Survivor Okinawa


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score

The Survivor returning to Survivor Okinawa and will still have another shot to be the Sole Survivor is... Faliara!

That means it's the end of the road for Jivvi, FoxMccloud64 and lovedaice.


Okay, Faliara, I now need you to send me by PM a picture you want me to use in the video I'll be making of the Final 8. I also need you to send me a phrase or statement that represents you as a player in Survivor this far.

After I post the video we'll get to the New Challenge!

Also, the answer was indeed Crystal!

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Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Murder Circus Challenge

First of all, I'd like to thank Fiestaguy for coming up with this Challenge! It was all his idea.

This Challenge will have a similar objective to the last duel. Which is finding out the killer. But this time, your job will not only be finding out the killer, but the time of death AND murder weapon. Whoever has the most points at the end, will win immunity.

Culprit (5 pts)

Time of death (5 pts)

Murder weapon (5 pts)


Victim: 'Jean Léon' (Age 34, Lion tamer)


James Whiteman (Age 69, Ringmaster)
Jerry 'Bob' Kleinman (Age ??, Clown)
Bilbo (Age 23, Circus Chimpanzee)
Regent Toupet (Age 43, Magician)
Regina Curlet (Age 34, Lion tamer assistant)


Victim was found in the stables. Two bullet holes were found in the stall door behind the body. Several major lacerations were found on the shoulder and neck. Victim's neck was twisted at a 90 degree angle. A heavy wooden box filled with hay was found suspended by a rope tied to a hook on the ceiling. Autopsies show the victim died due to blood loss from one bullet wound in the chest, and blunt-force trauma to the head. Blood splatters were found on the ladder leading up to a suspended platform.


First witness: James Whiteman
Q. What were you doing at the night of the murder?
A. I was in my office from 5 o' clock. After that, I went downstairs to the cafeteria, and had dinner until 6 o' clock. I stayed in my office until 9 o' clock, and then left to go home.

Q. Did you notice anything weird that night?
A. At 8 o' clock, I heard five loud bangs from the first floor, followed by a quiet 'thump' sound. I didn't pay much thought to it, as I suspected it was one of our performers practicing.

Second witness: Jerry 'bob' Kleinman
Q. What were you doing on the night of the murder?
A. I was in my room practicing my jokes until 7 o' clock, whereupon I had dinner until 8 o' clock. At 9 o' clock, I went to Regent's office to have a chat with him about our collaborative project. I left the circus at 10 o' clock.

Q. Did you notice anything weird that night?
A. I heard four bangs from far away. I also lost my hat somewhere on the way to Regent's office.

Third witness: Bilbo
Q. What were you doing at the night of the murder?
A. *Witness started making monkey noises, picking up a revolver from a nearby table, and proceeded to shoot a target on the other side of the ring* Ooh aah aah aah!

Q. Did you notice anything weird that night?
*Witness walked over to a small bench and picked up a blue hat with a fake flower sticking out from the top. Witness then angrily starter scratching a nearby red curtain.*

Fourth witness: Regent Toupet
Q. What were you doing at the night of the murder?
I was sitting in my office from 5 o' clock until 12 o' clock. I was the last to leave the circus. I didn't eat, because I wasn't hungry. At 9 o' clock, Bob visited me to talk to me.

Q. Did you notice anything weird that night?
A. When I was ready to leave my office, I found a small red-white coloured juggling club near the door. It smelled kind of weird, don't know why.

Oh, and before I leave, let me tell you that Jean had it coming, he's been constantly sucking money out of the ringmaster every since we started, someone had to do something or we'd end up on the street.

Fifth witness: Regina Curlet
Q. What were you doing at the night of the murder?
A. I ate at 7 o' clock to 8 o' clock. From 8 o' clock to 11 o' clock, I was in the stables on a raised platform, taking care of a few things for the next days' show.

Q. Did you notice anything weird that night?
A. at 9 o' clock, I was struck on the back of the head by someone, and was unconscious until 10 o' clock. When I woke up, there was a bleeding wound in my neck.


Send me by PM answering these questions:

Who was the culprit? (5 pts)
When was the victim killed? (5 pts)
What was the murder weapon? (5 pts)


Remember, the Challenge is individual. You can't help each other.

Timdood3 Nottykitten Kallie_S Naoh endersteve5 Faliara Ooglie101 cooliorules

Good Luck, Survivors!

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The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Glad to see Ansoro likes it ^^

I will be accepting bribes starting at $50

EDIT: Ansoro2112 I think something went wrong, you stated '5 points, 4 points, 2 points' at the top, and '5 points, 5 points, 5 points' at the bottom. I should leave it up to you which one you actually want to use 0-0 Iknow it's partially my fault for stating them differently in the PM but okay.


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
EDIT: Ansoro2112 I think something went wrong, you stated '5 points, 4 points, 2 points' at the top, and '5 points, 5 points, 5 points' at the bottom. I should leave it up to you which one you actually want to use 0-0 Iknow it's partially my fault for stating them differently in the PM but okay.
Changed it. Thanks for telling me.