Are You Going To Tell Your Children About Santa? ((spoilers))


May 16, 2012
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If I ever end up having children, I'll let them figure out about Santa themselves, like I did just a couple years ago. I figured out how my parents didn't want to tell me straight up "lol he's not really real we just acted that out for 11 years, okay?" Since it could affect my other beliefs. By other beliefs, I mean Christianity and the belief of one true "God". If I were told that Santa wasn't real one day by the two people I trust most, I'd eventually begin to question other magical beings like God himself. (I don't really believe in him now, but that's from other reasons.)
My parents managed to leave obvious clues around, like using the same wrapping paper for their gifts and Santa's gifts, saying dumb things like "Man, those were some yummy cookies!" the morning of Christmas, etc etc. By the age of 10-11, I put two and two together and voila. I consulted my parents, and they admitted it. I was still pretty sad to hear that my "theory" was true, but it's not as bad as being told "Santa's not real." in an instant. As for my belief in God, I still then believed in him for the fact that I've seen no clues that he is NOT real, unlike the clues I've seen with Santa. (As I grew older I begin to see clues that there's a chance that God isn't real at all, so that's why I don't believe in him now.)
You see, as children start growing up, they begin to lose their innocence. They begin to question things with no answer, and if there is an answer..half of the time it's not the one they want to hear. As humans, we adapt to the fact that life doesn't always have a happy ending like those Disney movies we see every year . All of those super heroes that you're convinced are real, all those Prince and the Princess stories with a happy marriage at the end- To me, they're just cloaks of what life really seems to be. Each generation wants the younger generation to enjoy their childhood as much as they can, so we come up with entertaining content for them to love and enjoy. Even now, some children grow up with the fantasy, like Pokémon, Atla/LoK, whatever, and I'm glad for them. As a way of coping, I'm certain that without fantasy the world would be a boring and depressing place. (At this point I think I'm just blabbering) In summary, Santa and all that other stuff is a way of coping and growing up as you prepare for the "depressing" life with consequences in every step. Enjoy childhood while you can, my friends. (Even though 3/4s of you guys are older.)
Also, please don't just tell kids that "Santa's not real" .It's like stealing their blanket of hope and happiness in a blizzard of cruelty (Seriously, just look at the world now.) Let them realize things by themselves if they ever do, and if they don't- Well, just don't ruin things for them. I understand that we all just have to "grow up", but everyone grows up at their own pace. Look at your/my classmates, for example. Some of them still believe that the Tooth fairy is real, right? But then others have known since the age of 7-8 that's just "a bunch of baloney" . So um. yeah. (10/10 closing statement)

This is probably really flawed out but I hope I got the point across.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Ok, I wasn't trying to imply santa is the only good thing in the world, but lordy your living under a rock if you don't see all the depressing shit in the world. Economic collapses around the world, constant wars, hell just looking at our good ol' American news I see EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. about racism (hey guys, that 12 year old had a air gun in the park AND WAS BLACK SO HE DESERVED DEATH!!!), TORTURE, people barely making by and your logic is throw something nice out because "eh we should have conversations."

This is a PUBLIC FORUM. You talk about "scarred by this thread" but curious would you go in a mall and tell kids this? Seriously, would you go into a mall, popular restaurant, etc. and proclaim "Santa isn't real guys! Santa is NOT real!" This conversation doesn't really serve any purpose at the expense of possibly screwing with alot of people.

And I know we all wanna act all tough and stuff "oh we are teenagers hur dur" but there are still quite a bit of people in this community who AREN'T big and all grown up with chest hairs and still believe. And LOL SPOILER LOLOL YEAH BECAUSE "Are you going to tell your children about santa" FOLLOW BY A SPOILER IS GONNA STOP A KID YEAH THANKS GUYS FUNNY.

EDIT: Will also add, it amazes me the selfishness, willing to pull the rug out from under kids the day after freaking Christmas just because you want to have a conversation. Go on reddit or PM someone if you want lordy.
How many of those kids that believe in Santa are on the forums every day, actively checking every thread? How many of those are on reddit, a website with (probably, I don't have the exact statistics) millions of users? Okay, you were told the big "secret" two years ago and apparently still believed until that day, which honestly amazes me by itself (before you jump on me for that statement, don't take that as an insult, it's not meant as one), but I'll bet that most of us figure it out ourselves and at a younger age. Here's a wild thought: learning that
santa isn't real
doesn't make every single kid depressed, it's not the end of the world for every kid and perhaps it would be better to find something good in this world which is actually real to maintain hope that the horrible, horrible world we live in will get better, instead of relying on fantasy characters, who will sooner or later be exposed as fantasy anyway.

In any case, this is a discussion regarding whether or not we want to tell our kids if Santa is real or not, not a secret plan for lulz and giggles by exposing Santa as an imaginary character and going to the malls to shout it in the face of every 8-year old that comes by. I really don't understand the hostility.


