Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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This initially set off warning lights off in my head, and at first, I thought it was a slip-up pointing to Tim being a Pirate (Him knowing about the stalker). Then I realized he was probably talking about GmK being the rolecop (which I guess in the EpicMafia Wiki is called the 'Stalker') but it still felt off to me. Just random bit that struck me as odd, don't think it adds to up to too much.
Yes, I was talking about GmK. He claimed to be a rolecop, and since the game is still going I think it's pretty safe to assume he was a pirate. That means that he was a stalker and two plus two equals 4 ^-^


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I'm tagging storm886 again and voting for him, as he's my greatest current fos and still hasn't responded to my questions as of yet.
Vote Storm
I had forgotten you had asked him anything. But now that you mention it...I looked back and found that you asked on Friday. Storm has had ample enough time to respond, and hasn't. For that reason, I add a pressure vote, which will likely be removed once he responds.

For his convenience:
On another note concerning yesterday, I'm asking storm886 some questiosn since he's my current fos, not because he voted for me, but because of the way he voted with little/no thought and voted to seemingly only to hammer. The first question for storm is why did you vote the way you did? Was it because you really thought I was a Pirate or some other reason? And since I realized I'd never seen/gotten this (and because I'm still doubting your claim somewhat), whom have you probed each night so far, if you really ARE the Alien?
Vote Storm886


Sep 15, 2011
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I'm tagging storm886 again and voting for him, as he's my greatest current fos and still hasn't responded to my questions as of yet.
Vote Storm
It's annoying-- I haven't heard anything from storm or 77. I don't care if the numbers will be unbalanced, why play at all if you're going to afk or lurk? I'm going to unvote if there's no reply from Storm.


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Votecount of Awayness - Man, this thread got some jokes after all

HypeBurst (2) - digitalmez, cooliorules[Lynch in 3]
Storm886 (2)- Samlen, timdood3[Lynch in 3]
Not voting
- everyone else

NOTICE: I'm on vacation for about a week, but Prizyms is still around! call this vote count my intense dedication to the game
Last edited:


Jan 12, 2012
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DON'T CRY TIM. Only for you tim.

"Pressuring me" by voting for me doesn't work. I am a separate person with his own win condition. I don't have the energy to pick through the mass of posts and find information to help you find criminals. Although I would like to see the town win, I am not going to put in the extra effort to help you do so. I really don't have anything to lose (besides my life) because my chances of winning of very slim now and almost impossible. I told ender not to tell anyone who my targets were, but heck, why not? Here it is:

Night 1:
Night 2:
Night 3:
Night 4:
Night 5:
Coolio (When I sent in my action to probe her, it came back as, "This person was unable to be probed." I don't know what that means. It could be someone protecting her I guess or her role.)
Last night:

Oh and samlen, what I said above should answer your question about why I voted for you in the way I did.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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Dis lack of activity. To do something other than just wait for storm886 to talk, we can discuss other possible suspects and/or people whom have weak(er) claims than everyone else.
Ender: Town Journalist - Could be faking as informant, but seems a little more likely to be Journalist(Town).
Storm: 3rd Party Alien - Acted lurkerish almost all game, claim could be true but could be false too.
Ansoro: Town Commuter - Not sure, could be true, could be fake. Not a lot to go on here, little lurkerish too =S
Timdood: 3rd Party Survivor - Behaviour would make sense, dangerous in that he could play for either side, but role could also be easily faked.
Samlen: Town Vanilla - Don't have much to prove I'm what I claim, and I can understand not being trusted but I'm just trying ta help.
Hype: Town Firefighter - Could make sense either way. If faked, it was decently thought out, but seems more likely to be Town-sided.
Coolio: Town Vanilla - Don't know for sure, could be faking, could be true. (Added on since Storm replied: Interested to hear what Coolio knows about not being able to be probed, might not be much of anything or might be false, but interested in hearing about it)
Digi: Town Ghoul - Seems most likely to be town from evidence, so probably is what she says she is.
77: Town Party Host - Would assume town since town is normally town-sided (from what I can gather) but is very quiet/lurkerish and doesn't seem to be helping town much.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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So I may as well make a list of thoughts, even though not much has changed.

