It crashed after I did .tell...
your bot is taking on its' own consciousness. we are all fucked.Damn you, vijai.
v1.5.1 is nearly done. This one won't crash.
Elementbot will be kept down for now, since the newest version is about 90% done.
Make that 70% done...
[15:51] == mode/#gote [+v Elementbot] by ChanServ
[15:54] <Fiestaguy> .def diepls
[15:54] <Fiestaguy> Wtf Elementbot why are you alive
[15:54] <Fiestaguy> I killed you
[15:54] <Fiestaguy> WHAT
*Quietly changes name to Necrobot*
not only its own consciousness but the ability to rise up from the dead, the situation is even more dire than it appears to beyour bot is taking on its' own consciousness. we are all fucked.
Dirtcake crashed something that never crashed before, huh.[20:57:03] <dirtcake_> .math atan 1
[20:57:03] * Elementbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)