dam u str8 babygurl
ok advertising but hear me out :C
Duolingo is a website where you can learn a language for free. Currently available for English -> ___ are Spanish, German, French, Italian and Portuguese. The way your learn is really cool and interactive. The website and Android or iPhone app are really snazzy and smooth. You earn a currency called Lingots for learning a new skill, leveling up, completing a challenge without missing one and more. Lingots are spent at a super neat store to buy super neat things. It's a work = reward based system. It even keeps up a score so you can fight your friends for the best one. Biblius and me have been fighting for weeks.
I really wanted to share this because everyone deserves the resources to learn another language on their own time. It can either be fun or just a chore or both. So try to make it more easier for your because being bilingual or trilingual will greatly benefit you. Try this website/app it's like really easy. You owe this to yourself. C:
If anyone has any other good experiences with other language learning programs ((online or not)) please share. :U
I really wanted to share this because everyone deserves the resources to learn another language on their own time. It can either be fun or just a chore or both. So try to make it more easier for your because being bilingual or trilingual will greatly benefit you. Try this website/app it's like really easy. You owe this to yourself. C:
If anyone has any other good experiences with other language learning programs ((online or not)) please share. :U