First off, people who I consider to be clear.
77: He hasn't contributed anything, but what mafia role would have an ability to inhibit the entire mafia with no benefit? It just doesn't make sense that a mafia-party host.
Digi: I've said this a hundred times. Ooglie was clearly insane, even more now than ever. He got innos on both GmK and Swate, GmK was clearly a pirate since the game is still going blah blah. Digi's clear. End of story from my perspective.

Now for people I feel are likely to be what they say.
Ender: He could be faking as Informant, but I just feel like he's town.
Tim: Well, obviously I'm going to put myself in the trustworthy category. While it's true that I could win with either side, I'd rather see the town win.
Coolio: While it's true that Coolio didn't really contribute a lot early, she never does. Coolio's power comes in the late game with her spot on hunches.

People who may or may not be telling the truth:
Samlen: Ender put up a pretty good argument against Samlen yesterday. However, there is apparently some sort of governor in the mix. Perhaps it's a hidden part of Samlen's role. In fact, that's exactly what I think it is. Probably. And I'm right 100% of the time...60% of the time....Basically, if a Governor trusts him, or if he is in fact a Governor, I trust him, too. But that's all speculative, that's why he's down here.
Ansoro/Hype: Something about Hype claiming to have protected Ansoro just doesn't sit right with me....I mean, I feel like if that was genuine, Hype would have just been told "Failed" or something...I'm not going to dive into mechanics, but it just feels off. I feel like at least one of them is hiding a peg leg or eye patch under their beds.

People who I feel are definitely Pirates:
NottyKitten: ....We all know why this is here. Also jokes.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Oh...I seem to have forgotten to include Storm....I just can't see why he would be so reluctant to reveal his probes, even to just Ender. If I was an alien, I'd be happy to disclose the information. I mean, Why would the mafia go out of their way to kill probed players just to mess with the Alien? And the town might even be nice enough to let probed players live a bit longer, though it's more likely they wouldn't care. But the town wouldn't bother to lynch someone just because they've been probed. It's possible, it just doesn't seem logical. Pretend Storm is in the last category.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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I think the only way I would get a message saying "failed" or something like that, would be if I actually failed to protect one of my targets and they were doused, which I'm pretty sure would be impossible unless I was like role blocked or something.

Ill do a suspicion list when I get home.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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Suspicion List

Ansoro2112 I dont know much about the claim and the ins and outs, hasn't really explained much about his role and how he has been playing with that role. I feel like I've had too explain myself one thousand times over recently, yet no one is questioning him but I dont really know what else he can explain?...idk just idk. Been inactive because he's at the beach atm but he wasn't very active before then either. I'm going to put him in the middle of the pack, because I really dont know whats going on in the Costa Rican head.

Samlen I believe I made a huge mistake last night when I voted him. The main reason I thought he was evil was the coolio test about being a tumble weed and now reading back, I think his intentions were portrayed much more maliciously and scheming-ly in the main thread, than they were in the actual inn. I'm not sure that he's town, but the suspicion I had for him due to that incident is much weaker.

Endersteve The problem with his role is that it can go either way and have the same ability, he could be a town journalist or a mafia informant and we can't determine which is the correct one. However, his behaviour in this game has been sending me town vibes since the start, kinda like JK, he's very logical and has well thought out posts. The claim just throws me off a bit, It could go either way.

Digitalmez Has been basically cleared by the Ooglie investigation so whoever picks up Digi's place will automatically be seen as innocent. But I see two big outcomes that could have happened, just putting out scenarios atm. If Digi does push night actions from herself to others, doesn't that mean that Ooglie investigated the person she targeted, not actually her. She posted her targets awhile back but I can't find them, but I'm really unsure why I didn't think of that until now. The other scenario is that she could have investigation protection, like a godfather or something. The first scenario for me sounds very fathomable.


