Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score

Gladly, I officially welcome all of you to Survivor Tuvalu, Season 9.

As you all know by now, I'll be your host. So any questions you might have can be asked to me.

I'm going to go ahead and explain some points real quick, so please read them because they're important:

1.) First of all, "Duels" are still going to be part of this season. For those who don't know what Duels are, I'll explain. As you know, I'll be giving a Challenge every now and then for the 4 Tribes. The Tribe that loses, will sadly need to vote out 2 Survivors from their own Tribe. But, both of them won't be leaving the game. Only one of them will. So there's when the Duel comes out. Those 2 Survivors will face each other in a Mini-Duel. Whoever wins that Duel, will be safe for another day and will return to his/her Tribe. Whoever loses, will be voted out.

2.) Second of all, there will be an "Exile Island" this season. Let me go ahead and explain what that is (For the new ones). So that Survivor that I talked about above that loses the Duel, will not necessarily be out of the game. He/She will be taken to an excluded Island called Exile Island. All you're going to do there is wait. For what? Well, once Exile Island gets 5 Survivors who have been voted out, they will be facing in the "Exile Island Challenge" That is going to be your very LAST chance to come back to the game. Only 1 Survivor can win. The other 4 that don't, will be taken back home and will be out for good. And trust me, this comebacks are very important, because I've seen from previous seasons, Survivors being voted out and coming back to the game and EVEN end up winning the Season. So its never over till its over.

3.) Thirdly, "Jury Members". This is a very important part. For those Survivors that get 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th place, will become Jury Members. What is that? Well, as you know the Final will be between the last 3 Survivors left standing. And how will it be decided who wins between those 3, Ansoro? Great question! That's when the Jury Members come in. Those 10 Survivors will vote for 1 Survivors out of the three that they think deserve to win this Survivor Season. That's why it's hard to win the game, because the Survivors you once voted out from the game, are the ones you will need their vote at the end to win Survivor Tuvalu. You need to be very careful and smart with your moves in this game.

4.) Fourthly, "Immunities" and "Hidden Immunities". As I told before, every time your Tribe wins a Challenge, you'll win Immunity. That simply keeps your whole Tribe safe from elimination for a while.
Now, Hidden Immunities. I'm going to go ahead and randomly give a Hidden Immunity to 1 Survivor of each Tribe. That's going to be yours to keep. That can be very useful if you use it at the right time. So for example, if your Tribe loses and you think you might be voted out, you can send me a PM saying that you'll like to use your Hidden Immunity. So that will automatically protects you, and you won't be going to any Duel or Exile Island. Instead, the Survivor that had the most votes after him/her, will take his place. Its a very tricky thing to have. You can decide if you wish to tell your Tribemates OR keep it a secret. I'll be sending a PM to those 4 Survivors from each Tribe letting them know that they got a Hidden Immuntiy.

5.) And finally, PMs. You are allowed to start creating alliances/teams and start making strategy with others by PM or in this same thread (Which is kind of silly, because you'll be making it public). But there's a rule, you NEED to add me in every single PM you create with someone else. I need to keep an eye on everything. Also, you can't talk about Survivor anywhere else. Just in this thread and PMs. Fail to follow this rule, and I'll have to kick you out of the game. If you wish, you can start talking to people in your own Tribe or you can start teaming up with people OUTSIDE your Tribe as well. Because later on, Tribes will be no more. And the game will become an individual game. So keep that in mind.


That would be it! If you skipped the part above, don't be a little rebel. Go back and read because you're missing important things.


Okay! Now the part everyone is waiting for. Tribes. I analyzed and thought very well about this. So here is it:

Heroes Tribe:

Theoo 9th Survivor voted out.
Alpha102 1st one voted out.
ChronosStar524 16th Survivor voted out. 5th Member of the Jury.
Faliara 5th one voted out.
Ooglie101 22th Survivor voted out. 11th Member of the Jury.
tommyleej 11th Survivor voted out.

Villains Tribe:

77thShad 15th Survivor voted out. 4th Member of the Jury.
Shanebat1 4th one voted out.
Enderfive 17th Survivor voted out. 6th Member of the Jury.
Fruit 14th Survivor voted out. 3rd Member of the Jury.
Fiestaguy 6th one voted out.
Jivvi 10th Survivor voted out

Neutrals Tribe:

Timdood3 19th Survivor voted out. 8th Member of the Jury.
nitasu987 21th Survivor voted out. 10th Member of the Jury.
cooliorules 7th Survivor voted out.

Aika 8th Survivor voted out.
FoxMccloud64 20th Survivor voted out.
9th Member of the Jury.
raxo2222 3rd Survivor voted out.

Newbies Tribe:

Hunter 13th Survivor voted out. 2nd Member of the Jury.
Wink 12th Survivor voted out. 1st Member of the Jury.
CaffeinatedKitty 23th Survivor voted out. 12th and Final Member of the Jury.
BiggestKirbyFan 18th Survivor voted out. 7th Member of the Jury.

MrRockman888 2nd Survivor voted out.


There you go! Your New Tribe. I'll be creating the PMs for the New Tribes. (That's the PM you'll use to complete Challenges). You can also start by making alliances with others and start with strategy. Just don't forget to add me.

First order of business! As a team, come up with a Tribe Name. Post your suggestions in this same thread. Try your name to be related to your Tribe Section. After there's several of them, you'll vote for which one you like the most. After all Tribes have a name, we'll start with the first challenge of the season.

One last and important thing, PLEASE click on the "Watch Thread" option. If you don't click that, you won't be receiving any notifications. So please do that.

Survivor Tuvalu has officially begun. Have fun, be smart and good luck!

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Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Tribe Names so far:




-Silicon Dioxide
-White Gold Masterrace
-All Your Tribe Are Belong To Us
-Keepers of Dank Memes
- I Don't Even Know Why I'm Typing Such Monstrosities
- The Villains (mighty original, this one)
-The Potatoes
- Fight Club
-Overlarge Cutting Implements
-Rick Astley
-Shane Sucks
-Dota 2 Scunge


-Runaway Laamas


-Billybob Go
-Yellow Jackets
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