Midnight's Operator Application

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You're gonna have a bad time.
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
In-game username: midnightgirl24

Time-zone: Central Time Zone (UTC-06:00) (Oklahoma)

How much time will you be able to spend staffing the server each day? Depending on if I work, I can staff about 4-6 hours on weekdays and about 5 on weekends. That's just a rough guess, since my work schedule has no solid times. (It jumps around a lot), and I do log on after work. I'm not going to college this year which leaves me with more free time. I'm on for a while in the later hours of the evening, and on late mornings/early afternoons.

What do you think the responsibilities of an operator are on this server? A staff member must be able to help out people when something goes wrong. They must be fair, but fun at the same time. They need to know when to draw the line when something goes too far. They need to be able to respond when someone needs help. (Though some afks cannot always be helped.) They can't bend rules just for a friend on the server. They have to treat everyone equally. They must know when to either kick a person or ban them.

What sets you apart from other applicants? I have been on RoF for quite a while and gotten to know the player base. I'm really friendly with people and I'm always willing to help them out. I'm always very willing to help staff out if they need something. I've been watching staff and I've been trying to learn from all of them on what to do and what not to do. I know when to be fun, and when to draw the line on something. I'm able to enforce rules, but not be too strict about it. I'm always listening to some players if they have an issue and I try to help them out in any way I can. I'm a very respectful person and I would not ever grief or insult someone. I treat everyone with the utmost respect.

What do you believe your greatest weaknesses are as a player and/or staff member? I sometimes tend to keep quiet. I sometimes don't notice new people asking for help because I am afk every now and again. I'm really trying to improve on that though. I sometimes over think things and think that I may be doing something completely wrong, even though it is right. I can be a bit emotional on some days, but that's normally when I'm extremely stressed or going through something, so it's a rare occurrence. Those incidents should be much rarer since I'm no longer in High School and dealing with all that drama.

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with? I would first think if I may know a solution to it. If I didn't have an idea, or it didn't seem like a good enough reason, I would ask fellow Operators. If they didn't know either, I would go up to VetOp, Controller, and so on until a solution is found. I would only ask a Director about it if nobody else had a solution, it was really serious, or it was important to figure out right then.

What previous experience staffing on Blocktopia servers do you have? I admit that I do not have any experience with staffing on Blocktopia, but I'm very eager to learn from the staff members on how to be a proper Operator if I'm accepted.

References: std1997, Ragetastic96, and Kevin_28 (if any of you want to reference me, or have decided to after monitoring me, let me know.)

Thanks to everyone for taking the time to read and reply to this.

(Edit: I didn't realize until now that I forgot to fix the previous staffing part of the app, so now it has been fixed.)
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Survival Staff
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
What do you think the responsibilities of an operator are on this server? They need to be able to respond when someone needs help.
I very much like that you've acknowledge this. Either I don't read at all or this is a point that a lot of people don't make when making their applications.

What do you believe your greatest weaknesses are as a player and/or staff member? I sometimes tend to keep quiet.
I agree with this and I believe this is what you need to work on the most. Anyone can read and pay attention and have the knowledge it takes to be an Operator but it takes something different to be able to utilize that knowledge effectively. I'd like to see you be more vocal in-game and supportive towards players.

I'm honestly close to voting a one but for now I'm going to have to go with +0.


You're gonna have a bad time.
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
I very much like that you've acknowledge this. Either I don't read at all or this is a point that a lot of people don't make when making their applications.

I agree with this and I believe this is what you need to work on the most. Anyone can read and pay attention and have the knowledge it takes to be an Operator but it takes something different to be able to utilize that knowledge effectively. I'd like to see you be more vocal in-game and supportive towards players.

I'm honestly close to voting a one but for now I'm going to have to go with +0.
Thank you for your response Ogar. I do admit that it is probably my greatest weakness. That's why I've really been trying to improve on that one.


Resident Zombie
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
Well, as I told you, I see you on well enough. You're very nice when you talk, but as you've already said, you tend to stick to being quiet. I'm also giving a 0 for you, only because I hardly see when you talk. Talking more in-game to help players out who have questions when our staff aren't around to answer the questions/miss them would be a good place to work on. I do believe you're ready for a trial, but the quietness and semi-idle status in-game could be problematic. Otherwise, I don't really have much complaints.

They can't bend rules just for a friend on the server.
Absolutely, you're probably the first I've noticed to mention this in an application. I'm actually happy someone makes note of that. A lot of people I've seen staffing places over the years have bent the rules or been more lenient towards their friends and more strict to people they just dislike. We just can't do that. It's not really fair to everyone, is it?

Now, I'll be watching the rest of the week to see how you do for being quiet/afk in-game. ;)

Good luck~


You're gonna have a bad time.
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
Well, as I told you, I see you on well enough. You're very nice when you talk, but as you've already said, you tend to stick to being quiet. I'm also giving a 0 for you, only because I hardly see when you talk. Talking more in-game to help players out who have questions when our staff aren't around to answer the questions/miss them would be a good place to work on. I do believe you're ready for a trial, but the quietness and semi-idle status in-game could be problematic. Otherwise, I don't really have much complaints.


Absolutely, you're probably the first I've noticed to mention this in an application. I'm actually happy someone makes note of that. A lot of people I've seen staffing places over the years have bent the rules or been more lenient towards their friends and more strict to people they just dislike. We just can't do that. It's not really fair to everyone, is it?

