Radio Blocktopia: Blocktopia's Official Plug Room

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Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
Plug Name: Ragetastic96

Time Zone: GMT -5

Previous Staff Experience: Currently an Operator on RoF. No previous experience on

What would you bring to the Plug staff team?
High activity and a variety of music. I like just about every genre in some way. Game music, jazz, pop, and rock are my favorites but not limited to. If I get this position, well, honesty, I don't think much will change. I will stay very active and play a variety of music that will hopefully make the majority happy. (You can't make everyone happy)

Tell us about yourself!

16 year old living in the middle of nowhere. The area I live in is highly redneck and country, but I am almost the opposite. I found Blocktopia 2 and a half years ago while looking for classic minecraft servers to play, since I didn't have the money to buy premium yet. I started with Classic lava and spent 6 months on that, until I bought premium and spent the rest of my time on SMP and JtE. I was off and on during that time, until RoF. Played during RoF's first year, then went on a 10 month break and came back this summer. My activity in the community in general is very high when i'm here. (And so long as nothing extreme happens, I should be here to stay this time) I almost always have plug running while playing RoF since I found it.

One note: I promise I won't play Frozen songs everyday anymore to annoy Shande ;)


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Plug Name:
Time Zone:
GMT+8, good ol' Aussie! :)
Previous Staff Experience:
I'm assuming you mean in general. Well, RoF staff (for 11 and a bit months o: ).
What would you bring to the Plug staff team?
I, personally, can listen to almost any music. If it's a song that I don't like, though, I understand that this person has chosen to play the song, so I go and enjoy it. I try to bring a fun vibe to the room, as well as try to keep some conversation going as much as I can, which doesn't happen all that much on plug, sadly.

Tell us about yourself!
Caitlin's the name. With an I. Not a y. Or an e.
Anywho, I'm 15 years of age and absolutely love to listen to some quality music after a busy day of school and other activities. I tend to get along with everyone, and even if I don't I make the best effort to not let it show.

Also, nice to see something done instead of just promoting people, I like the idea! C:


The Head Pyromaniac
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Plug Name:
BS 1363 (Type G)
Time Zone:
GMT/BST, depending on the time of year
Previous Staff Experience:
I used to be a plug for a toaster, but the toaster was decommissioned after it failed its PAT (Portable Appliance Test) and so I was stripped and had to find a new place to go...
What would you bring to the Plug staff team?
I think it's always nice to have variety, so having a British Plug would definitely be useful. At the moment I'm not tied to any appliance, but I am flexible and even if you wanted me to be attached to a power tool, I would probably be okay with that.

Tell us about yourself!
I'm commonly called a 13 A plug or 13 amp plug. I have three rectangular pins forming an isosceles triangle. As the BS 1363 socket is conventionally used with ring circuits, I has a fuse to protect the appliance flexible cable from overload.



A username.
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
Plug Name:

Time Zone:
Eastern standard time. (GMT -4)

Previous Staff Experience:
JtE Trusted : 6/15/2013 - 8/30/2013
JtE operator: 8/30/2013 - 11/27/2013
What would you bring to the Plug staff team?
As a staff member I would try to operate in a way that would hopefully best fit the interest of the playerbase and members of it. I would try to acknowledge any issues that arise possible and hopefully find a way to fix them. Unless told otherwise I would try to avoid sticking too strictly to the rules laid out and use them instead as guidelines so that I could meet the interests of the room at the time, as that is something I feel where the rules so far have been guidelines and I feel they must be balanced in a way to meet the best interests of the players.

Tell us about yourself!
Hi! my name is myusername22! I'm another Human (unlike the plug who is trying to apply above) I enjoy a variety of music and although I've received a ton of complaints about my previously unvaried music in the past I feel as though I've greatly expanded on my tastes and my playlist. I'd like to get more creative on the way I put my playlists together in the future (I'll admit my best playlists atm are random assortments of every genre) and I'd like to make some playlists to fit specific moods I can switch in and out of whenever one gets boring or old and in that way hopefully keep some of the music fresh and interesting.


Plug Name:
BS 1363 (Type G)
Time Zone:
GMT/BST, depending on the time of year
Previous Staff Experience:
I used to be a plug for a toaster, but the toaster was decommissioned after it failed its PAT (Portable Appliance Test) and so I was stripped and had to find a new place to go...
What would you bring to the Plug staff team?
I think it's always nice to have variety, so having a British Plug would definitely be useful. At the moment I'm not tied to any appliance, but I am flexible and even if you wanted me to be attached to a power tool, I would probably be okay with that.

Tell us about yourself!
I'm commonly called a 13 A plug or 13 amp plug. I have three rectangular pins forming an isosceles triangle. As the BS 1363 socket is conventionally used with ring circuits, I has a fuse to protect the appliance flexible cable from overload.


Undefined User 7

Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Hello friends,

Firstly, sorry for taking so long on the apps. I tried to reach out to many of my staff, for the few of you who actually came to me first, thank you.

From judging the apps, we have outright accepted these 2:


We have also accepted 1 app on trial:

We would like to thank everyone else who has applied, and please remember apps will still be open for the time being. We expect great things from the future of the room!

EDIT: So much news today! We'd also like to announce that Haysagar will be stepping up to the role of Manager!


Dec 10, 2012
Reaction score
Plug Name: std1996

Time Zone: GMT -6

Previous Staff Experience: Current RoF Operator

What would you bring to the Plug staff team?
I'd bring a diversity of music and the experience I've gotten with dealing with a vast amount of people from RoF so should just be an easy step up.

