Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Jan 12, 2012
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I probed you coolio because I think you will make it to the end of the game. However, you were unable to be probed for some reason. Either I was blocked somehow, you were protected, or you have a special role. I don't really know.

Anyways, 1 away from lynch!


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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I'm not hammering at least until Ender comes back because I want to know what happened with the questions in the inn.

Also, the attack against you was going no where. So what if I change my mind. It's called a revelation. People have them from time to time.
People can have revelations, its just that yours seem to follow whoever has the most votes <3


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Erm....I don't think it's just me, but they way Storm just voted sets off definite alarms for me. He votes simply saying he forgot to vote Samlen, but still gives no reasoning. He didn't yesterday either.

My original vote was a pressure vote that I forgot to remove, but know I'm sure Samlen is not who he says he is.

.....The only thing that doesn't fit is why Ender would've received his message of "Success!" ....


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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what did you ask storm in the inn for the reaction test?
I simply asked him to say something that would make me less suspicious of him, after which he started to imply I was way more suspicious of the two and went as far as to threaten me directly, knowing that Jkang will probably see it. My theory would be that ifStorm is mafia, he was quite reluctant at first because they weren't sure yet about whether they were going to kill me or Jkang (because let's face it, it was either me or him) and then when they decided they were going to kill Jkang, he gave in and provided me with his action list etc.

Ooglie was clearly insane, even more now than ever. He got innos on both GmK and Swate, GmK was clearly a pirate since the game is still going blah blah. Digi's clear. End of story from my perspective.
How does any of that clear the confusion about GmK's and Swate's aligment? What if there was 4 mafia members to begin with? 4 is as good as a number as 5 is for a mafia group in a game of this size, if you're going only by the theory of 5 mafia in the game, you gotta review your logic parts.

Basically, if a Governor trusts him, or if he is in fact a Governor, I trust him, too.
That logic is just so flawed ;_;

First of all, who would the Governor be? We all claimed something and we all have stood by what we claimed. If the "Governor" was town-sided, what possible motive would he have to still hide himself from the rest of us? The only thing that it does is add to the confusion, which is incredibly overflowing right now.

Secondly, even if the Governor was town-sided, he would still be as knowledgeable about the identity of the Town and the Mafia as the rest of us townies. Which means he doesn't know anything that all of us don't. His rate of correct guesses about who's town and who's not would be pretty damn unreliable and therefore his actions would be pretty damn unreliable at determining who's town and who's not.

Thirdly, why hasn't the Governor used his action before? I'm sure we've lynched enough people by now that at least one of those must've been a townie to someone who's still alive, so why hasn't he used his action until now? Not to mention that Samlen wasn't exactly the most trustworthy person to begin with and I'm pretty sure we all agreed with that when we put the votes on Samlen, regardless of whether or not you all actually thought him to be the most suspicious and put the vote on him or not. In that sense, there was no reason to trust Samlen in any case, meaning that the Governor would have no reason to actually protect him.

There is no Governor. That is my conclusion. Give some proof or some actual logic to go with the claim of a Governor being in the game before you all accept the theory, please.

My theory is that the reason why Samlen did not get lynched was in his own role. Samlen claimed Vanilla Townie and it was a flimsy and questionable claim to begin with. Then, suddenly, just as he is about to get lynched, he suddenly somehow manages to divert the lynch over to GmK. Either he's a vanilla (townie or mafia) with a modifier that makes him immune to a lynch or the other possibility is that he's not a vanilla and has a power that makes him immune to a lynch. If the latter is true, then there's three possibilities: he can choose who he wants to divert the lynch to, he diverts the lynch randomly or he diverts the lynch to the player with most votes on him after himself. This doesn't help us atm though, so I don't know what you want to do with that theory, I just wanted to get it out there to avoid questions about what I think happened then if I don't believe in a Governor.

Also, I saw somewhere (can't find it now) that someone thinks that "Success!" (the message I received when investigating Storm) somehow proves him being an Alien. No, it does not. It only proves that whatever he did last night was a success, it could have been the mafia faction kill just as well for all we know, or it could have been the probing, or it could have been something different altogether. We don't know. All we know right now is that whatever it was that he did last night, it was a success.

All in all, I'm very uncertain about everyone alive, simply because of the number of contradicting feelings I get from all your posts and because you all act pretty similarly to me, if I'm quite honest.

What I'm going to do right now though is that I will vote Timdood. He claims Survivor, so there's no way he's a townie anyway. Survivor is a role that can be faked with relative ease or so it would seem, at least, so the idea of a mafia choosing Survivor as his cover doesn't seem all that impossible to me. The main reason though is that he's way too unpredictable and he will take the chance to give the mafia the victory, if possible, because he must and he will play to his own victory, which is either town or mafia victory. To him it doesn't matter which it's going to be, as long as the game ends with him alive. If GmK and Swate really were both mafia, we're not at a LyLo, if we are at a LyLo, I just wouldn't know who to lynch in any case, so that seems like the best option to me at the moment.

vote Timdood3


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
What I'm going to do right now though is that I will vote Timdood. He claims Survivor, so there's no way he's a townie anyway. Survivor is a role that can be faked with relative ease or so it would seem, at least, so the idea of a mafia choosing Survivor as his cover doesn't seem all that impossible to me. The main reason though is that he's way too unpredictable and he will take the chance to give the mafia the victory, if possible, because he must and he will play to his own victory, which is either town or mafia victory. To him it doesn't matter which it's going to be, as long as the game ends with him alive. If GmK and Swate really were both mafia, we're not at a LyLo, if we are at a LyLo, I just wouldn't know who to lynch in any case, so that seems like the best option to me at the moment.
So, you're voting me because I'm not town. But you're forgetting, I'm not mafia either. I've already expressed that a mafia victory is not in my interest, and most of my play has been for a town victory. I voted Samlen yesterday because if he was a townie, there wasn't much I could do to defend him, and it'd be likely an end to the game anyway (which is my win condition).

Also remember, I'm not the only third party here. And if you ask me, Storm a heck of a lot sketchier than I am, and who was it that made me suspicious of Storm? ..Hmm, let's see....Oh, that's right! You! :3 Anyways, I digress from that point, I don't mean or want to seem like I'm simply deflecting blame here.

Also, I saw somewhere (can't find it now) that someone thinks that "Success!" (the message I received when investigating Storm) somehow proves him being an Alien. No, it does not. It only proves that whatever he did last night was a success, it could have been the mafia faction kill just as well for all we know, or it could have been the probing, or it could have been something different altogether. We don't know. All we know right now is that whatever it was that he did last night, it was a success.
I had addressed that Storm's "Success" did not prove him as the Alien, I was telling people to be just as skeptical of it as you are.

And now that you mention it...Yeah...My logic for the Governor was flawed as hell xD
That was just the only way I could make sense of the situation. A lynch-immune role seems far more likely. But that begs the question: If he can't be lynched, how would the town get rid of him if he was anti-town?
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