Suspicion List
Ansoro2112 I dont know much about the claim and the ins and outs, hasn't really explained much about his role and how he has been playing with that role. I feel like I've had too explain myself one thousand times over recently, yet no one is questioning him but I dont really know what else he can explain?...idk just idk. Been inactive because he's at the beach atm but he wasn't very active before then either. I'm going to put him in the middle of the pack, because I really dont know whats going on in the Costa Rican head.
Samlen I believe I made a huge mistake last night when I voted him. The main reason I thought he was evil was the coolio test about being a tumble weed and now reading back, I think his intentions were portrayed much more maliciously and scheming-ly in the main thread, than they were in the actual inn. I'm not sure that he's town, but the suspicion I had for him due to that incident is much weaker.
Endersteve The problem with his role is that it can go either way and have the same ability, he could be a town journalist or a mafia informant and we can't determine which is the correct one. However, his behaviour in this game has been sending me town vibes since the start, kinda like JK, he's very logical and has well thought out posts. The claim just throws me off a bit, It could go either way.
Digitalmez Has been basically cleared by the Ooglie investigation so whoever picks up Digi's place will automatically be seen as innocent. But I see two big outcomes that could have happened, just putting out scenarios atm. If Digi does push night actions from herself to others, doesn't that mean that Ooglie investigated the person she targeted, not actually her. She posted her targets awhile back but I can't find them, but I'm really unsure why I didn't think of that until now. The other scenario is that she could have investigation protection, like a godfather or something. The first scenario for me sounds very fathomable.
Coolio I was hoping that someone else would have pointed this out because it might seem that I'm just going for the person who has an FoS on me but honestly she's been pretty shady today. After I get a vote from Digi, suddenly she is completely and utterly convinced I'm evil and what convinced her? Tim simply saying "the arsonist isnt that overpowered". Just the day before she rebuttaled an argument against me made by Digi and now since I have a vote on me, she goes all guns blazing, coming up with point after point trying to get me killed. Honestly a town member wouldnt be so quickly change their mind at such a simple point on what could be a mislynch and lose situation. Then when Digi drops out and unvotes me, she jumps right on to Storm seeing that he has two votes already, and since they were posted at the same time, she must of seen that storm was looking at the thread, typing out his post.
77 Very quiet in this game, but he usually keeps rather quiet in his games, whether he's town or mafia. He was basically cleared when he knew the party was going to begin. But we can't strike out that the party host could be modified to be mafia sided, but thats something I doubt. Could be a little more help though :c.
Storm I regularly forget he's in the game and then I'm reminded when someone mentions he's lurking and should speak up. He's taken lurking to the next level in that he could nearly make it to the end by just being completely forgotten (sorry if that sounds rude :c). Lurking makes you very suspicious to me but the thing that bothers me is that I don't believe that a mafia member would claim third party when there is 15 people left, (I think there was 15 people left? I'm not sure). Also according to Ender, Storm received a message "success" yesterday, which does point to be an alien. I only just remembered that and wish I could have remembered that awhile ago.
Also the coolio thing strikes me as really odd, storm can you think of a reason why you wouldnt be able to probe her? or coolio is there something you arent telling us?
Timdood His role kinda explains his erratic-ness. Erratic might not be the right word? But like Sam said, survivor could easily be faked with no real explaining needed, but idk he's seems fine? I'm kinda just unsure of Tim at this point, I'll keep watching tbh.