The timings change...I just had an idea that could have worked but its a bit late for that...I should have thought of it when coolio and I were just stuffing out facesGood luck Jiv *salutes* already tried that combo earlier, it failed.
This makes me
So hungry
Ya know, they really where not half bad.WELL, if you would've tasted my delicious worms and pig brains you wouldn't be hungry!
But did you?! No!
So you can starve.
This scene will be deleted to avoid any lawsuit against the Host.
Exactly. Only 1 Tribe wins immunity. Which means APAIG and Zoidberg lost and will have to vote someone out.Wait but we had one win, and zoidberg had none ;-;
That's right!You mean both tribes have to vote someone out? What a twist! o-o
People, from now on only ONE Tribe will win immunity. The other 2 will be voting someone out from their own Tribe.... Waitwhat