong, because part of me feels that the argument about Swate being innocent actually makes sense.)

I'm actually rather convinced he is a third-party instead of being mafia, and I do believe there's some sort of room connected to him. He may or may not be the alien, I mean, what kind of alien asks for your permission to join his side? How will that even fulfil his win condition then? I feel like Storm is hiding some information from us. And I am pretty convinced Swate got his role inspiration from Storm, if my whole room-connection theory is true. The reason why I feel like Storm is a 3rd Party is partly because of the direction he has been taking this whole game, which is pretty neutral from his lack of contribution as well as opinion. Should he be town, it would have been in his best efforts to help the town progress. Should he be mafia, he would have tried blending in along with the crowd or attempt to mislead the majority. However I see nothing of the sort coming from him. However, there's still something about his role/role alignment that I'm not planning to simply believe that he is 3rd Party. The most convenient excuse for a mafiaso when his alignment is about to be discovered is to pretend to be a third party. This way, he would show up as guilty on cop reports except that he got his ass covered with the excuse of being a third party. This may or may not mean that Ooglie was/was not a paranoid cop.

I've really got no definite stance on this one. I'm actually leaning towards the possibility that Digi could be innocent. I'm definitely sure that she would have known that the word "Abhorrent" in her name would strike fears in our hearts that she has something to do with a role that's hateful, possibly leading us to think that she is Mafia, yet she did nothing to hide it. Looking back at her post about her suspicions on Hype, Jkang and Samlen, I actually feel like I can trust Digi. Another possibility I have in mind is that she may very well be third-party should Swate be innocent. However I find not much evidence to support this.

Now this is where my opinions have changed. I've actually thought of him as innocent and trustable beforehand, but the part about inns and what Digi has said had actually changed my opinion about him. I feel like I'm starting to understand why people like Coolios had mentioned that there is something really off in the way he speaks and why he seems to be anti-town. Now that I look back, I feel like there's something really illogical in the logical posts that he makes. I can't seem to pinpoint where since I'm really bad at grasping these stuff (English isn't exactly my native language), but I can just feel it from the intention of his words. It isn't obvious, but the way he has been playing seems as though there's some sort of hidden motive. The post about inns having people of the same alignment is really illogical. Honestly, it feels like you are trying to pick on me (I'm not sure about Ender, he might or might not be scum, but I do believe him to be innocent), like what Digi said. What purpose would inns serve if they only contain people of the same alignment? In my opinion inns should be randomised to make the game as fair as possible. I would however agree that it seems like the two cops weren't sorted into the same inn out of chance, possibly to give them a platform to sort out their investigations and since it seems that we don't have any vigilante type of role to balance the two sides. Or if I suppose your theory makes sense and it seems that we have three inns (and they do seem to have four for each one!), then what about the eight remaining players without an inn? So are you saying we can find remaining mafia/3rd party amongst these eight should my inn only contain 3rd party/mafia? That seems kind of a cheap method to find scum out honestly.

I'm going to leave out the discussion about how I'm neither 3rd party nor mafia so your idea doesn't make sense since convincing you of my role alignment isn't going to work without a cop, however as a townie in Storm's inn your argument seems blatantly flawed to me. It feels as though you are taking some illogical points here and there and polishing them to make them seem logical. I do know that everyone isn't perfect and their posts might not make sense once in a while, but yeah, you get the idea. I'm a really long-winded person, so sorry if I'm rambling the same things over and over again, just trying to get a point across.

I'm in no way trying to take Digi's argument and craft it into my own, or maybe I am, but the reason why I actually find her role claim believable is because I find her suspicions credible and relatable. I haven't said this beforehand, but to be honest I don't readily voice my suspicions because I would prefer to examine my FoSes a little before coming to my own conclusions whether they deserve or do not deserve my attention. I would have to agree with Digi there about the way you. You are playing smart and trying to blend in from the way you post, and the reason why I was observing you all this while was because you really reminded me of the first few times I played mafia, playing safe such that no one would find any evidence of me being scummy in any way. The reason why I wasn't so definite whether you are scummy or not is because at the same time, I also feel like you could be a normal townie and it could just be the way and style you post. But now that she had mentioned it, it felt like my slight hunches on the way you post were right.