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
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Ok, I wasn't trying to imply santa is the only good thing in the world, but lordy your living under a rock if you don't see all the depressing shit in the world. Economic collapses around the world, constant wars, hell just looking at our good ol' American news I see EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. about racism (hey guys, that 12 year old had a air gun in the park AND WAS BLACK SO HE DESERVED DEATH!!!), TORTURE, people barely making by and your logic is throw something nice out because "eh we should have conversations."[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]This is a PUBLIC FORUM. You talk about "scarred by this thread" but curious would you go in a mall and tell kids this? Seriously, would you go into a mall, popular restaurant, etc. and proclaim "Santa isn't real guys! Santa is NOT real!" This conversation doesn't really serve any purpose at the expense of possibly screwing with alot of people.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]And I know we all wanna act all tough and stuff "oh we are teenagers hur dur" but there are still quite a bit of people in this community who AREN'T big and all grown up with chest hairs and still believe. And LOL SPOILER LOLOL YEAH BECAUSE "Are you going to tell your children about santa" FOLLOW BY A SPOILER IS GONNA STOP A KID YEAH THANKS GUYS FUNNY.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]EDIT: Will also add, it amazes me the selfishness, willing to pull the rug out from under kids the day after freaking Christmas just because you want to have a conversation. Go on reddit or PM someone if you want lordy.
This is not the mall and we are not children; your holier than thou attitude is not helping anyone. What fuckin kids other than you are you mindlessly assuming this thread harms? What really keeps bringing me back to this thread is that you keep calling people selfish while your manic defeatist disposition is a disgusting slap in the face to the goodwill of humans, like, take a look at your pitiful display first before you shake your fist angrily at a bunch of people discussing Santa. I see a ton of the shit going on in the world right now but I will not stop being joyful and hopeful, and it's not because of Santa.
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Jan 20, 2012
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I can see your confusion here Trap_Wolf. We need to let our kids use their imagination, like believing in Santa Claus. If they didn't use their imagination, they wouldn't be as smart as they would be if they used it. And it's also a fun thing to do with the kids, to put presents under the tree saying it was Santa Claus who put it there. Besides, Santa DOES exist, because he was based off of Saint Nicholis, who did about the same thing as he does, gave presents to people. Hope this helped!
But will the kids be using their imagination or ours if we tell them about it?

This thread actually has some very deep psychological and philosophical roots, there's a lot of reading you can do about it. The first that comes to my mind is Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon. I'm sure that my children would find out about Santa anyway, but I don't know how I'd handle it. That's a decision that would need to be discussed with their mother first anyway.


Apr 2, 2013
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Da Jinks you do realize you must be 13+ to register on this forum, right
Doesn‘t matter, we have this right here:
I can see your confusion here Trap_Wolf. We need to let our kids use their imagination, like believing in Santa Claus. If they didn't use their imagination, they wouldn't be as smart as they would be if they used it. And it's also a fun thing to do with the kids, to put presents under the tree saying it was Santa Claus who put it there. Besides, Santa DOES exist, because he was based off of Saint Nicholis, who did about the same thing as he does, gave presents to people. Hope this helped!


Jan 23, 2012
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There's no escaping the propaganda of Santa, which will spark a child's curiosity and imagination.
What Digitalmez said right here is true.

I don't really see any harm in kids believing in Santa. For me, there's not really any negatives in this. I think imagination is a normal part of development, and helps develop creative minds.

After all, let's remember the figure of Santa Claus was originally from a guy called Saint Nicholas (His real name was Nikolaos of Myra). Which he actually existed. He was basically known for giving gifts and money to the poor.
So this is not really a made up story full of lies. Of course we all know the Santa Claus with his flying raindeers and his elfs aren't real, but the origin isn't.

I don't think I could necessarily say it's a good thing, but I would certainly say it's not harmful. I actually don't think there's anything wrong with either decision. Whether you believe in Santa or not as a kid.

I just know I'm not going to be that kind of parent that will force my kids to believe or not to believe in something. I want to give them that freedom. After all, all I would care is to spend a good time with my family and the peope I love and care about during Christmas.


Back to this.
Yes, if I have kids, I'll inform them about the story of Saint Nick. I'll also inform them of several religions when they're young. I'm an Atheist myself, but it wouldn't be my job to wrangle my kids into a religion or a belief in Santa. I'll tell them I personally don't believe in any type of God or Santa or the freaking Cookie Monster, but I'll let them choose for themselves.


Scott Pilgrim
Dec 7, 2013
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Most of todays teens, including yours truly, do not want kids.
i want kids
for all you people who don't want kids, i'll just have another kid in your honour

i'll have all the kids in the world and all of them will believe in santa
Jeez we need more of you in this world Iguana. I love you.

EDIT: That was really well put Ansoro2112


May 14, 2012
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i dont want to have kids, may change opinion as i age, but i think i would in their very young childhood, i am christian, so i would tell them about it, but i would also let them ponder about santa. my parents never really let me believe in santa, they outright told me 'he's not real', which makes some children sad and less curious and fun. but you know, waking up at 12:01 every night for a couple years, eating a shitton of cookies and milk, placing presents under the tree, then going to sleep not feeling well to the number of cookies eaten, i could only do that once a year.


Feb 29, 2012
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I feel as though the tale of Santa is just one way to make the holiday season feel special for children as they get excited as they go to sleep knowing Santa is going to leave them gifts. Sure, you don't have to tell your kids about Santa it wouldn't really matter if you still celebrate by showing your kids the importance of giving , or other values that you think are important for your child to learn around the holiday season. Point is that I see Santa as a tool for parents to pass what values they want their child to have as they grow up.


The Fail Chipmunk
Jan 1, 2012
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people say they think it's good that children believe in Santa because it's using their imagination, it isn't really using the kids' imagination because they aren't imagining it themselves, it's something they're told about and its presented as fact. To them it's as real as anything else.