There actually was logical reasoning behind this, or something that seemed logical to me =S The only confirmed vanilla town we have is Fiesta, whom died, and when I saw the Tumbleweed prefix, I figured that probably all vanilla townies had the same prefix, since I did too. Since there was only one public confirmation/claim of a vanilla townie at the time, I figured that most people wouldn't assume immediately that all vanilla townies must start with Tumbleweed just because one did, but it looks like a lot of people did (from what I've seen at least). Since I thought that people wouldn't assume Tumbleweed for every vanilla town, I figured I would try seeing if Coolio would try claiming vanilla townie without said prefix, to see if she was trying to fake her claim. Apparently I was wrong in thinking that people wouldn't assume that all vanilla townies were Tumbleweed, so it really amounted to nothing in the end.He asks Coolio about her role name, I'm gonna assume it's to make sure he doesn't mess up the name. If he actually was who he says he was, there'd be no reason to do that, so he's probably lying.
I stated that I mostly believed that my inn was all town-sided and used that belief to formulate my own theories while I was indeed trying to think of whom other Pirates could be, which has been changing around quite a bit with each bit of evidence people post. I didn't vote for GmK immediately because I believe in letting the accused actually speak before jumping ontop of them and potentially start/continue a bandwagon."Ok, Ender is town, GmK is mafia, we're all town in my inn, won't make a lynch yet but I think I might vote Kake today, and I'll think about who the other mafia might be". He did nothing but second all the popular opinion from this day and the previous and say that they're all inno in his inn. He stated that he's practically convinced by my post that GmK is guilty and should hang, yet didn't vote. Even after his other post today, which (apparently) expressed his even further strenghtened belief that GmK is guilty, he didn't vote. Why?
Now what I think of GmK after he has made his post:
1. We really managed to have three town-sided cops, but each/some of them of serious negative modifiers. We can see that Ooglie was probably Lazy (highly unlikely to be insane in this case, but maybe random too? not extremely likely either way), roles could easily not be the same alignment as normal (confusing our rolecop) and Jivvi could have had any sort of modifier.
2. Or GmK is simply a Pirate rolecop trying to claim town-sided.
Either situation is quite possible, but to try and determine which one is true is mostly a judgement call, though it might be determinable by looking through other people.
Looking at this, I notice that the only person whom actually claimed any sort of vigilante-like role was Swate (unless the vigilante is trying to hide, which might be possible, but highly unlikely by this point in the game) and I do believe we would have (or had) a vigilante in this game, so I'm going to assume that Swate really was telling the truth. After seeing everyone role-claim, this leads me to believe that Ooglie probably was actually sane (maybe random, but that'd be pretty extreme), which leads me to believe that GmK is more likely to be innocent, and for me to question Digi's claim of being town-sided.GmK: Town Rolecop
Ender: Town Journalist
Storm: 3rd Party Alien
Ansoro: Town Commuter
Timdood: 3rd Party Survivor
Jkang: Town Innkeeper
Samlen: Town Vanilla
Hype: Town Firefighter
Coolio: Town Vanilla
Digi: Town Ghoul
77: Town Party Host
(And for clarity, the deceased and their roles as well)
Notty: Town Roleblocker
Fiesta: Town Vanilla
Jivvi: Town Cop
Duffie: 3rd Party Arsonist
OMO: Town Mortician
Swate: ???
Ooglie: Town Cop (Lazy)
Std: Town Mistletoe Doctor
Jeercrul: 3rd Party Amnesiac
I do have my doubts about other people's claims, and here are my general thoughts on people right now.
Name: Claim (thoughts)
Most likely Town-sided
Samlen: Town Vanilla (Just trying to use my logic for the town since I can't do anything else)
Jkang: Town Innkeeper (Most solid evidence for town-sided)
GmK: Town Rolecop (current evidence suggests town (from my view))
Leaing towards Town-sided
Hype: Town Firefighter (Claims/actions seem to click with town-sided, possible faking but unlikely)
77: Town Party Host (Want to think town, but feel a bit uncertain overall)
Not sure
Coolio: Town Vanilla (just not sure in general...)
Timdood: 3rd Party Survivor (Claim makes sense, but could also be faking.)
Ender: Town Journalist (Could be Pirate-sided Informat, but not completely sure either way).
Ansoro: Town Commuter (Feels bit much of an iffy claim in general)
Leaning towards Anti-Town
Storm: 3rd Party Alien (Seems to act scum-like the few times he was active, and even if telling truth he still bussed his only potential partner)
Digi: Town Ghoul (Following my earlier logic, would assume guilty due to Ooglie's investigations, but other possible scenarios could have happened)
Yes, now I am going to wait and see what happens before I make any sort of vote, since I like to play cautiously. These are just my views as of now and are not definitive, though if they don't change much within the next few days, I will go along with them and make a vote.