As of Sunday, October 5th, Rituals of Fire has had a new style of round introduced in celebration of our two year birthday. We've played around with the idea of having Classic style rounds for quite a while, but now they are making an official debut. Here's all you need to know about Classic rounds!
As of typing this, there is currently only one map that is playable in the classic style: Falls. We will be adding several others, but we wish the core of RoF to remain the normal survival rounds.
- During Classic rounds, all players and staff members have creative mode. This includes unlimited blocks of any type invincibility.
- Players and Operators will not have flight enabled.
- Inventories will be separate for this style of round. You do not have any access to your survival inventory or your enderchest.
- Players do not have access to their virtual cookie storage (/ck).
- Upon contact with lava, players will immediately be teleported to the world spawnpoint. Currently, this is the only penalty for touching lava. This is subject to change.
- Currently, the normal blocks melt at the appropriate moods. Calm burns wood, etc. This is also subject to change.
- Creative rounds will have an increased roundtime of 45 minutes as well as delayed lava, but bigger waves. This could change in the future as well.
Feel free to post any question you have concerning the rounds themselves or our future plans for it. We look forward to the fun to be had on this exciting new gamemode!
This is a thread meant to all those who have any thoughts or questions concerning the new style of round that was introduced last Sunday as a part of the RoF birthday celebration! Some of you have probably already played it and know what it's about, but I know a lot of players haven't.
As of typing this, there is currently only one map that is playable in the classic style: Falls. We will be adding several others, but we wish the core of RoF to remain the normal survival rounds.
- During Classic rounds, all players and staff members have creative mode. This includes unlimited blocks of any type invincibility.
- Players and Operators will not have flight enabled.
- Inventories will be separate for this style of round. You do not have any access to your survival inventory or your enderchest.
- Players do not have access to their virtual cookie storage (/ck).
- Upon contact with lava, players will immediately be teleported to the world spawnpoint. Currently, this is the only penalty for touching lava. This is subject to change.
- Currently, the normal blocks melt at the appropriate moods. Calm burns wood, etc. This is also subject to change.
- Creative rounds will have an increased roundtime of 45 minutes as well as delayed lava, but bigger waves. This could change in the future as well.
Feel free to post any question you have concerning the rounds themselves or our future plans for it. We look forward to the fun to be had on this exciting new gamemode!
This is a thread meant to all those who have any thoughts or questions concerning the new style of round that was introduced last Sunday as a part of the RoF birthday celebration! Some of you have probably already played it and know what it's about, but I know a lot of players haven't.