Tell us about yourself!
I like booty rocking. I also enjoy listening to music in my spare time or whenever I'm doing something so I usually have plug running in the background and blasting music. I'm not really into one specific type of music so my playlist is sort of all over the place and doesn't really have one specific type of song type so some may find what I play a bit crude or overly sexual but it's just what I heard and enjoyed and put it on there.

Thank you for reading,



─═☆The Blue Bird☆═─
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
Just putting this here in case anyone wants to know.

PlugDJ FaceBook said:
There is a problem with the existing site database and we are working on it now. It will take a few hours. We will let you know when the existing site is back up. With this, we will are also continuing to work on post-migration testing of the new site to make sure efforts continue with the site launch.
^^ In case anyone is wondering why Plug isn't working. (This was posted 3 hours ago, so plug might work for you whenever you see this comment)

PlugDJ FaceBook About The Update said:
We completely understand the frustration and are very sorry. Post-migration bugs that did not show up in pre-migration testing were unforeseen and must be worked out before we can launch.

We are not happy about taking away data from August 9th, but to implement the data on the current existing site after the 9th would postpone the launch even further.

We do realize we have amazing community members who are very dedicated and are thankful for that.

This is not ideal, and we will be working to make improvements so updates run much more smoothly from hear on out.

Brand Ambassador
^^About the update and how far back any points/songs for playlists will be deleted if they were added after the date.

EDIT: 3 hours after I posted my original post, PlugDJ went in "Maintenance Mode," so it probably will be a longer downtime for PlugDJ
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Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
Plug Name: DJ_Goku-san

Time Zone: GMT + 1

Previous Staff Experience:
Journey to Elysium Trusted and Operator
Classic TNT trusted (2 times)
Premium TNT trusted

What would you bring to the Plug staff team?
Mostly Rock music with from time to time some funny music, I will also bring a good staffing member to the plug, I will be fun to talk to on the plug but will also make sure the rules are enforced, as they aren't there for no reason.

Tell us about yourself!
I'm a 17 year old boy with a passion for gaming, music and sports, I mainly love Rock music but can appreciate almost every genre of music, my playlistst mostly contain rock songs I like, they are all mostly appropriate.

Thanks for considering!


─═☆The Blue Bird☆═─
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
Confirmed updating time.

The update is finally coming! We will be going into Maintenance Mode tomorrow (8/26) from 9am PDT/4pm GMT to put up the new site. Maintenance Mode will last for 30 minutes.

Thanks again for all of your patience through this and our apologies for the delay!


Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
Since it's been a month since my last app, (and I'm assuming i was denied because of the week of inactivity that followed) I've applied again below with some updated info.

Plug Name: Ragetastic96

Time Zone: GMT -5

Previous Staff Experience: Currently an Operator on RoF.

What would you bring to the Plug staff team? (Tweaked)
High activity and a variety of music. If I'm on Minecraft or doing homework online, then I'm also on plug. I like just about every genre in some way. Game music, jazz, pop, rock and orchestra are my favorites. If I get this position, well, honesty, I don't think much will change. Unless, of course, something is overly obscene or offensive and I will skip it. I will stay very active and play a variety of music that will hopefully make the majority happy (Sadly, you can't make please everyone). I'm definitely looking forward to the new update tomorrow and plan to take advantage of it's new features.

Tell us about yourself! (Updated)

16 year old blonde white male living life in a rural area. However, I've never been particularly fond of the typical lifestyle here. I'm a city person. I live with my parents, younger brother, and the annoying house cat. I nicknamed her "demon" because i swear she's out to get me. Personal interests are in role playing games and sci-fi/dystopian based books. My favorite game series are Final Fantasy and The Legend of Zelda. Favorite color is Blue. I'm currently enrolled in a home school program that will allow me to graduate one year early, as well as receive two dual-credit general-education college courses.
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Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
A quick reminder of Plug's status and changes that have come with the update:

Status: Currently (As of 5 minutes ago) they went back into Maintenance to sort out a bug with songs freezing . They finally "finished" the final version earlier today. NOTE that IF YOU ARE PLUG STAFF your name will NOT appear in staff list until you LOG IN. This includes Resident D.Js.

Upon log in for the first time after the update, you will be given 3,000 points for being a previous plug user. You will also have access to a few of the old avatars (Avatars do looks different, though). It seems we gain points for leveling up as well as receiving/giving woots and grabs.

There's been numerous changes, but for all the specifics watch this video. Shanebat1 or Biblius may want to update the main post on this thread

Undefined User 7

Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everyone, this is your captain speaking.

We're going over to a new room tomorrow to clear up some of the confusion regarding our current url. I'll update the description then and we'll be carrying all of our staff over there. Bouncers who are inactive will, as per policy, be set back to Featured. Featured DJ's will be reset, to get the rank you just need to be active, nice, and play a varied selection of music. Haysagar will be sending me an updated guide of how to use the website, which we will put in the first post of this thread in place of Shane's original guide.

As always, Bouncer applications are open!


Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
Haysagar will be sending me an updated guide of how to use the website, which we will put in the first post of this thread in place of Shane's original guide.
Glad to see it is being updated. Although, just throwing out an idea here. Since Shane isn't a Manager anymore, you could have Haysagar post a new thread, sticky it, and start clean. It would be fitting considering Plug's now full release and a new(er) staff team. It's not necessary, but it may be more organized.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
re-applying because new plug yay

Plug Name: Jivvi

Time Zone: GMT +10 (Australia)

Previous Staff Experience: bazingo

What would you bring to the Plug staff team?
Hopefully friendliness, activity, and far too much electronic music
(I try to varietise i swear)

Tell us about yourself! I breathe a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and many other gases. I quite like as a place to share tastes with each other. I've been active in the old room for quite some time, and intend on maintaining this in the new room! It would be great to be able to help out that little bit more, also, especially as my timezone isn't massively populated all the time.
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