Survivor Okinawa


Jan 23, 2012
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There has been a tie between Oogliaraprincess and Nottyrulesteve

They got all of them right except #3. Oogliaraprincess wrote "Camera" and Nottyrulesteve wrote "Phones"

For the tie-breaker I'll send by PM what it's going to be.


Nalliedood is out of the Challenge. With no shot of winning immunity. Sorry Timdood3 , Kallie_S and Naoh

They got two wrong. #4 which they wrote "Music" and #5 which they wrote "Hazardous"


These were the answers:

1. Dog
2. Ostrich
3. Mirror
4. Heart
5. Audacious
6. Teeth
7. Culture
8. Airplane
9. Sorrowful
10. Shield


As an extra: lovedaice did it as well just for fun.

He got #3 and #5 wrong. No cookies for you, Love.




Jan 23, 2012
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Results #3

Well, once again Oogliaraprincess and Nottyrulesteve chose the correct answer. Damn, these Tribes are on fire.


It's going to come down to luck now.

Whichever Tribemate sees this first, then choose a chest. Either the one in the front or the on in the back.

Only one is correct.

Post it on this same thread.

Good Luck.​


Jan 23, 2012
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Resuls #4

After 1 Challenge, 2 Tie-Breakers and 1 Lucky Challenge, we finally have a winner.

Congratulations endersteve5 Nottykitten and cooliorules

You've won immunity and CAN'T be voted out for this voting.

For winning this Challenge, you'll be taken by jet and enjoy jumping out of it with a parachute! Then you'll have lunch at th beach.


Votings are open now

Send me your vote by PM with the name of TWO Survivors.

Survivors in danger:




Jan 23, 2012
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what how is lovedaice both on the jury and has a chance of returning

i do not understand
Exile Island keeps going. Even if you're voted out and you become part of the Jury, you still have a chance to return.

So in the case of you and FoxMccloud64 that didn't made it to the Jury, IF one of you comes back to the game and you're voted out for a second time then you WILL be part of the Jury this time. Meaning there won't be 7 Jury members anymore. It will be 8 in total.


Jan 23, 2012
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The Survivors who received the most votes against and will be in danger of leaving the Island are... Faliara and Toiletprincess

Faliara received 5 votes
Toiletprincess received 5 votes
Ooglie101 received 4 votes
Naoh received 3 votes
Kallie received 1 vote


Duel # 13


I'll create a PM with you two
You will send me your answer by PM.

It's individual. Can't ask anyone for help.

Win and you will stay. Lose and you will be out.

Good Luck.​


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score

The 12th Survivor voted out of Survivor Okinawa is... Faliara

Which means Toiletprincess is safe once again! She's turning into FoxMccloud65 2.0


This was their Challenge. Answer the questions with the correct answer.

1. What are two countries of Central America:

A.) Venezuela and El Salvador
B.) Brazil and Nicaragua
C.) Bolivia and Perú
D.) Honduras and Panamá

2. Which of these is NOT a vegetable:

A.) Carrot
B.) Avocado
C.) Potatoe
D.) Onion

3. Which of these is NOT a famous Fashion Designer:

A.) Herve Leger
B.) Salvatori Ferragamo
C.) Claudio Mazuni
D.) John Varvatos

4. In what year was the first automobile ever build:

A.) 1767
C.) 1768
D.) 1807

5. Which is these is NOT a dinosaur:

A.) Brachiosaurus
B.) Diplodocus
C.) Parasaurolphus
D.) Gaurosaurus

6. Which of these animals weighs the most:

A.) Yak
B.) Polar Bear
C.) Tiger
D.) Moose

7. Which is the 3rd smallest country:

A.) Tuvalu
B.) Nauru
C.) Monaco
D.) San Marino

Toiletprincess got 5 right. (Got #4 & #6 wrong)
Faliara got 3 right (Got #1, #3, #4 and #5 wrong)


Faliara, you've become the 2nd Member of the Jury. Stay in touch with the thread because you'll be very important at the end.

But for now you'll be heading to Exile Island next to Jivvi, FoxMccloud65 and Lovedaice. Where you might have the chance to come back.

You can say one last statement if you wish.

Faliara, the Tribe has spoken.

12 down. 8 left.


New Challenge coming soon.


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Step-By-Step Challenge

Let me go ahead and explain this Challenge.

So imagine this is a huge Chess-Like Board. You're all standing in the square with your name on.
Each round I'll be telling you guys to move 1 Space or 2 Spaces.

You can move either to Left, Right, Front or Back. (Depending where you are. Since some of you might not have a Right or Left right now)
You CAN'T move diagonally.

Once you step on a square, no one CAN'T step on it anymore.

What's the objective of the game? Don't run out of spaces to go by not trapping yourself or avoiding people trapping you.
If you have nowhere to go, then you'll be eliminated.

The last 2 Survivors left standing will win immunity.


I'll be updating the board with your respective color and the trail you'll be leaving behind. So there's no confusion.


For this 1st Round I'll be asking all of you to move 2 Spaces.

To avoid confusion this first round I'll be giving some sense of orientation:

Timdood: If you move towards Kallie then that's Right. If you move towards Coolio then that's Front.
Cooliorules: If you move towards Timdood then that's Left. If you mve towards the Center then that's Front. If you move towards Ender then that's Right.
Endersteve: If you move towards Toilet then that's Right. If you move towards Coolio then that's Front.
Toiletprincess:If you move towards Ender then that's Left. If you move towards Notty then that's Right. If you move to the Center then that's Front.
Nottykitten: If you move towards Naoh then that's Front. If you move towards Toilet then that's Left.
Naoh: If you move towards Notty then that's Left. If you move towards Ooglie then that's Right. If you move towards the Center then that's Front.
Ooglie: If you move towards Naoh then that's Front. If you move towards Kallie then that's Right.
Kallie: If you move to the Center then that's Front. If you move towards Timdood then that's Right. If you move towards Ooglie then that's Left.


Trust me, the game will NOT be confusing if you read what I wrote carefully.


Keep in mind this Challenge will take a while. So think very well about your strategy.

1st Round you all will move 2 Spaces.

So you depending where you are you can be like: "I'll like to move Left and then Front" Or "Left Left" Or "Right Right" or whatever you want within your possibilities.

I've randomly selected the first one to move:

Ooglie101 send me by PM where you'll like to move. Remember, 2 Spaces.​
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