I've taken more than one hour to type this, and I'll be off to rush my homework before tomorrow. Don't expect me to make quick replies or be active in this thread, however I will scan through the replies once in a while. I've got roughly 5-6 tests + assignments next week, so I apologise for my inactiveness in advance.


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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(English isn't exactly my native language)
Hold up, it's not?
I literally would never had guessed o_o

You mentioned Jkang again.
I just hate the fact that everyone just overlooks him. He can use his postzilla's to his advantage. He makes logical posts, and everyone just believes him. He's been my fos for a while, I just haven't pushed on it because there isn't any evidence as of yet.


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Now to answer @Timdood3- (sorry I got sidetracked before) Sorry for criticising your plan.
No, I'm not similar to the Vigilante. I have no direct kill abilities per se.
What I meant by this -
digitalmez said:
For some reason I feel like this is a set up
Timdood3 said:
But, since you ask I would probably target one of the players with eye patches or peglegs Storm because I don't exactly trust his Alien claim, and it'd be our best shot right now.
I knew that you'd want me to target storm. But with my lack of murderous abilities, I can't.
Let's say I was the vigilante and we go ahead with your plan. It would mean that we'd have to lynch (or no-lynch) someone else. Who would you vote for?


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I knew that you'd want me to target storm. But with my lack of murderous abilities, I can't.
Let's say I was the vigilante and we go ahead with your plan. It would mean that we'd have to lynch (or no-lynch) someone else. Who would you vote for?
"I knew you want me to target Storm"
That's not asking you to target him, that's just what I would do.
As for voting, I really don't see anyone else as suspicious....ok maybe I haven't looked yet, but still .-.

And I don't really understand why everyone's suspicious of JK just because one person pointed out that his style and tone make them uneasy. That's almost worst than everyone's reasons for voting Duffie ;-;
Why is everyone trying to find reasons to kill my friends


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
"I knew you want me to target Storm"
That's not asking you to target him, that's just what I would do.
As for voting, I really don't see anyone else as suspicious....ok maybe I haven't looked yet, but still .-.

And I don't really understand why everyone's suspicious of JK just because one person pointed out that his style and tone make them uneasy. That's almost worst than everyone's reasons for voting Duffie ;-;
Why is everyone trying to find reasons to kill my friends
Given my experience playing against/with him, JK is relentlessly analytical. He has the patience to acknowledge what others have said and uses outside sources to help him with whatever theory he has. That's what makes him a good player. His posts are almost that polished to the point where we don't question him. So you're not going to find any evidence against JK unless there's a solid Cop role that can out him.
That's almost worst than everyone's reasons for voting Duffie ;-;
My post wasn't to help me get people to vote for him, but to make people aware that he is the ultimate manipulator. Be cautious.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Given my experience playing against/with him, JK is relentlessly analytical. He has the patience to acknowledge what others have said and uses outside sources to help him with whatever theory he has. That's what makes him a good player. His posts are almost that polished to the point where we don't question him. So you're not going to find any evidence against JK unless there's a solid Cop role that can out him.

My post wasn't to help me get people to vote for him, but to make people aware that he is the ultimate manipulator. Be cautious.
Well, I don't think we have a third Cop up our sleeve, so unless we analyze every single one of his posts and posts about him, I don't suppose we can manage much against him, can we?

At this moment, Jk seems Townish to me. I'll admit, there have been moments about any player so far that have raised my eyebrows, but as far as I'm concerned, Jk has been one of the more logical players, in my eyes, at least.

To be honest, what happened to the suspicion against GmK? Did people who support it just happen to change their minds, die, or was everyone swayed by the fact that GmK turned out to be correct in his suspicion against Duffie? Which, by the way, he has still not properly explained so far as far as I recall? Yes, he turned out to be correct, but that doesn't change the fact that the arguments he had against Duffie were still very bizarre.

(This was a while back, so pardon me if any of my recollections are false at this point, I'll go back and review everything I just said, but if I did get everything right and my memory didn't fail me this time, then I think it's a rather reasonable question to ask.)


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Given my experience playing against/with him, JK is relentlessly analytical. He has the patience to acknowledge what others have said and uses outside sources to help him with whatever theory he has. That's what makes him a good player. His posts are almost that polished to the point where we don't question him. So you're not going to find any evidence against JK unless there's a solid Cop role that can out him.