Now, I'll be watching the rest of the week to see how you do for being quiet/afk in-game. ;)

Good luck~
Thank you for your kind words. And like we had talked about as well is sometimes I do happened to be ninja'd by the staff, though not often. I try, but I know I can be quiet sometimes (whether reading, zoning out, or anything), and some of that recently may be related to my random chat lag, but that's from the past couple days. Thus why this problem is very important for me to improve on. I will definitely try my best on fixing it! c:

(And sorry for a late reply and thank you. It's been storming like crazy here and I didn't want to use my computer with all the lightning going on.)


Dec 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hii middy,

I'm glad to see you've applied again! As I did reference you. I think everyone already knows I'm going to be voting +1 but since I like to act like I'm actually judging your application and in-game personality as I should with every applicant. Let's take a look at your application.

I sometimes tend to keep quiet. I sometimes don't notice new people asking for help because I am afk every now and again. I'm really trying to improve on that though. I sometimes over think things and think that I may be doing something completely wrong, even though it is right. I can be a bit emotional on some days, but that's normally when I'm extremely stressed or going through something, so it's a rare occurrence. Those incidents should be much rarer since I'm no longer in High School and dealing with all that drama.
Keeping quiet isn't a crime. Lately, I've preferred to keep quiet on RoF mainly because I tend to say somethings that I end up regretting later usually but if this quietness is in any way hampering your effectiveness in helping then I encourage you not to be. Being quiet isn't everyone's cup of tea.

Now for being AFK at times and unable to help people, It happens. Sometimes people just seem to ask questions whenever I'm taking that 5 minute potty break or alt-tab to look at the forums, or even when I'm just grabbing a quick snack. Don't worry if this happens too often but if you start noticing it happens a lot then maybe you should consider on how long you're going AFK for.

I'm a very respectful person and I would not ever grief or insult someone.
But you told me to shut up and that I sucked yesterday and I was so offended :(

Moving onto in-game persona, you're well-known among the older player-base and known among the newer players. I've seen you be helpful and respectful to a majority of our new players and returning old players and the only instances where I haven't seen it is when you know them personally as a friend and are just messing around or if they've given you a very good reason to dislike them.

I also respect your willingness to pursue this Operator position after being denied previously due to I believe it was "lack of helpfulness" or something along those lines. I feel you've improved vastly on everything since you were last denied and I see no reason to deny you a trial also due to your long playtime on the server and continuous activity on the server/TS. It has allowed you to bond with most of our staff team which should hopefully make a nice and easy transfer for you to our very large and growing staff team. I look forward to seeing your name in the new Gold/Purple and working alongside you.

Now take a BIG +1 from me.

Best of luck on your application and hopefully upcoming trial,



The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
From my experience of you, you're friendly, helpful, and very fun to be around. You're application well thought out and answers the questions, so I personally think a trial would be sufficient. Though, unfortunately, none of this observation has been recent. Although I'm very close to a +1, for now it's a 0 - but I will be on and hopefully I'll see you then and you can change my mind, which, due to my already positive opinion on you, shouldn't be too hard. Good luck on the rest of your application!~


Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
The following exert was written by Tamzies, she's having issues posting on the forums.

"Midnight, I really like you and if you see your application it looks like a lot of work has gone into it. It has depth on things that other people forget in their application. Even the small questions have a large part to read. I love your dedication and the fact you always make a large glass house which everyone can join. I have seen you helping and I think you will do great with a trial. [BCOLOR=#ffffff]+1[/BCOLOR] from me, good luck with everything!" - Tamzies

As for my own opinions, I am very impressed with this application. As Tam said, it looks like a lot of work went into. This is a good example of a well thought-through application that sticks with the important points. Sometimes applicants tend to over-complicate what the responsibilities are.

As far as in-game goes, I agree you can be quiet at times. But you've been around for a long time. Even a year ago you were active and it seems to be the same as of these past few months. You always let others into your house and you have a very friendly attitude. I shouldn't be picking favorites but i really think you have one of the best personalities in RoF when you are talking. A very good balance of maturity and out-goingness. I hope to see you on trial soon. ;) +1

Does that mean this post adds up to a +2? I think it does. Don't see that often.


A&T Fiesh
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry for the delayed reply. I do not see you very often, this is probably just timezone related and a bit of bad luck since your ontime is good.

The application was good, well thought and well told. I've seen you ingame yesterday and I've been watching you over the course of about 5-7 rounds. In my opinion, you were VERY silent. All you did was say hello to friends logging in, no other word was said. You seem to just build with friends and let players join you, which is nice. I do know from my older experiences with you that you are friendly and mature. The silence troubles me though and therefore I will give you a 0. If I see otherwise into the future this will become a +1 in the future.


You're gonna have a bad time.
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry for the delayed reply. I do not see you very often, this is probably just timezone related and a bit of bad luck since your ontime is good.

The application was good, well thought and well told. I've seen you ingame yesterday and I've been watching you over the course of about 5-7 rounds. In my opinion, you were VERY silent. All you did was say hello to friends logging in, no other word was said. You seem to just build with friends and let players join you, which is nice. I do know from my older experiences with you that you are friendly and mature. The silence troubles me though and therefore I will give you a 0. If I see otherwise into the future this will become a +1 in the future.
That may have been during the time I kept having to go do something or I was doing all my talking on TS (or I didn't really know what to say, I really don't remember..so I guess this doesn't matter :p) . That being said, I completely understand what you're saying. I appreciate your response and I'm trying to work on improving that. c:
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I haven't been on for the past few days (since about the day you applied) due to real life stuff, so I feel like I haven't seen you enough to be able to form an opinion. From what I remember you're a nice and friendly person, but I just don't remember enough to justify a vote. I'm going with a 0, at least for now.
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