Coolio I was hoping that someone else would have pointed this out because it might seem that I'm just going for the person who has an FoS on me but honestly she's been pretty shady today. After I get a vote from Digi, suddenly she is completely and utterly convinced I'm evil and what convinced her? Tim simply saying "the arsonist isnt that overpowered". Just the day before she rebuttaled an argument against me made by Digi and now since I have a vote on me, she goes all guns blazing, coming up with point after point trying to get me killed. Honestly a town member wouldnt be so quickly change their mind at such a simple point on what could be a mislynch and lose situation. Then when Digi drops out and unvotes me, she jumps right on to Storm seeing that he has two votes already, and since they were posted at the same time, she must of seen that storm was looking at the thread, typing out his post.

77 Very quiet in this game, but he usually keeps rather quiet in his games, whether he's town or mafia. He was basically cleared when he knew the party was going to begin. But we can't strike out that the party host could be modified to be mafia sided, but thats something I doubt. Could be a little more help though :c.

Storm I regularly forget he's in the game and then I'm reminded when someone mentions he's lurking and should speak up. He's taken lurking to the next level in that he could nearly make it to the end by just being completely forgotten (sorry if that sounds rude :c). Lurking makes you very suspicious to me but the thing that bothers me is that I don't believe that a mafia member would claim third party when there is 15 people left, (I think there was 15 people left? I'm not sure). Also according to Ender, Storm received a message "success" yesterday, which does point to be an alien. I only just remembered that and wish I could have remembered that awhile ago.

Also the coolio thing strikes me as really odd, storm can you think of a reason why you wouldnt be able to probe her? or coolio is there something you arent telling us?

Timdood His role kinda explains his erratic-ness. Erratic might not be the right word? But like Sam said, survivor could easily be faked with no real explaining needed, but idk he's seems fine? I'm kinda just unsure of Tim at this point, I'll keep watching tbh.


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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What why did you probe me lol. Also I was unable to.. be probed..? :confused:
Could be a hidden feature maybe? Idk... o_o

clearly insane,
Could be random. NEVER assume things.

Coolio's power comes in the late game with her spot on hunches.
They're spot on alright :3

Storm earlier in the game completely stopped talking (like now) to see who would remember he's here. It's the second time in one game. Not liking this.

I think his intentions were portrayed much more maliciously and scheming-ly in the main thread, than they were in the actual inn.
I can deny that. We had basically the same conversation in our inn as we did in the thread, just more people.

Also, the attack against you was going no where. So what if I change my mind. It's called a revelation. People have them from time to time.
Also, I n e v e r look at who's viewing the thread. Like honestly, I've viewed it so many times but that doesn't mean that every time I go to look at it, I'm going to post something.
Also, I posted it at 6:45am this morning. You think I have enough time before school to check who's looking at the thread whilst I'm brushing my teeth, my hair and getting changed?
Yeah... I don't think so either.

or coolio is there something you arent telling us?
Why would I ever lie to you <3
Seriously though, when I read that just now I just.. idek, I'm confused as fudge tbh... Possible role block, but by whom I don't know. The other option I'm thinking is a hidden detail to my role


Ayy lmao
Jan 12, 2012
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Sigh I dont know myself what I am doing this season, i've always been more of a person to contributr to the game with carefully though out night actions however obviously I have no night actions left and being a civilian doesn't hold my attention long enough.

Sure I read the posts, but I struggle to figure out who the mafia is and who isnt and the frustration leads me to not making large posts and looking back through the thread because I lose patience, so it's kind of a loop.

I have thought about calling it quits and requesting a replacement however then I always think of how much I love this game, even if I am having problems with sorting out strategies.

So i've decided that I will play on however please dont expect me to come out guns blazing with accusations with carefully thought out arguments and such because I just don't feel that I have the talent/time to figuring out who mafia are. That being said, I never trusted storm ever since he claimed and him claiming his targets just confirms my suspicion that he is hiding behind the third party role like Sploorky did in last season or the season before or something.

So... vote Storm886
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