My post wasn't to help me get people to vote for him, but to make people aware that he is the ultimate manipulator. Be cautious.
I just feel like (other) people are saying that he's probably mafia because he's a good player. Sort of like "he's helping, but he could be plotting against us. Nah, he has to be against us" I might be exaggerating a little bit, but that's the idea.
And I've said it before, if I write something small and/or struck through, it's a joke and shouldn't be taken seriously ^-^


Sep 15, 2011
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Timdood - I understand your plan, but it's flawed.
In regards to my suspicions about Hype, JK and Samlen - be careful of these people.
To those who don't really trust storm or I - It's a coin flip decision. You've had Ooglie claim I was not innocent and storm claim Alien.

I don't see anything else happening and again this day is stagnant. Please for the love of all that is good and fluffy, either vote now or let there be a deadline.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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I'm going to put a bit of temporary trust into Digi for now, while I try and look into everyone else, mainly the lurkers, or maybe the people that still have ignored the questions and/or don't really seem to be trying to do much for the town.

Slightly out of curiosity and for investigative reasons, is there anyone out there that claims to be a plain vanilla townie? (For reasons I might specify later, do include your name if you claim to be a vanilla townie)


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
I'm going to put a bit of temporary trust into Digi for now, while I try and look into everyone else, mainly the lurkers, or maybe the people that still have ignored the questions and/or don't really seem to be trying to do much for the town.

Slightly out of curiosity and for investigative reasons, is there anyone out there that claims to be a plain vanilla townie? (For reasons I might specify later, do include your name if you claim to be a vanilla townie)
No, let's not out blues. It'll only give the mafia a list of PRs to kill.


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Let me play out a scenario of people who out as blue.

13 total people.

5 mafia.
1 3P (this is just a guess, there might not be any for all we know)
7 town

7 town
2 out as blue.
5 don't.

That's 5 PRs that the mafia could pick off, one by one. What if one was something important, perhaps?
If we even have another cop, maybe, then what if they were to get killed? (that is just a scenario.)


I do not know any of this for sure. This is just my random guess at numbers of mafia/3P/town.


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Compressed into a spoiler due to length. tl;dr below spoiler. (might not be exact, going off of head on what was talked about in spoiler+extra because its quite frankly just a bunch of rambling)
Now, I wasn't planning on replying about it, seeing as some of the recent posts are referencing me as suspicious or "someone to look out for," because I didn't feel like I needed to respond, but I guess I am now because I guess it HAD to be addressed at some point. Anyways, the same suspicions used now are basically the same used every time now whenever I'm being accused suspicious, and I'm kind of tired of addressing them because we've already had arguments over them already: long posts means overlooked, oh no, that makes them suspicious because they could totally be hiding! is but one of those arguments I thought we had come to a conclusion back around... was it Season 5? I don't mean to sound so sarcastic in that sentence, but that is essentially the gist of the idea that started off my section of digi's (and coolio) post of suspicions.

I'll say the same thing I always say whenever I'm deemed suspicious for some reason: Yes, I could be suspicious, yes I could be Mafia or anti-town, yes I could be pro-town or a vanilla town or whatever. And its fine to be suspicious of me, or anyone really, because this is Mafia, and Mafia, especially in closed set-ups, can be incredibly unpredictable: I could be anything, just as anyone else could be anything. That is a fact, because until a player is completely cleared by some means, whether by death or by a confirmed cop claim, then most variables are still in a state of unknown.
JKangaroo - What I fail to understand is why JKangaroo gets overlooked all the time. Why? -snip-
I just hate the fact that everyone just overlooks him. He can use his postzilla's to his advantage. He makes logical posts, and everyone just believes him. -snip-
If the only reasons, or at least what appears to be(to me at least) the core reasons I'm being called out as suspicious are basically personal or random attacks which are supposed to deem me "suspicious": just because I make long posts does NOT make me suspicious, it doesn't make me anymore town, anymore Mafia, anymore other-party as any other player.
The only reason you're using it as a means of saying I'm "suspicious" is because YOU make it out to be that; YOU (used as a general term) are the one saying the long post "makes me look town" or makes me "overlooked" because that is what YOU decided. YOU are the one that trusted in the words put into those long posts, the ideas or theories, or whatever else is in there, from whomever types them. Sure, if I was anti-town I would probably want you to believe them and make me be "overlooked" because of course such a thing would probably get me closer to winning, I'm sure everyone would like that, however I'm not directly the one making that happen, that would be in the hands of you, and you alone who's making those assumptions.

