LOL: The League Of Legends

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Oct 21, 2011
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I like how despite the fact that I said for MONTHS before the season started to not play ranked the first day of the new season, everyone is doing it anyway and all are experiencing the same shit I warned you all would happen. I WARNED YOU ALL BUT NO DON'T LISTEN TO ME
they fixed the early season placement system (people going 10/0 and getting bronze from plat) but I overestimated the decency of humans who play league of legends


Mafia Host
Aug 11, 2011
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Pokemon365 3v5 isn't THAT easy
literally played a 4v5 then a 3v5, then actually a 5v5 and won
voli afk because lunch ad afk because boss called jungle afk without a word, eventually came back
loving this new season
Let's take a closer look.

Scoreboard of the akali game, did worst on the team somehow even with an afk. Let's check the kills.

Ahri's kills:

Pace's deaths:

Obviously he fed cause of the afk. :^)


Oct 21, 2011
Reaction score
Let's take a closer look.

Scoreboard of the akali game, did worst on the team somehow even with an afk. Let's check the kills.

Ahri's kills:

Pace's deaths:

Obviously he fed cause of the afk. :^)
Whee did I say I fed because of the afk? Voli doc for first 8 min, then thresh afk for rest of game when Lucian flamed him. Why would I keep trying lmao my duo and I just messed around all game, I literally never said I played poorly because of an adk
Let's take a closer look.

Scoreboard of the akali game, did worst on the team somehow even with an afk. Let's check the kills.

Ahri's kills:

Pace's deaths:

Obviously he fed cause of the afk. :^)
gj wasting your time. My duo and I fucked around once we realised it was a 3v5, with the 2 dc's coming back to remain useless until 20, so we kept fucking around until the end.

Didn't think my ranked games mattered since everyone plays them, not sure why you care how my game went. Gj finding graphs to show that I died, real difficult concept there.


Mafia Host
Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
Whee did I say I fed because of the afk? Voli doc for first 8 min, then thresh afk for rest of game when Lucian flamed him. Why would I keep trying lmao my duo and I just messed around all game, I literally never said I played poorly because of an adk

gj wasting your time. My duo and I fucked around once we realised it was a 3v5, with the 2 dc's coming back to remain useless until 20, so we kept fucking around until the end.

Didn't think my ranked games mattered since everyone plays them, not sure why you care how my game went. Gj finding graphs to show that I died, real difficult concept there.


TNT Drama Queen
Nov 18, 2011
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Alright, time for a psa. I've been seeing this in solo queue a lot lately, especially because he's a popular pick in the lcs right now, and it makes me cringe every time I see it.

Don't play graves.
I know that wild turtle or doublelift or whatever play him a lot, I know the lcs has brought a lot of exposure, but...

Don't play graves. He's strong right now, I understand that, but he's strong in very specific, lcs friendly ways, and those don't translate well to solo queue.

He gets out scaled by all the other meta ads but corki, and corkis midgame is stronger than graves, which is the time where graves should theoretically be strongest anyways. I know he snowballs hard, but so do most of the meta ads right now. Any adc snowballs harx, for that matter. He doesn't really bring anything super unique to the table, and it doesn't outweigh his fradeoffs.

His range is shit, and since this is solo queue your positioning is also pretty shit, which means that it's easier to kill a bad graves than a bad cait, or trist, especially because his escape is one of the worst out of all the meta ads except for jinx (and she has bombass range and poke anways, please play jinx I love seeing jinx).

But most importantly he sucks when he's behind. even if he's ahead sits easy for a graves to get caught and die, but a behind graves has such terrible range that he basically can't pump out damage. I cannot emphasize how bad his range is.

Because it's solo queue, I'm assuming that, as a worst case scenario, you're going to be 0/7 by the end of laning pbase, and I would so much rather have an 0/7 Caitlin or trist, especially because it's harder to go 0/7 on them because of longer range and safer playstyle

So please, please don't play gravss in solo queue.

This has been a psa.


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
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Alright, time for a psa. I've been seeing this in solo queue a lot lately, especially because he's a popular pick in the lcs right now, and it makes me cringe every time I see it.

Don't play graves.
I know that wild turtle or doublelift or whatever play him a lot, I know the lcs has brought a lot of exposure, but...

Don't play graves. He's strong right now, I understand that, but he's strong in very specific, lcs friendly ways, and those don't translate well to solo queue.

He gets out scaled by all the other meta ads but corki, and corkis midgame is stronger than graves, which is the time where graves should theoretically be strongest anyways. I know he snowballs hard, but so do most of the meta ads right now. Any adc snowballs harx, for that matter. He doesn't really bring anything super unique to the table, and it doesn't outweigh his fradeoffs.

His range is shit, and since this is solo queue your positioning is also pretty shit, which means that it's easier to kill a bad graves than a bad cait, or trist, especially because his escape is one of the worst out of all the meta ads except for jinx (and she has bombass range and poke anways, please play jinx I love seeing jinx).

But most importantly he sucks when he's behind. even if he's ahead sits easy for a graves to get caught and die, but a behind graves has such terrible range that he basically can't pump out damage. I cannot emphasize how bad his range is.

Because it's solo queue, I'm assuming that, as a worst case scenario, you're going to be 0/7 by the end of laning pbase, and I would so much rather have an 0/7 Caitlin or trist, especially because it's harder to go 0/7 on them because of longer range and safer playstyle

So please, please don't play gravss in solo queue.

This has been a psa.
I am way to good at this game for anything you just typed


Oct 2, 2011
Reaction score
"If you aren't diamond, you're not good enough to play gravss in solo queue."

I eagerly await the addition of this "gravss".
On the off chance you meant Graves (which seems unlikely), then you just suck at ADC.


Tyoping Legned
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
graves is good because all you need to do in a fight is press q then r and win
maybe he's not good in silver because teamfights happen once and that decides the game but he's still a really oppressive lane bully against pretty much everyone that isn't cait or sivir

idk about the point about getting outscaled i don't follow the pro scene at all but he really doesn't get outscaled by sivir, cait, jinx, of course he gets outscaled by vayne, kog, trist

and i quote GoldenValley "i am diamond and i can confirm it doesn't take diamond to play graves because he is braindead"
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