Digi asks why I get "overlooked," well, you kind of already answered that:
He is rational in his explanations and states his opinions with reason, I'll give him that.
and though most of what he's contributed has without a doubt been helpful
But again, the only reason that is the case is in your hands; do YOU believe them to be rational or not? If so, then that's probably why. If not, then its you don't believe those reasons to be right or rational. Someone else might, but its YOU who controls what you believe to be right or not or if its helpful or not or if it's rational or not, and on and on.

And then there's this:
The thing is, I'm annoyed with how he tends to nitpick at what others have posted, and we rarely get any insight to anything personal about him.
First off, I'm pretty sure EVERYONE tends to nitpick posts in Mafia. You need reasons to believe a claim or trust a player or find reasons someone is guilty or suspicious yes? What do you do? You tend to go through those players posts and the posts of others to find something.
Or perhaps their's just a small detail or information that confused you at the time, and you wanted clarification on, like with what I did with endersteve in my last post with the 4 inns; from what I've read, I only know of 3 inns from those who talked about it early in the game by 77's "spokespeople"(77 outed his inn, I believe jivvi(or was it fiesta who) outed his inn, and then I think jeer was also a spokesperson alongside swate), so I didn't know what ender meant by 4 inns.
Certainly it's a nitpick, but you're getting clarification. Isn't that something everyone tends to do?

And what about no insight on anything personal? Do you want me to scream my heart out and give you a life's story or something? :c
Why does that matter in the first place? I honestly don't understand why that somehow makes me suspicious or someone to "look out for." :<

Damnit, I went overboard again over something silly when I didn't even get to the main thing I wanted to talk about. Ugh, oh well.
But really, if those are essentially the reasons I'm being charged with suspicion, the same reasons used many other times, then I'm sorry, but I can't take them seriously.
There was something I did want to talk about, and that would be this:
Now this is where my opinions have changed. I've actually thought of him as innocent and trustable beforehand, but the part about inns and what Digi has said had actually changed my opinion about him. I feel like I'm starting to understand why people like Coolios had mentioned that there is something really off in the way he speaks and why he seems to be anti-town. Now that I look back, I feel like there's something really illogical in the logical posts that he makes. I can't seem to pinpoint where since I'm really bad at grasping these stuff (English isn't exactly my native language), but I can just feel it from the intention of his words. It isn't obvious, but the way he has been playing seems as though there's some sort of hidden motive. The post about inns having people of the same alignment is really illogical. Honestly, it feels like you are trying to pick on me(?) (I'm not sure about Ender, he might or might not be scum, but I do believe him to be innocent), like what Digi said. What purpose would inns serve if they only contain people of the same alignment? In my opinion inns should be randomised to make the game as fair as possible. I would however agree that it seems like the two cops weren't sorted into the same inn out of chance, possibly to give them a platform to sort out their investigations and since it seems that we don't have any vigilante type of role to balance the two sides. Or if I suppose your theory makes sense and it seems that we have three inns (and they do seem to have four for each one!)(<-- I know I'm not addressing this one directly but can you explain this, I'm confused by it), then what about the eight remaining players without an inn? So are you saying we can find remaining mafia/3rd party amongst these eight should my inn only contain 3rd party/mafia? That seems kind of a cheap method to find scum out honestly.

I'm going to leave out the discussion about how I'm neither 3rd party nor mafia so your idea doesn't make sense since convincing you(alla: me, JKangaroo)* of my role alignment isn't going to work without a cop, however as a townie in Storm's inn your argument seems blatantly flawed to me. It feels as though you are taking some illogical points here and there and polishing them to make them seem logical.(???) I do know that everyone isn't perfect and their posts might not make sense once in a while, but yeah, you get the idea. I'm a really long-winded person, so sorry if I'm rambling the same things over and over again, just trying to get a point across.
A much, much better reason to be called "suspicious..."
...But I think you might be blowing out of proportion something I even said was a blatantly bad theory I had conceived while typing up that post at 3 in the morning, and then what appears to be you randomly turning it into a personal attack on yourself??? :confused:

I'm reading over what I had written there and although I can see where you are coming from, everything feels exaggerated to the point of again, making it feel like I'm personally attacking you(??)
From what I'm reading, I essentially was making an inn-theory on a possible pattern, because last season there was in fact a blatant pattern in the inns. (2 town, 1 third-party, 1 Mafia/Assassin-Mafia in the case of myuser).
But this theory was essentially derived from a bunch of "what ifs" and was very hypothetical/filled with conjecture, so obviously it's going to be illogical at this point in time with the information we have. (ex of these "what ifs": may suggest the aliens are another team with more people; if what storm is saying is true; maybe that means the last inn could have Mafia?, etc etc)
In fact the only things that I said made me start that theory was due to 2 cops being confirmed in the first inn, and then the possibility, should we believe storm, that the 2nd inn contains aliens(storm + swate if he joined storm/was lying about jailer or was a jailer for the aliens, again if we believe storm), which seem to be a third-party. Thus, 2 cops(town), 2 aliens(likely third-party) may suggest the final inn could be focused on the Mafia. (which I guess in this example there would be 2 mafia to follow the hypothetical pattern)

In short, it was a guess, something I randomly thought of while I was writing up that post which was primarily focused on explaining why I did not believe Mooglie was insane.
Of course its going to be illogical: we hardly have any information pertaining to any of that outside of 2 deaths and a few, unconfirmed claims, which hardly is solid ground for concreteness.

But then the whole thing devolved into, what I felt was, an exaggerating and weird attempt to find some reason to find me suspicious, mainly through you making it feel like it was some kind of personal attack against you and thus finding it suspicious, as well as putting words in my mouth at certain points.
I noted most of these in red text in the quote.

A lot of your post is filled with ultimatums or act more like attacks toward me.
I'm not exactly "picking on you" as you so state, in fact I don't believe I even mentioned you outside of I guess an assumed correlation of simply being in the same inn as storm.(?) Since I didn't even mention you I don't see how I "couldn't be convinced of your alignment:"
I'm going to leave out the discussion about how I'm neither 3rd party nor mafia so your idea doesn't make sense since convincing you(alla: me, JKangaroo, is what I'm getting from this) of my role alignment isn't going to work without a cop,
since I never even said I think you're 3rd party nor Mafia? ._.
Sure I said that, hypothetically, and if storm is telling the truth about his role, that your inn may be focused on the alien faction (which means aliens are in your inn), similar how the first inn could be focused on cops, but I've never really said anything about you. I've never even said anything about your alignment aside from that post a long time ago where I said I you were one of the players I trusted to a degree ._.
So frankly that confused me greatly.

And then I don't understand the "polishing up the inn theory which is illogical to make it seem logical."
It doesn't make any sense to me, especially when I said it myself that the theory wasn't even a good one. If someone said something of theirs was bad (especially if they were essentially rambling) then, unless I felt they were on to something, then I probably would agree.

Although I feel its better than the other suspicion reasons, I don't really understand fully what most of it is about/for, and it feels largely exaggerated, like you're trying to grasp for a reason to be suspicious and agree with that opinion, and then blowing it larger out of proportion in order to make it appear suspicious. But that's just my opinion and someone else might not see it that way, but that's fine.

*sigh* I really didn't want to type out so much, but oh well.
And before someone goes, "super defensive defense post that is long and nitpicking!" as a follow up reason to be suspicious... ... ... ...
  • Still feel the reasons of suspicion are silly, rehashed, and overused. (a lot are based on issues we had in past games(/moments) /or against me personally) and agreed with tim, they feel as bad as the reasons on why Duffie was lynched. (though that is biased because the reasons are against me but whatever >.<)
  • Suspicion is fine, but if the reasons are bad, I can't take them seriously.
  • Main point of post = addressing jeer
    • don't fully understand post
    • feels like the post is more of an exaggeration or trying to make it more "personal" (attacking/picking on) to make it more suspicious or (because these are assumptions) trying to find a reason to be suspicious to follow certain opinions
    • Just because i disagree with them doesn't make the post make me think you're suspicious though

I still keep my vote and reasons stated in previous posts.
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